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Everything posted by risingson

  1. I'm in Chester tonight, Marquee joint 40th. Just packing up the Lakland and the Fender as we speak!
  2. I wouldn't stop playing bass just because your hands tend to sweat more than average. I would recommend wiping down your strings after playing them and maybe look at getting some string cleaner for after practice/gigs etc. A few bass players out there wear gloves and play, I personally think this looks insane but again, worth thinking about perhaps.
  3. [quote name='tom1946' post='1230252' date='May 13 2011, 06:25 PM']It's a shame your pics are such a low resolution, it's hard to see anything in detail.[/quote] Hi Tom, I will upload a few more in a better res as soon as I get a chance, been a little preoccupied.
  4. Been learning this recently, at least approximated for 4 string. Great, great bass playing.
  5. Rebump! If you've got a P-Bass or any Jap Fenders (maybe in olympic white P with tort pickguard? ) and fancied a trade, let me know!
  6. I very nearly almost bought the very same bass a few months ago from 4 Candles but was left in a bit of a financial pickle in the end. I've got to say, after Daphne/Sonic Blue, Surf Green is my favourite old Fender Finish
  7. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='1229766' date='May 13 2011, 10:51 AM']Well, yes... assuming you're going unlined you [i]also[/i] have to remember not to cut the fret-slots.[/quote] I like it
  8. [quote name='Waldo' post='1228957' date='May 12 2011, 03:57 PM']Absolute guff. On a par with this monstrosity: [/quote] That is unpleasant to the eye.
  9. [quote name='Doddy' post='1228790' date='May 12 2011, 01:38 PM']As far as getting at the guy for using a 15 string,it's worth bearing in mind that John Paul Jones especially Tom Petersson have used a 12 string bass for years. Jauqo's bass is the same thing,just a 5 string version. Allen Woody (Allman Bros.,Govt. Mule) used to use a Modulus 18 string!![/quote] John Paul Jones was in Led Zeppelin, one of the most successful bands of all time worth in the region of £34m, he could probably release a CD worth of Rodgers and Hammerstein arrangements for solo bass and it still be lauded as impressive!
  10. You jammy git Kev, you've got all the nice gear! Let me know when it arrives, you'll have to post some pics.
  11. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1228044' date='May 11 2011, 09:03 PM']+1[/quote] +2. I might be dreaming but from my brief time on Talkbass I seem to remember him being a relation to Jaco Pastorius? I usually try to find something good to say with all kinds of bass playing but I really am struggling here. It sounds like total garbage.
  12. If I had the money I'd be buying this so fast.
  13. Apologies for not putting up more pics today guys, I've been mad busy and maybe should have waited until I had a bit of time to advertise this. Will sort them out asap. Thank you to everyone who's messaged me so far.
  14. Been practicing my cowstep recently, just can't get it down as well as Sting and his band can from 4:12 onwards.
  15. [quote name='Protium' post='1226577' date='May 10 2011, 06:46 PM']We once played to a barmaid and a dog when the singer advertised the wrong date and everyone turned up the day after[/quote] There seem to be an overwhelming amount of anecdotes that just involve bands playing music to dogs and their owners!
  16. [quote name='lojo' post='1226920' date='May 10 2011, 11:20 PM']I have brought and sold on here and its all been happy, but my last bass for sale on here got little interest so I put it on ebay and it went no problem I'll always try here first, Id rather deal with other forum members, and pay an amount to the site rather than to ebay, but needs must, and there are some great people on ebay also[/quote] My biggest problem with Ebay as Happy Jack rightly stately above is the fees. I appreciate a company as big as Ebay makes its profit this way, however the fees are way too high right now. Also the seller protection is really quite poor in my view, there is no incentive for the buyers to leave feedback, and if you're choosing to use Paypal then as a newer customer you will need that feedback in order for your money to be released - and not before you've paid a tidy sum of your profit from the Ebay sale to Paypal (Ebay) for using their service. I paid nearly £15 on a recent transaction. This site offers a good way of selling to enthusiasts, dodging the fees and brokering your own kind of deal with the buyer, sure it's not a seller's market right now but it's friendly, well informed and well monitored.
