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Everything posted by risingson

  1. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1318342832' post='1400855'] The only thing that would make that P Bass any more boring would be a 'Keep Music Live' sticker. [/quote] Not seen one of those stickers. Presumably more hang ups about people rocking out in pubs? The P-Bass will always be boring for a small minority of people obviously, but for the majority of people they're where it all started and still sound as good today as they did 60 years ago or there abouts. It doesn't take a genius to see where this thread is going though, so there's not a lot of point arguing the toss.
  2. [quote name='Chris2112' timestamp='1318325446' post='1400457'] Erm, no actually, because here is the ugliest bass in the world! [/quote] Ahh, the P-Bass. A classic design that will go down in the history books, as instantly recognisable today as it ever was. Nothing boring about it whatsoever
  3. Welcome from a bloke who's actually off to Sweden tomorrow (9th time, definitely not the last, my Swedish is still terrible). I play over there very regularly, Mellerud tomorrow and in Scandinavium Gotëborg Saturday! A very warm welcome.
  4. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1317907435' post='1396038'] Charts or no charts won't really take away from that, or make a jot of difference with the quality of those guys. [Michel Camilo - New York Band, [b]with charts[/b] "Not Yet" comes to mind] [/quote] My mind was totally blown the first time I saw that, Anthony Jackson didn't drop a note.
  5. [quote name='jakesbass' timestamp='1317904476' post='1395976'] Fair comment, and spurious was a poor turn of phrase on my part in relation to your view, it's just that I feel in general it certainly is the case that in music, far more often than should be the case, it is exactly what I said, a visual view of talent rather than musical excellence, especially where any form of commercialism is concerned, and to me that's a massive shame. [/quote] I couldn't agree more for the most part Jake. The visual aspect of a musical performance should come secondary to the strength of the musicians on stage in the first place.
  6. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1317853277' post='1395564'] [size=4]Its great news that Bass Direct is stocking Mike Lull basses. They are a class act.[/size] [size=4]I'm still loving my Lull PJ5. What a find.... thanks Clarky.... it's so easy to play and gives fantastic tone every night, right out of the case. I've had more compliments about the Lull than any other bass I've owned![/size] [/quote] Do let me know if you ever get round to selling it Chris, I love that bass.
  7. [quote name='Johnston' timestamp='1317834917' post='1395208'] So can no other bassist compare with Jamerson? [/quote] Correct Seriously though, there's no holds barred when it comes to forming your own opinion on stuff like this. But it becomes (IMV at least) insulting when people like Nina Simone get held up for comparison to someone like Madonna, just for example. Just because they worked in the same industry doesn't make their level of talent in any way comparable at all. Preference is another thing entirely.
  8. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1317829313' post='1395108'] You might aswell have chucked Kate Bush and Nina Simone in there too. [/quote] Nina Simone and Kate Bush were masters of their art, groundbreakers actually in their own respective ways. Jessie J and Gaga, sorry but no, neither compare.
  9. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1317806847' post='1394693'] Since when did Gaga not have a songwriting talent or voice? [/quote] Since she first entered the music industry unfortunately. I would argue very strongly against the undeniability of her songwriting talent and voice. It's just incredibly mediocre music... fair enough, she's made a lot of money doing what she's done and I respect it in many, many ways, but it's frustrating hearing her dominate the airwaves with total trash. There are considerably stronger talents out there that don't rely on gimickry, huge PR backing and million dollar stage shows to impress an audience, Jessie J's music stands up in this way I believe, even if it isn't my kind of music. She has a very obvious and raw talent.
  10. I like her, not so much my kind of music but I'd prefer to see a million more girls like her make their way in the industry than see one more Lady Gaga. Jessie has a very obvious songwriting talent and a great voice too, so good luck to her.
  11. For £750, I'd save a bit more and buy one of these:
  12. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1317547625' post='1391616'] What this meant in practice was that, if Macca played piano on a song, then someone else had to play bass. [/quote] I would agree that it does look like this would be the case but looking at the credits from The White Album onwards, whilst Harrison does get credited for a lot of bass duties, McCartney does as well on many of the same tunes so it becomes quite hard to tell who played on what, what was doubled up etc. George Martin was all for trying new things. Actually this period of the Beatles would be my favourite for this very reason, I like the idea that they could be so interchangeable.
