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Everything posted by risingson

  1. Hi everyone, I'm wondering if anyone could recommend me a decent DB specialist based in the NW or England, preferably close to Liverpool. I've got a bass that needs a look at plus I'd like to find out a bit more about the bass itself and its history. Cheers all!
  2. Authentic is a terrible word to use in relation to music. It's far too hard to apply it to anything because all music owes something to someone else. But you're right to lump 'authenticity' and 'credibility' in the same category because they're both buzzwords used in music journalism to add weight to someone's point of view. People get bogged down in concepts when in fact, today's 'credible' is tomorrow's forgotten record. Vice versa too, for example Queen were never a credible band, and yet from a modern perspective they embodied a lot about them that most musicians and non-musicians alike would consider 'credible' and 'authentic' (the blend of theatrics, genre-spanning, immensely difficult arrangements both vocally and instrumentally). Is there a specific time of music you were looking at? Is it current popular music, i.e. what's getting airplay? Or is it more underground/indie? Is it older music? There are way too many variables in the question for there to be anything real to get stuck into, it's hard to generate discussion on something so spectacularly broad and undefined.
  3. I've got a lot of respect for Marcus Miller, after all he's developed one of the most widely imitated sounds that the bass has known and I happen to think he's an incredible musician. But I'll forever prefer him as a sideman playing with other people. For me, it's like he's been going at the same stuff with his solo playing for years, and it's sounding very tired and pretty dated. Ironically though, I'd like to see what he could do with a P-Bass and some flats!
  4. It's easy to rubbish established and hugely talented bands based on one's own personal preference. Some people don't get that music is a huge, vast spectrum made up of a lot of artists, and that there's lots for everyone to choose from. There's a difference between opinion and narrow-mindedness, unfortunately the distinction between the two gets blurred on internet forums! On a side note, this thread inspired me to remind myself of just how good Zeppelin were. Like them or not, I do wish that we had more artists on the radio who cared at least nearly as much as Zeppelin did for writing a great song like this one: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1-M81ZtvTM&feature=related[/media]
  5. I'm a huge fan of Laklands, the ex-Joe Osborn now 55-60 are great instruments, I'd pick one up in a heartbeat.
  6. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1332101567' post='1583360'] Maybe, but for me it has no soul. [/quote] +1. And Marcus has got soul, it's evident in a lot of his recordings. But poor imitations of well established songs and bass lines and he's not doing himself any favours. Dull dull dull, totally self-serving trash.
  7. [quote name='Lorne' timestamp='1332106582' post='1583460'] 2) Overpriced Fender Clones (Sadowkies etc),[b] why pay much more[/b] than the real floor boards cost, for the same thing with a different name on the headstock? [/quote] So many reasons!
  8. [quote name='scalpy' timestamp='1332096260' post='1583201'] I agree with Jack White. Don't trust anybody who doesn't like Led Zeppelin. [/quote] I'm with you (and Jack White) on this one. I've never been into Black Sabbath and must confess to have never been keen on any of that kind of music, I just don't gel with it. Zeppelin however were utterly superb.
  9. Nathan Watts is one of my favourite slap bass players. His stuff with the Jackson 5 was great. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2A7l-GwsEEs And Jermaine Jackson's 'Lets Get Serious', written by Stevie Wonder himself (he also sang the middle 8). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMLKb4or8yg
  10. Ricks - they look great but I couldn't ever own one Anything headless - wrong to my eyes Status - popular British brand around here but really not my thing at all Most British manufactured basses in fact. It's a very silly thing to rule out not owning something British built but for me, my favourite companies are generally American builders. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1332028104' post='1582405'] Wals - The Delorean of the bass world. Stylistically stuck in the 80s and were never actually cool. Geeks tried to make it cool and in turn created a new low on the geek scale, so lesser geeks finally had someone to bully. [/quote] Controversially I think I might actually agree with you on this one! I'm sure they sound fantastic though.
  11. Just re-watched it, I do love Mr Harrison, what a brilliant bloke. Fascinating stuff!
  12. [quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1331895548' post='1580490'] If you don't get any local quotes then i'd be happy to. I am a bit surprised that so many of us find the limiter thing an issue. [b]Just turn down, thats what the big button on the amp is for[/b]. I totally understand that there is a minimum volume - usually dictated by the drummer/kit etc but apart from that its easy. [/quote] Not quite. Turning down is one thing (of course it doesn't matter how much you've turned down if the machine is wrongly calibrated, it'll still cut you off if indeed it's working properly), but it's only half the problem. The other issue is usually over-zealous members of staff keeping one eye on the limiter the whole night and getting on our backs at the first sign of red, making our jobs incredibly difficult no matter how quietly you're playing. In some rare cases it has ultimately ruined the evening's entertainment, which is the last thing you'd want at a wedding when the bride and groom have paid for you to be there and are enjoying the biggest night of their lives. Hardly fair at all. The bottom line is that if venues and staff are going to be on band's backs about reasonable levels of noise (and lets face it, bands make noise), then they shouldn't be having live music there in the first place.
  13. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1331897665' post='1580544'] Markbass LMIII & Aguilar GS112... Perfect. [/quote] I always wonder about the guys using the smaller single 12 cabinets how you get on with them. You ever struggle for level or monitoring on stage? I know quite a few players using the single Markbass 12's, mostly for portability purposes, something that living up north I've never struggled with because transport has never been an issue (up until last month I had a big Eden rig), however I'm guessing that if I ever make the move to London I'll need to downsize my rig to be able to get around as well. Just curious to know your experiences really!
