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Everything posted by risingson

  1. [quote name='Doctor J' timestamp='1340388066' post='1703982'] I've never needed more sustain than even the shittiest bass could provide. [/quote] Likewise. And I struggle to think of a type of music where I'd require my bass to sustain for extraordinary periods of time, the idea of 'sustain' on basses marketed as such always seemed a false economy to me.
  2. Enjoyed it! Unfortunately one or two of the people they'd chosen to interview had some fairly moronic things to say which always gets my wick and were largely talking out of their arse. One of them dared to utter the phrase "The Velvet Underground were the most influential band of all time" which was annoying to say the least. Give me a million Gary Kemp's over those lot, he was a lot more plain-spoken about it all.
  3. [quote name='Samashton12' timestamp='1340044694' post='1698246'] Macca used a pick, i play exclusively with a pick because i love the tone i get. Jared Followill is a mainly pick player too.. [/quote] Refreshing to see Jared Followill as a key influence! Some of his newer bass parts have been really interesting.
  4. This is great, I actually really loved the solo too. I guess they probably thought that the mid-section might have been a bit too overbearing with it in!
  5. What a bass player... what a songwriter. Happy birthday Sir Paul!
  6. I almost didn't click on the article, because I knew exactly what to expect and knew that I'd end up getting annoyed. Needless to say, after reading the article, I'm annoyed. But NME don't have a clue, and never will! I don't know if I have a favourite bass line as such, but the one at always springs to mind as perfectly crafted is Paul McCartney's part on 'Something'. A bass line is only as good at the song it was played on.
  7. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1339879113' post='1695906'] Except its a 'worst bass players' thread, so his songwriting ability is irrelevant... [b]He's a crap bassist. End of.[/b] [/quote] Wasn't aware you word was gospel? Plenty of others would disagree I'm sure, he inspired a generation of people to take up music, bass, whatever, one or two I know of who've gone on to be the most accomplished musicians and writers I have the pleasure of knowing. My ex-Guitar player for one, an outstanding musician. I suppose the bit I struggle the most is the opinion put forward as fact, these kinds of threads are rife with it.
  8. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1339787190' post='1694481'] The guy from Manic Street Preachers whose name I cant remember or be bothered to look up... Oh, and Sheenan. He's just a guitard with a four string! [/quote] That'd be their main songwriter Nicky Wire. His songwriting is far more interesting than his bass playing. Which leads me onto why threads like this are generally so dull. There's far more reason for me to enjoy something someone has written incredibly well (lyrics, melody, harmony) than there is for me to hear something played note perfect. Sum of all the parts and that.
  9. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1339762959' post='1693898'] But does it really matter? [/quote] No, providing you're having a good time. Plus, we're all guilty of undervaluing what we don't understand. The key is to understanding the things we undervalue before we undervalue them.
  10. The concept of 'pick playing being for amateurs' or whatever is moronic. Luckily most people get this now, and those that don't generally don't have a good understanding of music and are happy to propagate that lack of understanding to a wider audience... enter Youtube and such.
  11. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1339670223' post='1692270'] Shouldn't he be showing people to their seats. [/quote] Hahaha I enjoyed that! I like the original tune too.
  12. Never seen this thread before. Best - Bass Gallery, although the reception I got there the first time I went (and subsequently bought an entire Eden rig) was a little cold, the other times have been great. Really great in fact. And I'd buy there again. Mark from Bass Direct has always been outstanding to deal with as well. Worst - too many. Dawsons are top of my most disliked list (no disrespect to my friend Ste here!). The Liverpool guys are no good and haven't been for years.
  13. I love Off the Wall, I rate it as one of my favourite albums of all time for a few of the reasons you mentioned. Jaco was a big trendsetter though with a lot of what he did. I did like a lot of his very synthy stuff but by the end of Dangerous his production team was a shadow of its former self, and Jaco as far as I'm concerned was always best when he was writing with real instruments in mind.
  14. Their perfection and attention to detail was just part of their music as much as the music itself. I love Steely Dan, but there are times I need music that is just a bit rougher and readier to balance them out a bit. They're certainly inspiring people to watch work.
  15. Honestly, if I had the money right now I'd take this. It's a wonderful price and clearly a wonderful instrument too. Best of luck with the sale, times are hard!
  16. [quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1339015238' post='1682574'] It's all relative, how much is a beer in Stockholm? [/quote] Anything from 8 to £12 upwards sometimes. Stockholm is incredibly expensive, and I wouldn't advise buying an instrument from over in Sweden because the prices of stuff is very high (although in relation to salaries in the country it all works out). A shame really as Stockholm has got one or two really great music stores, especially for vintage Fender fans.
  17. These are outstanding instruments, I wouldn't get rid of my DJ for the world and the class of instrument by far outstrips Fender's counterparts. Have a bump!
  18. [quote name='bigsmokebass' timestamp='1338920961' post='1681148'] So the bass he played . . . . Was it the German or Chinese one? [/quote] Something tells me that it was German!
  19. That's really unbelievably low of someone to do that to you. I do hope you get your gear back, in the meanwhile I'll be vigilant.
  20. I've seen this guy, only because I was searching for Sharay Reed vids and this popped up. The clip is indeed the gallery, and Sharay can't half play.
  21. This is an insane bargain. Literally. Very best of luck with the sale, I would be buying this if my Darryl Jones 4 wasn't exactly the same colour with identical block inlays.
  22. The rest of the boys in the band find it hilarious that I use this site, but I don't care... it's too good, and I'm too big of a nerd to not want to talk about bass!! Haha
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