  13. [quote name='jakesbass' timestamp='1317420357' post='1390699'] I couldn't disagree more... ! The "energy" you speak of in my view is what I think could possibly be construed as showmanship, as far as I'm concerned this music is cerebral, and I for one love it for that, it is the epitome of considered, crafted, and placed music, the idea that it is somehow sterile because there is a chart on stage is a highly spurious and visually driven adjudication as far as I'm concerned, so I would therefore suggest listening with ears and not eyes to [i]hear [/i]just how great these performances are. [/quote] I was indeed speaking from a musical perspective as opposed to a visual one, but I would certainly say that disengaging as a reader and being sunk into a band situation without having the dots there lends itself to a totally different kind of performance from the performer concerned in many situations. I happen to think all round that Steely Dan can often come across both live and on recording as a sterile band sometimes. I've listened to them from a very young age, and have enjoyed their music for many years but I think that they do lack a more real 'human' touch sometimes... the pitfalls of an imperfect performance perhaps, or a less than perfect approach to production would be have been interesting to hear from time to time. This is not a criticism, more a personal preference, and I feel not in any way spurious on my part.
  14. Hmm all a bit confusing really. I love Lennon but he shouldn't have been allowed to play bass on stuff, he was bloody awful, not a patch on Macca or Harrison. I would still guess 'Birthday' was the Fender VI but I'd be interested to hear otherwise.
  15. Aww Beatles banter and I missed out! I've also seen it repeatedly stated that it was in fact George who played a Fender VI on 'Birthday', listening to the track I'm pretty convinced that's what it is. But I know Macca was using his freebie Rick around this time also. EDIT: Just found this if it is at all helpful in deciphering what's what... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZeTCQtR0Cw&feature=results_video&playnext=1&list=PL0F18C934AEC7BF42
  16. [quote name='jakesbass' timestamp='1317415986' post='1390637'] I can't see what the difference is?? If you can play as well from a chart as from memory then what on earth is wrong with having a chart there? [/quote] I think it takes a lot of energy out of the performance, although with the greatest of respect to both Walter and Donald, I do believe that this is something they do lack live anyway (don't kill me Pete! I love 'em all the same). I don't expect Tom Barney to be jumping around/pogo-ing or anything but I dunno... comes across as very sterile in a live environment, to me at least.
  17. Yes, I'm afraid so. It's Fender moving into every sector of the market they can with no regard for the quality of their product.
  18. Haven't played the bass but have played their Strat equivalent like dlloyd in Costco. It was piss poor, you'd be better off looking for something else as I think the quality of these particular instruments is actually an insult to even a novice.
  19. The short and tall of it is that if they're being unreasonable by telling you to turn down (when you're operating at a reasonable level) then they shouldn't even be putting on live music in the first place and they are undeserving of having you as live entertainment. Look elsewhere for gigs.
  20. The 5 string is the obvious move (I'm not saying get one, just saying it would be easy given your situation). Tuning down for the kind of music you describe though is generally seen as the best move, I believe DR do a set of strings catering exclusively for lower tunings that are meant to be excellent. The octaver I always felt was an effect rather than a substitute for extended range/drop tuning. I'm in no doubt that it would work with some practice, but I think downtuning adds to the general heaviness that your kind of music would require. I hate doing it personally but hey ho.
  21. Sounds like more music journalism attempting to sanctify a genre by outlining the reasons why the figurehead band of said genre had nothing to do anything. The lines drawn in the sand are far too vague for this particular writer to have any sort of authority on the matter. If the majority of people refer to it as 'grunge' then the likelihood is that that will be the category you'll find it under at your local music store. For the rest of us, it's just good music.
  22. Oohh man, this is painful for me to see. Beautiful bass.
  23. I've just noticed this topic, don't fancy reading all six pages but here is my opinion on Sandbergs... ... they're great. Wanted to dislike them at first (don't know why, I'm like that at times), but ended up loving all the ones I've tried. Really well made, uncomplicated but very usable instruments and they offer serious bang for your buck. I think if I had a bit more money I would shell out for a Sadowsky Metro which I think is a slightly superior instrument in a lot of respects but I would have no hesitation in buying a Sandberg California at all. I've played the JJ's, JM's, PM's, 4 and 5's, fretted and fretless and haven't come across one that hasn't impressed me. Here endeth my opinion
  24. Lessons available, just message me and you'll get an instant response.
  25. [quote name='Low End Bee' post='1373045' date='Sep 14 2011, 11:40 AM']As long as it's played through an Ampeg SVT toob head and two 8x10s. Otherwise it's worthless and you should be ashamed of yourselves.[/quote] Absolutely. Don't forget your P-Bass. By the way, this isn't a thread discussing which is more important to you, either 'bass' or 'music', it really is much simpler than that! It doesn't matter which one you like more. If we were going to discuss which one was more important then that would be contentious. And there's nothing contentious about this thread, that is the beauty of it...
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