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Everything posted by risingson

  1. Not had experience matching up my TC RH750 with any Trace cabs but I can highly recommend TC's RS212's and 210's. They go very well with their amp counterparts and I am extremely happy with mine. Light too, at least compared to my old rig.
  2. Fair enough, I think this kind of music and/or bass playing (take your pick) is very easy to dislike but the point has been pretty well laboured now, like Jaco, hate Jaco etc. The facts are that the guy was an extraordinary musician, arranger and bass player. I think often we can try too hard to dislike music that isn't to our tastes but in reality there's always something to be gained even from the music that we can't stand... even more in this case as we're all bass players. Not every one of Jaco's live performances is necessarily to my tastes, but then neither were Jimi Hendrix's - and yet he had a profound impact on the future of his instrument and indeed the future of a lot of music. Just take music at face value and enjoying it becomes a lot easier.
  3. [quote name='jakenewmanbass' timestamp='1338282730' post='1671952'] Yes mate, Marcus was on the session yesterday, what a lovely guy and player, and yes we discussed the fact that we both used to live in Liverpool...! [/quote] Marcus is a really nice guy and a great player too. He came and jammed with us after one of his gigs in Liverpool a month or two back. Small world
  4. Jake, does Marcus Bonfanti have any involvement with this guy? I've seen his name crop up before through conversations, friends of friends etc. Superb pics by the way, what I'd do to record in somewhere as prestigious as Abbey Road!
  5. All round classic producer, he's done a lot of great things. Thanks for the clip la!
  6. Wonderful bass, wonderful player and a wonderful guy too. Best of luck selling this Si, hope you're well! Drunken Funkster
  7. risingson


    If you decide to sell then I'd be very interested in this. Otherwise, best of luck!
  8. [quote name='Cookers' timestamp='1337898832' post='1667326'] Thanks every one some really good ideas Just finding myself constantly playing the same old riffs and no concentration whilst trying something new. I don't play in a band currently but think having someone to jam with and push me might be exactly what I need. Thanks again , I'l definitely be checking out those links as well [/quote] Learn a bass line that you think is too difficult/challenging for your own personal level. I'm not talking about the newest 'Victor Wooten bass solo extraordinaire' style lick that you've seen on YT, but maybe something by your favourite bass player that you thought might be out of the realms of your own playing. It does wonders for generating work for your ear, and in turn your muscle memory will store new ideas that will come out as a natural part of your playing in the future.
  9. I just do scales, and licks that I know are going to get my hands warm and comfortable. Nothing too strenuous, usually starting in the middle of the neck... too low on the neck can stretch your hand too much too quickly, too high and I don't feel my muscles working.
  10. I'd echo everyone else's sentiments. You would probably be best sticking to 100's or 105's before making an informed choice down the line to play lighter (or even heavier!) strings. Good luck!
  11. This descended into chaos quickly. For what its worth, fair enough for the guy simply offering a BASS FORUM the chance to win a bass guitar, the thing we all play. Could someone invite Roger Sadowsky to do a similar setup please? RE: Risingson needs a Sadowsky bass comp. Ta
  12. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1337799488' post='1665717'] How cool is that?! I'm never gonna be a proper muso. [/quote] It's pure luck more than anything! It's a cool little festival in a small town in Sweden that comes alive for a few days in the summer. Should be good I hope!
  13. I'm supporting them this coming July in Sweden I think! Not exactly a huge fan but I know they're nice guys, should be interesting.
  14. Been reading this thread with interest (more painful frustration for those who have paid for a subscription actually). I do hope this gets resolved because this magazine is a totally naff operation and you deserve some explanations.
  15. Tis funny but both the bands you've mentioned have players that currently use Jazz or 'jazz style' basses. Hmm... If you don't think you can EQ in the sound that you want from your amp then a Jazz bass ain't the bass you're after for big beefy low end (Jazz bass low end is present and manageable, but a tad restrained). You're probably best looking at something with a P pickup in it. Nothing fills space like a Precision. Stingrays don't fill low end IMO. They're punchy and have loads of presence, but I always found that the location of the humbucker in a Stingray doesn't give you a proper low-end fundamental. I'm sure plenty of people will disagree, and I love Stingrays... but I don't think they do the job you're describing.
  16. [quote name='Jam' timestamp='1337467334' post='1660609'] on their profile they have to state their proficiency on their instruments. Guitar: Intermediate, Vocals: Lead, Bass: Expert. [/quote] Oh dear. My advice is don't bother. The thing about the 'expert' players in this world is that they're getting their heads down and just doing the playing instead of disappearing up their own arse. Me personally, I just play, and if people like what I play then I'm happy to be a part of what they're/we're doing!
  17. Oh my word, stunning. Absolutely stunning.
  18. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1337330333' post='1658090'] [/quote] Don't worry, some people will never understand it! Their massive loss I guess. RIP Donna Summer.
  19. [quote name='urb' timestamp='1337455729' post='1660446'] My gawd, Pino is it on P Bass.., saw his gig at Ronnie's last year - truly incredible and all done on two four string P basses with flatwounds... [/quote] Ahh super jealous of that, I wanted to go and see him but I couldn't justify the train journey! What kind of stuff did they end up playing?
  20. If the EQ voicing and general build quality of this is anything like their head I gigged for 3 nights in Geneva the other day, I would say your money is best spent elsewhere. Can't say I'm a big fan of Harley Benton stuff.
  21. Nice, Musicman. I must say, the thing that draws me to MM style instruments, particularly the Stingray is the simplicity of its layout and EQ system. You know what you're getting with a 2/3 band EQ + that big humbucker. I personally felt a bit overwhelmed by the controls on the Bongo, it was almost a bit overkill for my tastes, and personally I'll never be a fan of a 4-Band EQ on a bass, I just don't need it. Shape wise, I always found the Bongo intriguing. I certainly don't hate it! Nice review.
  22. It's hard to pin the term to anyone in particular as the P-Bass seems to have been long associated with the 'fundamental' bass player. However, my votes would go to James Jamerson (obviously), Pino Palladino, Freddie Washington, Paul Jackson, Willie Weeks, probably John Deacon too. There are probably quite a few more.
  23. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1337419638' post='1659561'] I stack my 2 210's horizontally. I have no problem hearing my cabs and at the volume I play at I don't want them any closer to my ears than this. [/quote] Wowza, killer rig Chris!
  24. Tried this head a while back at the Gallery, whilst I was unable to crank it, it sounded great with the matching cab... no doubt helped by the extraordinary Sadowsky I was using also.
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