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Everything posted by risingson

  1. [quote name='woodyratm' timestamp='1329844954' post='1548415'] Just goes to show that price means nothing to a good instrument My lakland is a much better player than any fender i've tried (except a horrible gold one with amber hardware i tried once to test a pedal...that was a REALLY nice bass!) [/quote] +1, my Lakland destroys the Fenders I've owned in fit, finish and tone.
  2. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1329820976' post='1547746'] To be fair I usually stay to heckle the other bands. [/quote] Haha! We have a van and a system, which means no one gets to leave early 'cos we're all travelling back together anyway. And we've got a ton of gear to shift. Huge cable trunk, big mixing box, big RCF P.A., guitar amps, bass amp, kit, hardware, keyboards... you get the idea. Rare if we manage to get away within the hour at covers gigs. When its our own stuff, the get out is usually dead easy because of provided backline/P.A etc. which cuts down get out time dramatically.
  3. As Doddy says really. If you're a working player and wish to maximise your potential, it would almost be a bit mad not to consider playing double bass. I recently bought an upright and am enjoying it immensely. I don't see myself using it much live as my band don't have much call for it, but it's a nice thing to have nonetheless.
  4. [quote name='Rumple' timestamp='1329837711' post='1548221'] Odd that they stopped making them for a while. [/quote] I'm not totally clued up but I believe there was some conflict concerning the licensing of the body shape from A-Basses who originally came up with the slight offset look of the body.
  5. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1329839275' post='1548265'] I'll try not to be offended. [/quote] I didn't really mean the stick it got on this site but you always get that impression from TB that its largely people that like to complain about nothing, just for something to argue about, without having much or any experience of how gear performs 'live'. A sense of self-entitlement seems to go hand in hand with these kinds of subjects over there. Not wanting to tar everyone with the same brush of course, and I know there's some players over there that really know their stuff. But for me, gear is black and white. It either performs for you in the way that you want it, or it doesn't. If it doesn't... well then don't use it I guess!
  6. [quote name='Toasted' timestamp='1329817793' post='1547676'] Should really be stickied at the top of every thread in this forum [/quote] A thousand times yes. Recently bought a TC RH750, chose to completely ignore the advice about the amps power ratings, and quite frankly I was right to do so. I trust my ears most of the time, and my ears tell me that my RH750 is friggin' loud. Most of the the complaining on TB came from the hobbyists who were more interested in stats than the actual performance of the amp in a live situation if I recall correctly. A note on the low/low-mid thing. I owned an Eden WT800 and no other amp I've come across recently could top its low/low-mid abilities (they were extreme, virtually unmatchable in sheer power). To me, the low-mids seem a lot more controlled and usable in the RH750, although its still a new amp to me so only time will tell if this is true across the board at all the venues I tend to find myself playing.
  7. The fact I often leave off buying strings until the last minute before traveling abroad often means I end up dashing into my local music store and getting Rotosounds because it's largely all that the Liverpool stores stock. Not terrible strings but they don't last. My preference if possible is to get D'Addarios, and although the Pro Steels don't last long either, I've had good experiences with D'Addario nickels recently, which have lasted pretty long. I still can't stomach £30 for DR's, they just don't seem worth it and I've used them plenty before. I'd be interested to try out some Elixirs next.
  8. I've just bought an RH750 and I've got to say I'm absolutely loving it! Silly lightweight and bucketloads of tone, great scope from the EQ. The RS212's are the dogs too. Best of luck with your trade!
  9. Best Jazz basses in that price bracket IMO. I wouldn't dream of getting rid of my DJ4, although I would really love to add a DJ5 to my setup. My only wish is that Lakland would do a bit more in the way of interesting finishes.
  10. No in answer to the OP. We have good nights and bad nights like any band. For example, Saturday evening I did a gig for a lady who had more money than sense, and zero manners. Her 55 friends were of a similar ilk. The gig was a bit of a nightmare. We largely played acoustically like we'd been asked, which was fine but the bar staff at the place we were playing were on our backs about keeping the level right down (to an impossible level, me with no amp playing through our JBL monitors at such a low level the acoustic guitars were masking what I was doing). A lot of people taking cocaine in the toilets as well, acting like total knobs. One bloke took it upon himself to reach over and detune my G string (I actually could have killed him for that, what gives people the right to touch my stuff?). But you learn to deal with it. You try and find the audience members who are genuinely enjoying what you are doing, of which there's at least a few, and then 'vibe' off of them to get your satisfaction out of what you do. Saturday night was a rare occurrence for us though, and it's usually a lot of great people that we play for!
  11. I've played a lot of Sadowsky Metros. The most recent ones I played were an MV5 and a P/J 5. The P/J 5 didn't really have much to write home about and I was disappointed because I'd waited quite a while to try one out. The MV5 however was so good that it was all my girlfriend could do to stop me from getting a credit card and buying the thing there and then. Quite simply a brilliant bass, and it sounded sublime. Great low B too.
