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Everything posted by risingson

  1. Nice to find that perfect amp isn't it! Enjoy it mate.
  2. The best thing to do is walk away from it and come back when your ears feel refreshed. There's nothing worse than realising you've spent the past 2-3 hours putting a coherent recording together and then over-egged it. It's easy just to keep throwing tracks on top of each other and then finding that you've lost the ability to be subjective about what you've just recorded.
  3. [quote name='bubinga5' post='1274284' date='Jun 19 2011, 12:15 AM']my lord..[/quote] Quite
  4. Practicing licks is great so long as you are aware how they function over a chord, when not to use them and making sure not to overuse them in your playing. Everyone has their goto licks!
  5. [quote name='bubinga5' post='1274251' date='Jun 18 2011, 11:17 PM']oh Ris this is where we part..i bloody love that red jazz!.. man i want to ply one of those... i doubt they look cheap up close or in the wallet[/quote] Fair enough mate! Different strokes and all that. I bet they sound terrific but I find myself being reminded of Fender's efforts with the FMT Jazz's and they didn't do it for me at all. It's the fancy wood tops, not my thing really... with the possible exception of this:
  6. [quote name='Grant' post='1273994' date='Jun 18 2011, 06:28 PM']I think that Incubus have become a band that just oozes quality. From what I've heard of the new stuff (the two singles) I can't fault them in any way. They are writing (for want of a better word) mature, elegant, classy rock songs that have an instant appeal. Sure, they're not writing stuff like "Glass" or "Redefine" any more, but why should they? They (and countless others) have done that. There is nothing worse than a band releasing the same, tired old albums again and again for the duration of their career. It bores the f*** out of me. If a band can't do something different after three albums, then they lose me. As for Dirk leaving, well, yes, it certainly had an effect on their music, but not as sudden as everyone seems to think. "Drive" was not typical Incubus at the time, and was the first hint that this band could be more than just a one trick, pubescent-rap-funk-metal band that was rapidly becoming old hat. And this was in 1999, some 4 years and a further album before Dirk quit. Brandon's voice has gotten better and clearer, as evidenced on the "Adolescents" single, and Ben Kenney can groove like a mofo without having to resort to out-dated slap. I love 'em. Nuff said. [/quote] +1 on the Ben Kenney comments. He's a much more rounded player than Dirk Lance. Their first few albums were just a regurgitation of what the Red Hot Chili Peppers had done a zillion times, and over the years they seem to have found a style that suits them, so more power to them. Brandon Boyd's vocals still don't do it for me though.
  7. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='1274238' date='Jun 18 2011, 10:57 PM']I didn't realise they were in fashion. After all, I've never seen one being used live on stage. Perhaps I need to get out more.[/quote] The same, I really can't recall anyone apart from Anthony Jackson. Not a big fan of the 'boutique' looking single cut instruments such as Seis, Foderas etc. but I appreciate the work that goes into making them and I'm sure many of them sound excellent.
  8. [quote name='Chris2112' post='1274116' date='Jun 18 2011, 08:52 PM']Got tosay I didn't think much of that. Perhaps a case of 'too many cooks', but it seemed like everyone was just waiting for their moment in the spotlight as opposed to acting as a cohesive unit. In that sense, I found the song a bit disjointed and the Hammond organ sounding solo near the end was awful.[/quote] Duly noted Chris!
  9. [quote name='silddx' post='1272917' date='Jun 17 2011, 04:27 PM']He also liked to play reggae sometimes.[/quote] Fixed, possible idea for a future epitaph
  10. I guess in the same way you wouldn't use a newer B.C Rich bass with the word 'death' inlaid in your fretboard in an indie rock-type band, you shouldn't be using a Hofner Beatle bass in a metal band. With that in mind, I'm sure your P-Bass is absolutely fine, providing it's in drop F#.
  11. [quote name='steve-soar' post='1273875' date='Jun 18 2011, 04:08 PM']That's not Marlowe, that's a deeply stoned Jarvis Cocker.[/quote]
  12. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='1273825' date='Jun 18 2011, 03:25 PM']The replacement for the DJ is the AJ series - US already and coming as a Skyline in the autumn: [url="http://www.lakland.com/44-55-AJ.htm"]http://www.lakland.com/44-55-AJ.htm[/url][/quote] I've seen these but I don't like them, at all in fact, they look cheap IMO at least. Also I didn't think of them as the natural successor to the DJ, but I suppose there was a large market for afterstock preamps in the DJ's so I guess that's what they're doing.
  13. I can usually hold it, but there was one unpleasant situation a few years ago where after a few drinks, I handed my bass to our guitarist who played whilst I made improper use of the sink backstage.
  14. That looks brilliant. I don't know what Lakland are up to at the moment and when they'll get the equivalent DJ model back into their lineup but if they did more instruments like this I'd definitely buy one. I love my Darryl Jones 4.
  15. [quote name='devinebass' post='1272148' date='Jun 16 2011, 09:56 PM']Lol... what a small world! One of my best mates plays keys in this band. He's based in London but travels over to the states for gigs/tours etc. The fisrt time I met the bass player was in Otley... a tiny place just about 20 mins north of Leeds. Easy man, Scott. [url="http://www.scottsbasslessons.com"]http://www.scottsbasslessons.com[/url] [url="http://www.scottdevinemusic.com"]http://www.scottdevinemusic.com[/url][/quote] Superb! Give him my regards next time you see him, the whole band are great and I've really enjoyed listening to their stuff on Spotify.
  16. Holy smokes, where is this guy getting all those B-12's/15's from??
  17. A great band I've been listening to based now in Brooklyn NYC, originally from Texas. They're all serious players. Not live bass on this particular tune (synth) but still absolutely superb.
  18. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='1270674' date='Jun 15 2011, 08:59 PM']Been there?[/quote] No, my girlfriend is very good with stuff like this, both her and I understand that the hours I play and work are unsociable and that if she comes to one of my gigs then I'll do my best to spend some time with her before, after and during the break if we have one. We didn't really meet at a gig, although she cam to see me before we were going out.
  19. [quote name='Toasted' post='1270333' date='Jun 15 2011, 05:02 PM'][/quote] I don't get it not down with with the use of forum .gifs to illustrate a point, whatever that point may be!
  20. Just to let any prospective student know, I will be able to travel to their house on the Wirral should it be required. Just drop me a PM and this can be arranged. Thanks, Liam
  21. He doesn't, he's stirring things up. Honestly if you ever get round to selling this in the next few months BB please let me know, I've been after a Surf Green bass for so long, shame to see you had issues trading it.
  22. [quote name='bassbluestew' post='1270215' date='Jun 15 2011, 03:15 PM']Don't know why but I don't want to like Carol Kaye.........every interview I have read she seems to want to trash JJ, or it could easily be I'm being oversensitive and reading it like that. But we don't want to open THAT pperticular can of worms again.[/quote] I'm a big JJ fan but I find it hard not to love her playing and influence. Her claims to JJ's lines are annoying and totally protracted now but 99.9% of people know she's talking out her arse. Not that she needs more limelight anyway, she played on Pet Sounds for god's sake!
  23. I sold my Fender recently because it got eclipsed by what my Lakland does. Just personal preference of course.
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