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Everything posted by risingson

  1. I don't think many people would necessarily care, but if you're aiming to give people a bit of a chuckle then it's probably worth pointing out that it isn't even that funny. Swerve it.
  2. [quote name='Platypus' timestamp='1333056909' post='1596908'] I used to have a Bob Glaub - though never sounded like Pine [/quote] I think he could play any bass and make it sound good really, he's just a player of unmatched quality. I'm never usually too swayed by when I see another bassist I really like playing a particular instrument, but this seems to be the exception! I'm a big fan of Laklands anyway. I'm currently rooting through the FS section... my girlfriend's going to kill me when she gets back from Uni at Easter to find I've bought a new P!!
  3. Platypus, you have made my evening. A serious gem, my favourite bass player. EDIT - this clip has honestly got me thinking I need a Lakland Bob Glaub to go alongside my Daryl Jones.
  4. No noticeable problems with my TC RH750. The fan comes on but it is incredibly quiet. Not tested it out in the studio just yet.
  5. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1332831981' post='1593574'] It's the Ric. He stopped using the Hofner by the time they made Revolver (1966). [/quote] I think I remember MacCartney or maybe Geoff Emerick mentioning that it got to around Abbey Road time that he was mixing it up with the Rik, the Hofner and one or two others?
  6. I month or two back I brought this up in another thread. If you were indeed serious about buying a new bass, then it is worth reminding them that in their capacity as a sales person they are there to help you. I don't think naming and shaming would be overly helpful but certainly take your business elsewhere if they were rude or objectionable. A handy hint though. Music store owners will most likely be tired of seeing 'window shoppers' and Saturday afternoon hobbyists come in just to have a quick play on their instruments. If you're looking to buy a new bass then its worth explaining your position to the bloke at the counter clearly and concisely so that he is left in no doubt that you're here to make an informed decision about spending your hard-earned cash on a new instrument. That way you can make the distinction between being a timewaster and a potential customer.
  7. [quote name='Icarus_147' timestamp='1332897591' post='1594678'] Look, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'm just here to try and get some information on a bass I'm interested in, not indulge in any sort of musical elitism. [/quote] Sounds like you've already made up your mind, I say if you like the bass then go for it, and you'd be right to ignore the slight tinge of elitism dotted throughout this thread. I would hasten to add though that if you like the sound of the YT demos then any P-Bass with roundwound strings on it is going to sound that bright and punchy. But if it's the look of the bass you're after, there's probably nothing better!
  8. [quote name='leftyhook' timestamp='1332880793' post='1594487'] Every P bass I have tried felt very average compared to my Wal, Warwick and even my Hohner Steinberger copy. That's playability, sound. Sexiness? [/quote] And I'd take a P-Bass over everything you've just listed! Opinions differ. I generally found that I rarely got complaints with recording work when I used a P-Bass.
  9. I don't get out to see much live music which is strange for someone who counts themselves as a music lover! I've seen jc_riffs a few times and we've played in similar lineups for years now. I was a bit gutted to have missed BigRedX a month or two back playing in Liverpool, but we had a gig on the same evening unfortunately, so I'll make an effort next time he's up my way to get over and say hello.
  10. It's a fantastic bass part, incredibly well crafted. If I remember correctly Harrison (who wrote the tune) didn't like it. And yes, Ringo's playing is wonderfully tasteful as well. They all developed as musicians over time, but I think Ringo and Harrison most noticeably so, and their eventual attention to detail makes the Beatles later work great to listen to.
  11. I love watched Louis Johnson play, he smacks the hell out of his bass! Genuinely fantastic player. Always loved 'Get On the Floor' of Jacko's Off the Wall (ignore the terrible haircuts!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwCzTo20d18
  12. You may! I played for Toyota with Lasse Kroner and one of the nice ladies that won your 'Swedish Idol' I believe. I play in Sweden quite regularly, Gothenburg, Stockholm and everywhere in between (literally) in the summer and occasionally in the winter months. I love it.
  13. The Aguilar DB750/751 is expensive but I desperately want one and have done for years now.
  14. I like my TC rig but it does have its own sound that's very focused in on low mids. It's nice but it takes much more fiddling than my old Eden rig which used to be pretty much a plug in and play at any venue. To be honest, I'd play through most amps with my Lakland and the underlying character of the bass is always there, it almost doesn't matter what bass amp I'm using to an extent.