  12. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1329753031' post='1546777'] What is it with those clubs? They mean nothing, right? [/quote] It's all a bit sad, really. Sadowsky Owner's Club #674, Musicman Owner's Club #901, Ampeg Club Member #49,838. We get it, you play your bass in your home by yourself!
  13. I appreciate the thought that some people put into this sort thing, but I am so indifferent to being aware of this kind of stuff. I love bass guitars, and I love playing bass guitars, but its not up to me to be thinking how they're made etc. that's for the companies that make my instrument to be thinking of. I just want to plug in and play safe in the knowledge that a.) the tone of my instrument meets my needs, b.) that the instrument is stable and well set up and c.) that it looks good. I have preferences on woods that I like and that I don't, but these are only faint impressions of what my ears have told me, e.g. I think rosewood sounds less bright than maple fretboards. I've found this to be true on all the basses I have played and owned, but I have no idea why or even whether there's a science behind this assertion. Maybe I'm totally wrong! What I do know is that this subject has a habit of dividing people. I just know that I love the instrument that I play
  14. [quote name='umcoo' timestamp='1329611303' post='1544951'] I'm still not finished, but I kind of feel sorry for the guy. Been laid off, got 3 kids and finds a bass worth about $35,000. I really hate when people on forums become lawyers/professional etc!! [/quote] Annoying isn't it. I am in agreement that it was probably a bit of a bad plan posting up so quickly on Talkbass as its full of priggish behaviour and 'internet experts', but its harsh to see him copping so much flak.
  15. Jaw = on the floor. Unbelievable instrument, absolutely stunning. [quote name='deksawyer' timestamp='1329610271' post='1544944'] A friend of mine picked up a 1962 P bass from a charity shop in Liverpool just before Christmas. Not nearly in as good a condition as this Jazzer, but he only payed £80 for it......it's genuine as well. D. [/quote] Bloody hell, where abouts in town?? I do wish I could inherit some beauty of a pre-CBS or walk into a pawn shop and pick one up for £80.
  16. Pretty much exclusively had great dealings with everyone on this site, particularly recently. I absolutely hate Ebay, and I will never use it to buy bass gear as long as this site exists.
  17. Sorry to hear about your band woes Clarky. Maybe time to just relax and enjoy playing bass by yourself for a bit, and I'm sure there will be other musical projects to be had somewhere down the line. The world clearly needs more upright players!
  18. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1329492970' post='1543348'] Make the drummer use hot rods for rehearsals. It'll decrease the volume of the drums whilst allowing for a realistic bounce, unlike brushes. [/quote] 9/10 drummers I know would hate this suggestion but it would certainly go some way to helping! You could look at building some inexpensive baffles Marco, although the practicalities of moving them around might be a bit of a nightmare. You can pick up drum shields relatively cheap now as well.
  19. The first 7 seconds of this sends shivers up my spine (and the rest), I don't believe I've ever heard a more powerful intro to a song in my life http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJDnJ0vXUgw
  20. My school's musical alumni included Orchestral Manoeuvres In the Dark (OMD) and that would be pretty much it I think. Andy McClusky was a lot older than me, although he was there when my dad was at school.
  21. [quote name='bengreen49' timestamp='1329324179' post='1540690'] I'll try a bit more fiddling around with settings and will move the amp away from the wall, see if that makes any difference. I knew I should have went for a smaller amp to start out with... Those Amplugs look good. The 'bass buddy' is way out of my budget for the time being. Next question: What sort of headphones? [/quote] A cheapish pair of AKGs will do the job or you could splurge out a bit more and look at getting some Beyer Dynamic DT770's perhaps. As long as they're comfortable to practice your bass through and you won't be punishing them with too much bass there's a lot to choose from.
  22. The Beatles blow my mind. I can take or leave earlier stuff of theirs but man, words don't describe their collective songwriting abilities or their sound. John Lennon always tried to distance himself in later life from the band, god knows why because with the exception of a few tunes, he never did anything any better.
  23. It was just another chapter in British music. I think it had its place, and its a sound and attitude thats manifested in a few different bands of recent years. There were some pretty important bands to come out of the time, but I don't necessarily know if Punk is understated or overstated at all.
  24. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1329236277' post='1539328'] I'm not sure I would necessarily agree with that. Punk as of itself was not particularly interesting as far as I was concerned, but it was a catalyst that led to later bands and artists (who did have real ability) getting exposure where they may not have done previously. [/quote] Once some punk bands started to get a taste of success, I'm sure that the drive for success prevailed. Some bands refined their sound; The Stranglers wrote 'Golden Brown', a timeless British classic. Others totally sacrificed their integrity and started appearing in butter adverts, aka John Lydon.
  25. Agghh if I had any money I would be buying this bass in a heartbeat!!!
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