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Everything posted by risingson

  1. Hey, welcome! I spend a lot of my time in Sweden, it's a brilliant place! Where abouts are you?
  2. Pino! Or Anthony Jackson, I'd be really, really stuck choosing.
  3. Always think of this [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwgvwFWK_dQ&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwgvwFWK_dQ...feature=related[/url] when I think of Rick James... classic Dave Chappelle, not for the easily offended!
  4. [quote name='MythSte' post='1220515' date='May 5 2011, 02:23 AM']I might meet you lot down there for a pint if you'll have me! Get to know your local mod or something! [/quote] Drop me a PM mate!
  5. [quote name='JakeFoordBass' post='1220450' date='May 4 2011, 11:52 PM']Hi Liam, how's tricks? Yeah, doing an Open Mic at The Noble House on Brunswick Street every wednesday! Come down and have a play sometime, it's a great space! Giving the NS it's first road test there next week.[/quote] Nice, saw you had your old electric upright for sale and was tempted but alas, zero cash. I missed tonight but I'll get down next Wednesday, sounds promising.
  6. Alright Jake, it's Liam from LIPA Hope you're well mate, saw you were doing a few open mic nights round town @ Noble House? May well pop down and say hello! For the rest of you chaps, Jake is a marvelous bass player, his band 6ix Toys are well worth looking out for if you're in and around the Liverpool area, severe funk of the highest caliber!
  7. DR's have made a name for themselves and seem to be the staple string for any enthusiast, but I've found the sonic differences between them and D'Addario for example to be too small for me to consider shelling about an extra £15 for the former. There are good strings and not so good strings, but once you've got past the advertising jargon, strings become a muchness of a muchness for me. I'd maybe pay a bit more attention to what flatwounds I was using as I think there's a tiny bit more you need to look for but with roundwounds I'm happy to pay less for D'Addarios as I don't think the difference between them and DRs are notable enough for me to pay more.
  8. [quote name='urb' post='1217970' date='May 2 2011, 07:48 PM']Fair enough - I still think Hadrien's a great player and he doesn't need me to defend him so I won't - horses for courses, old school vs new school etc etc - personally I think there's room for everything - I like his groove on this but you're right his style is way more technical than perhaps is necessary for this stuff, but I really just posted this as I like the fact he's stepping out in different styles now, and trying to get away from being labelled as a fusion guy.[/quote] It wasn't actually Hadrien's playing that turned me off to the music, clearly his musical ability is of a high standard and I suspect he would be a great asset in a lot of different kinds of musical situations. My criticism is of the band as a whole. I like good groove music and the sum of the parts here would lead anyone who hasn't heard the band to assume that the result of the music would be great, but it falls short in feel and soul for me.
  9. I think Hedrien is technically a great player, I really do. Admittedly not my thing but he's very good at what he does, no denying it! But I hear technically 'competent' musicians playing in faux-funk bands like these all the time, and can't help feeling how generic and lifeless it sounds. There's almost no feel to it, the keyboard playing is as stiff as a board and the singer IMO can't actually sing particularly well. I appreciate talent on all sorts of levels and clearly they can all play, but as a band they just don't work to my ears. Sorry man, this is purely my opinion and I'm sure that there will be others that will totally disagree with me but I see a lot of bands like this through my old Uni and I always think it to be totally uninspired.
  10. CB, this usually isn't my thing and if I'm totally honest I'm not the greatest fan of the solo bass playing thing but I think you've managed to develop a sound and technique that is actually incredibly unique and more importantly, very accessible to listen to. I'm really impressed and I'll definitely keep an eye out for you.
  11. Do Squier do a Mustang bass? That would be a really great start.
  12. My Eden rig died on me last week, luckily I managed to hotfoot it over to a friends who let me borrow this Laney kickback affair that was more than capable of letting me monitor myself for the evening, I just took a direct out to the desk and that was that. Turned out it was a blown fuse, stupid because I should have been carrying at least a spare or two should the eventuality of a blown fuse occur. It got me thinking as well, I wouldn't mind having a small, ultralight combo just as a backup if things really go badly with my primary setup and I'm not playing locally. Obviously it would have been handy if I'd had a spare fuse to hand as well!
  13. That's cool Clarky, nothing more satisfying than nailing a few takes the way you want them. Being in a studio full time recording is a demanding job, a lot of waiting around and when your time finally comes to play you always need to muster the energy for a song that you might have just spent the past 4 hours listening to over and over again if you're overdubbing. Great fun though, especially when you've got good engineers, a good producer and a good place to not only record, but to sit around and wait for that vital moment.
  14. BB5, you should carry on playing because it's very clear that you enjoy music to an unprecedented degree, I can tell by the music that you post up and the way you talk about music in general in your posts. You don't have to play in a band, but if you don't think your playing is up to scratch then do a bit of wood shedding. Music is about enjoying yourself, clearly you must get some enjoyment out of playing whether it be by yourself or with other people! Don't despair, and don't feel like you need to give up.
  15. I don't know how I'd get on without my little Korg PX4D, great for practice and taking away on the road.
  16. Why so cheap? And if Alleva ever go the Sadowsky root and do a far east production line then I would be so, so happy.
  17. [quote name='Doddy' post='1214432' date='Apr 29 2011, 01:07 AM']Wipes the floor with Jaco and Marcus etc? Bold statement.[/quote] Definitely not better, just different. Victor is a more accessible bass player and his technique often gets noticed by people that don't have much of an interest in bass guitar whereas Jaco for example isn't quite as 'easy listening' for lack of a better term. Trickery and slap/tap licks aside, he's one of the few players I have seen that manages to synchronise his technical ability with that of a brilliant theorist. I may not ever listen to his music but I do think he's a master.
  18. I don't have any big craving for a new bas right now as such... would love a Pensa 5 though, if only I could get back to NYC.
  19. Only slight issue I'm finding (unless I'm being particularly stupid which isn't unlikely) is that I can't find a usable swing setting in the loop groups and I'm wanting to jam over some Charlie Parker chords and playing Parker straight is making me feel a bit dirty. Still it's a really nice resource!
  20. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1213271' date='Apr 27 2011, 10:37 PM']I have been using Elites for years, I have 6 basses and never notice a change in metal type? I'm not so keen on the stainless steel as I'm concerned they may eat my original vintage frets on the pre EB as the strings will be harder than the frets, I have them on the Ray4 at the moment and they play/Sound fine.[/quote] I used them for a time back when I was impressionable and wanted everything that Stuart Zender used (he was an endorsee). I used Elites for quite a while but IMO D'Addarios are a better bang for the buck and stand up where Elites failed me. Just my opinion though of course!
  21. [quote name='urb' post='1213229' date='Apr 27 2011, 10:06 PM']Sorry, but this is hilarious - please keep us updated - he must have played the gig by now, how did he get on? Do any Norwegians own Foderas? I know lots of Norwegian musicians and I can tell you from experience that vintage, not designer, basses are what 99% of the bands / players use out there... and how many huskies does it take to change a lightbulb? M[/quote] I've noticed this also, hence all the Oslo guys I know having old Fenders and such.
  22. All round: neck 100%, bridge 100%, tone 60% on my Fender as it can sound brittle anymore, but on my Lakland slightly more tone. I don't really change unless I need a more vintage R&B sound in which case I roll the tone back a tiny bit and bring my bridge down by 25%.
  23. All the Oslo players I know seem to be in this country right now and none of them have much apart from Fenders. Has anything been sorted?
  24. Want this, already got my DJ4 which I love but I want the 5 version now!!
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