  15. 8 Days a Week, All My Loving, I Feel Fine, She Loves You, Ticket To Ride, I Wanna Hold Your Hand, Hello Goodbye, Don't Let Me Down, Paperback Writer, Back In the USSR, Helter Skelter, Daytripper, Lady Madonna, Penny Lane... for starters! Those are ones we play/have played in the past. We've also done a lot more of the progressive stuff too, like the masterpiece that is Day In the Life. They really are a band of so many different sounds.
  16. [quote name='markstuk' timestamp='1332603380' post='1590581'] The secondhand value for your 2005 Jazz has gone up? :-) [/quote] Sold a while back!! Hahaha oh dear
  17. I bought my U.S Fender Jazz in 2005 for £800 new. 7 years, £500 and a few new crappy colours later, could someone tell me what's changed?
  18. [quote name='blackmn90' timestamp='1332533912' post='1589840'] advertising of music is a lot stronger than the advertising of cars though. [/quote] You'd be surprised.
  19. [quote name='blackmn90' timestamp='1332528729' post='1589730'] people are conned into what they like through image and media exposure such as TV or Radio. So it's not quite as simple as you suggest. For example with katy Perry and Lady Gaga the music is written to be in keeping with the image of the artist. Not very authentic and those who say they like it probably wouldn't have done without the brand association. [/quote] You have a choice as to what music you listen to, just like you have a choice to buy what car you want as well. The only difference is that a lot of people will be marketed to and will choose to buy a Vauxhall over a Kia or a Hyundai because Vauxhall's marketing arm reaches further and influences more people. However, I would actually argue that people that buy into what is popular music to the extreme are one of two types of people: 1. lazy, or 2. people nowhere near as interested in taking an active pursuit in listening to the music. Let's face it, most of here are passionate about music, which is why subjects like these ones are so hotly debated. But the vast majority of people aren't nearly as interested. If what comes on Radio 1 or Radio 2 is remotely palatable then it will be listened to. Inherently lazy in itself, but then maybe I'm just as lazy for buying ready meals from Tesco instead of cooking for myself like a real chef would. Nothing's right or wrong, but it is telling about the way in which we consume things, up to and including new music.
  20. Eugh, those new prices are absolutely disgusting. And unless there is a dramatic improvement in terms of quality control from Fender, they are the most overpriced instruments I can currently think of. Love Fenders, absolutely hate their current way of doing things.
  21. [quote name='Chris Horton' timestamp='1332025011' post='1582366'] I really want to check out the MTD 535-24 , just a long way to drive. [/quote] A lot of money to pay too! It's probably worth it just to go and size it up. Make a day of it, ultimately an instrument that expensive it's got to be worth the trip BTW, MTD's are bloody lovely!
  22. Hej from the U.K, I spend a lot of my time in Sweden and I absolutely love Stockholm! Welcome aboard.
  23. [quote name='dlloyd' timestamp='1332335874' post='1586813'] Is this therefore "inauthentic"? [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pVM00eoohI[/media] If so, "authenticity" is a worthless concept. [/quote] I was literally just about to say the exact same thing. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1332355495' post='1587269'] I wonder what the general view would be about that statement if 'Motown' was replaced with 'Simon Cowell'? Or the Monkees perhaps? [/quote] Berry Gordy was no better than Simon Cowell, in fact he was probably a lot worse in how he dealt with paying and treating people. But Motown had real people who were passionate about music driving it. Real writers (H/D/H), real blue-collar, immensely passionate and talented musicians and hugely talented front men and front women. I'd struggle to include any of the aforementioned qualities to any artists to have been reeled off of the Syco production line.
  24. Cheers! I might need something a bit more local as I've not got time to get over to Salford from where I live but its certainly worth bearing in mind. Already spoken to a guy on the forum with the same bass, who was helpful enough but also a bit in the dark about the origins and history of the bass. It's Czech 1/2 size, sold by Selmer London according to the sticker on it. Unusual looking thing in direct comparison to a 3/4, very much a violin-looking upright. I rescued it from a friend's garage for the smallest of fees, I'm probably going to keep it for recording purposes but who knows, maybe I'll let it go once its been looked at. Any info on the background of the instrument would be tremendously appreciated! And here are the photos, apologies as they are truly terrible. [url="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/21614589/photo.JPG"]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/21614589/photo.JPG[/url] [url="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/21614589/photo-2.JPG"]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/21614589/photo-2.JPG[/url] [url="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/21614589/photo-1.JPG"]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/21614589/photo-1.JPG[/url]
  25. Absolutely love Tony Levin's playing. I do wish he'd give up the Chapman Stick though, really not my thing, sounds a bit like a car crash! But his stuff with Peter Gabriel is truly excellent.
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