  14. I'm really into 'conventional' looking instruments and probably always will be but I absolutely love the look of a few of these. I'll show them to our guitar player, he'll be really into them. Love to have a go on one! Really nice work John, and also welcome to the forum.
  15. Probably not. My TC Electronics RH750 is great and so is my RS212 but I've always wanted the Aguilar DB750/751 so I think that will most likely be the next amp I own, providing I continue to do bigger gigs with my band.
  16. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1331834051' post='1579709'] That's exactly what I was going to say!!!! [/quote] Great minds
  17. Longtime 5 string player Jimmy Johnson says that the best way to go about 5 string is by playing it just like a 4 to begin with, and then to throw in the low notes when you feel like the time is right to hit that low B. I think the big mistake would be to think that you should be using it all the time to begin with. There are loads of decent songs with 5 string in them but I'd just as sooner get used to playing tunes you already know with your 5 to get comfortable with it all. I'd recommend listening to 'Gaslighting Abbie' by Steely Dan, even if it isn't your kind of music, it'll give you a good idea of the kind of subtleties you can get with a 5 without resorting to using that low B all the time.
  18. [quote name='Mark_Bass' timestamp='1331819608' post='1579403'] I like the notion of being able to use that and the TC RH450 at home with just a pair of headphones, i have tried the TC Rebel Heads and they've got a tonne of fantastic functionally but found the treble a smidge harsh sounding and also i dont think id every stop tweaking the dials lol [/quote] That surprises me if you're talking about the RH450, as I found the top end lacking, one of the few reasons why I ended up picking up an RH750 with the Tweetertone control, as well as the extra headroom I found I needed. I'd happily recommend the RH750 and I'm very happy with mine, but there are a few things worth bearing in mind. The sound isn't as versatile as I might like. That's not to say that the EQ isn't flexible (although it would be nicer to know which frequencies you were boosting in the semi-parametric EQ section as opposed to just guessing), but it very much has its own characteristics as an amp. Secondly, I think that whilst the chassis of the amp feels solid enough, I think the front panel feels flimsy. It looks great, but for me there's always that worry that the knobs on the front panel will fall off if you don't look after it properly. Furthermore the preset/shift/mute buttons are flimsy too. Disappointing, as overall I happen to think the amp is really fantastic and incredibly useable in most situations. Just protect it well if you get one! The RH750 sounds incredible with the RS212's and 210's. Definitely a head worth keeping in mind.
  19. [quote name='MB1' timestamp='1331743920' post='1578169'] [url="http://www.ibanez.co.jp/products/page11_jp.php?&data_id=63&color=CL01&cat_id=2&series_id=349"]They make one that costs £6000[/url] MB1. Blimey! Shows how ignorant i am,i thought Gerald Veasley was a character in Lord of the rings?. [/quote] Is it wrong of me to think that this actually looks more like a £600 average run-of-the-mill Ibanez? Where's the extra £5400 gone?
  20. Only just seen this thread. I would have walked out, so would the rest of my band. Some people will be morons for the rest of their miserable lives, the management sound like they lack a brain. Furthermore I'd dissuade any other bands you might be friendly with to play there. The fact you acted professionally and got slammed for it is one thing, but to not get paid is absolute bullshit. You've got a lot more patience than I'd have.
  21. [quote name='Chris Horton' timestamp='1331736539' post='1577989'] That sound clip is slightly "safe" sounding as it sits in the mix and i wonder if that is more "me" [/quote] You need to check these basses out for yourself I think, I don't think clips from YT are going to be representative of what you like from an instrument. For example, the MTD's I've played didn't sound anything like that one in the clip posted up at the top of the page (great instruments by the way!).
  22. The biggest problem with most venues with sound limiters is that they're never properly calibrated anyway. Our contract stipulates that if you want to hire us then it is advisable for you to look for a venue without a sound limiter, and if the venue does have one then we're not responsible for what happens next. Needless to say, there have been many a time when clients haven't listened and we've ended up stuck between a rock and a hard place. Chris_b is right though, the necessity to turn down in these situations sharpens your playing tenfold. But with that goes a lot of the energy of a performance too, at least for me. Not that you need to be loud to play to your full potential but let's face it... bands are loud things!
  23. Couldn't find anywhere else to post this, but I've recently discovered the monster guitar player that is Julian Lage. Check him out here playing "Caravan" with Frank Vignola... Julian kills it roughly 1:57 in. Beautiful playing throughout. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJ7aYeU5V-w[/media] And some more [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMgmuiV7PXE&feature=related[/media]
  24. Aghh one contentious thread at a time! It's getting a bit too much... [quote name='Jazzneck' timestamp='1331642939' post='1576354'] If it can't be played on an instrument by a human being it ain't music then, is it? [/quote] I know you've been picked up on this already, but I was wondering if you could explain you position on this a bit better than just this statement. What has made you think this? Are there examples?
  25. [quote name='Doddy' timestamp='1331590527' post='1575616'] If your referring to me (in a round about way..seeing as it was us who had the disagreement),then I invite you to check out my album collection.I guarantee that it is more open minded and varied than most peoples and there will be choices that will surprise you. Being a 'real' musician doesn't stop me from enjoying music any more than anyone else. [/quote] Not at all Doddy, sorry if it did look to be this way, it wasn't intended. It was just a general observation of also being a working musician and probably heavy use of hyperbole on my behalf.
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