  17. Selling on Basschat is just brilliant, I wouldn't dream of putting anything up bass related on Ebay now.
  18. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='1226793' date='May 10 2011, 10:02 PM']Seems influenced by Adrian Sherwood's On-U-Sound production style. Did you hear that Mongrel album? This stuff: [/quote] I like it, not heard of them before though. On-U-Sound aren't a label I've got into but it seems like I should, there's a lot of great collaboration efforts from Adrian Sherwood with a few artists I like.
  19. [u][b]FENDER U.S. 2004 JAZZ BASS - BLACK/BLACK MAPLE[/b][/u] Hi everyone! This is my Fender American 2004 Jazz Bass. This bass has been my work horse bass for practically the whole of my gigging career and I would be reluctant to let it go, but seeing as I've recently bought a new Lakland, it has been largely replaced and doesn't get as much time as it deserves. [attachment=79526:TheJazz.jpg] [attachment=79717:jazz_2.JPG] [attachment=79716:photo.JPG] [attachment=79718:headstock.JPG] [b]- Alder body - black/black w maple fretboard - U.S Fender electronics and pickups with the S1 parallel/series switching (a really useful little switch that thickens up the sound, a bit more P-Bass) - Weight is around 9lbs and is very comfortable on the shoulders. [/b] A few bits of information about this bass; as I mentioned, it has been my workhorse for going on 5-6 years, I bought it from new. There are a few knocks and scrapes here and there (pictured below), however the bass itself is in perfect working order and still sounds GREAT! This has been the bass that has served me so well and I hope it can find a home where it will see as much action [attachment=79721:chip_2.JPG] [attachment=79719:chip_1.JPG] [attachment=79720:fretboard_chip.JPG] I am asking for [b]£475 firm[/b] which I don't think is an unreasonable amount to be asking, especially since the bass was almost double this figure from new. I'm not longer after trades here, thanks to those who enquired though. I'll happily answer any questions you guys might have on the bass, just post them here or drop me a PM Best wishes, Liam
  20. Nice one mate, looks good! Hmm, got me thinking...
  21. Most notable solo bass players are jazz players aren't they. Jazz is about the freedom of expression without constraint on any level, and that includes the perceived limitations of your instrument, so whilst I think that there are only a few notable solo bass players, without them we might never have known the full extent to which the bass could be used. Whether or not you consider the end result enjoyable or not is up to the individual. The current popular musical climate doesn't seem to have much room for bass solos, I think there's less and less to be discovered about the bass thanks to the big innovators of bass soloing, and after all that's what makes a solo interesting; hearing something you've not heard before done very musically and with a high level of virtuosity.
  22. I've had a few gigs where a few punters have had one too many lines of coke and think it's okay to do whatever they want. Usually though all they want to do is talk total rubbish to you at the end of your sets, and most of them are harmless/ One of the worst gigs I've ever played was a birthday in Glasgow at a really amazing venue... however the woman (who had seen us before, we played her daughter's wedding) was complaining that the guests weren't dancing like they were at her daughter's event and that we should play some more 'upbeat' music that people knew better. We'd played a whole set worth of Motown and well known Beatles tunes so we were a little puzzled by this so we played 'Superstition' by Stevie W. She stopped us for a second time complaining that she'd never heard the song in her life (idiot) and that she wasn't happy that people still weren't dancing (few of he guests were below the age of 65 which didn't help). Luckily her daughter told her in fewer words that she was being totally ridiculous and we got plenty of great compliments from just about everyone else, but she made the night hell for us otherwise. I almost lost my cool with her until I remembered she was paying us at the end of the night... once we were finished playing, as a means of apologising to us her daughter and husband, two of the nicest people I've ever met took us out in Glasgow and we got pretty slaughtered to make up for it. There's no pleasing some people out there
  23. I love Colin Greenwood... I love Radiohead! But there wouldn't be much point in a sig bass for the reasons described above. I think he'd agree himself
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