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Everything posted by risingson

  1. The title says it all really, looking to play over some changes and haven't been able to find anything usable. I could use Logic/Ableton etc. I know but I wondered if there was anything online that anyone knew of? Thanks in advance!
  2. D'Addario's are the best IMO for the price you get them at (around £14-16). I would personally avoid Elites, they ain't great even though they're cheap.
  3. [quote name='Clarky' post='1212894' date='Apr 27 2011, 05:29 PM']BC'er Joona (site name bassotaiteilija [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showuser=12160)"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showuser=12160)[/url] is in Helsinki and has a lovely Fender CS 64 Jazz (that I sold him!). He was on the site earlier today so maybe PM him?[/quote] No way on earth it would get there in time! Helsinki is a very, very long drive, conservatively a 12-13 hour drive at best. I'll have a think, I know a few bass players in Oslo.
  4. All played with a pick if I'm not mistaken. EDIT now I think I am mistaken.
  5. Depending on the venue in question, I'm always put off by bands that have too big a setup for the size of the room. The tendency is to crank it up but all that ends up happening is that you get this wall of sound where nothing has it's place in a live mix situation, and the vocal gets totally drowned. It's nice like you say to have that epiphany whereby you realise that not all of that is totally necessary!
  6. [quote name='BottomE' post='1209098' date='Apr 23 2011, 12:20 PM']well, i left that bit out deliberately because as a piece of music it doesn't get me going.[/quote] Yeh that's what it boils dow to with me as well. Otherwise Wooten's nothing short of incredible, and his attitude to music is thoroughly inspiring.
  7. [quote name='chris_b' post='1208787' date='Apr 22 2011, 11:46 PM']Check out Vince Gill and Albert Lee for some of the best, least cheesy country music around.[/quote] Least cheesy?? It's a friggin hoedown!
  8. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1208755' date='Apr 22 2011, 11:13 PM']The hardest stuff I find is Oasis, Cold Play and Snow Patrol and that sort of stuff I just switch off and get lost, I dont know how those guy do weeks of touring night after night.[/quote] I suppose the beauty of playing in those bands is that you've got a 10,000+ crowd and a wedge of cash at the end of the tour. I do know what you mean though, the monotony of some of the lines will make you switch off if you're not totally on the ball!
  9. You might like this as well, Adam Blackstone on bass, one of my favourite bass players.
  10. A few Chaka Khan tunes with Anthony Jackson on bass. Anything with AJ on bass actually!
  11. [quote name='Schnozzalee' post='1207821' date='Apr 22 2011, 02:57 AM']Naw, traditional shape is best! Although I hear the JO5's weigh a tonne!! So perhaps the smaller jazz body of the DJ5 improves on that..?[/quote] I am now officially a sucker for the DJ's but only because I just bought one and I think they're great! Not just mine but every one I've ever played, 4, 5, rosewood/maple whatever. The JO are great basses and I would have also seriously considered buying one as well. I really like the 55-02's although I've never been totally sold on them aesthetically, that's just me though.
  12. [quote name='bubinga5' post='1207816' date='Apr 22 2011, 02:50 AM']is it better Ris?[/quote] Not better but brilliant basses and if you can pick one up for second hand then you'd be winning. The JO5's I've tried sounded a little darker on that low B than the 4's, although just to my ears and they were still great basses so whatever you with you'll be pleased with. Lakland are flat out great!
  13. I've been paying the full whack of £10 and will continue to do so because the service they offer is so very, very good. I can make playlists and play them offline on my iPhone, and it's completely eliminated the need to use iTunes, which isn't nearly as well laid out.
  14. Unbelievably great band and a really sad loss too, especially sad when you consider that bands like TV On the Radio are pushing the envelope of music in a world where talentless artists are increasingly celebrated by the mass media. We need more need more bands like these guys, and this is really sad.
  15. [quote name='skej21' post='1205276' date='Apr 19 2011, 10:04 PM']I think this is an interesting view on what should be the 'norm' with basses; “Why is four [strings] the standard and not six? As the lowest-pitched member of the guitar family, the instrument should have had six strings from the beginning. The only reason it had four was because Leo Fender was thinking in application terms of an upright bass, but he built it along guitar lines because that was his training. The logical conception for the bass guitar encompasses six strings.” Anthony Jackson[/quote] I love Anthony Jackson, he's one of the few bass players who can play a six string and almost make me want to buy one. Trouble is though he sounded just as good on a 4 string.
  16. I use a rockstand and my jazz sits a little wonky but usually it's alright. It's bit more difficult with my Lakland DJ, but again not too bad.
  17. [quote name='Bilbo' post='1204925' date='Apr 19 2011, 04:47 PM']Nor do I, as an absolute, but I do believe that those who do read and learn theory have a stronger work ethic and are good role models. So I advocate accordingly.[/quote] Total rubbish. In fact I would further argue that an attitude like this one is much more unprofessional and damaging than someone who is unable to read. I'm happy enough to play with guys that can read and guys that can't, as long as they can a.) play and b.) don't have a view like this one. I've met a lot of sh*t hot readers who have had similar attitudes and to be honest it's the worst kind of snobbery, to the point where I can't stand to work with them.
  18. [quote name='gareth' post='1204202' date='Apr 18 2011, 09:58 PM']so when are you taking delivery?[/quote] As soon as I get out of this bath of ice and have successfully sold my kidneys.
  19. [quote name='Gust0o' post='1204206' date='Apr 18 2011, 09:59 PM']That's what I'd like to think; and why threads like this inspire such ire in me. Why is it that I can't simply pick the damn thing up, find my own way with it, and just enjoy it. Oh, but no - you need to learn to read; you need this technique; this piece of kit... eeeeeey by gum. Sometimes. Pfffff! I'm off for a cuppa. Anyone else take sugar?[/quote] Coffee please, don't do tea. What happened to your other avatar Gust0o?? I loved that animated monster, it was the best on the site!
  20. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1204181' date='Apr 18 2011, 09:42 PM']Most of ain't Pino and most of his contemporarys will of earnt a living and funded solo projects from reading gigs. Not that it makes any difference if you want to learn tracks at weekly practice and store them by memory only.[/quote] I was really just trying to explain that there are a plethora of bass players out there that have various differing levels of theoretical knowledge and have still done completely fine for themselves. I happen to think theory is important and a basic knowledge of it is incredibly helpful, however reading has its place and is a rarity for most bass players to stumble across, usually if they do they are the kinds of players who are actively involved in jazz, television and big band work and are well equipped for such events. [quote]Well, this thread summarises why there's quite often f***-all fun to had playing bass.[/quote] Bass is fun! A hell of a lot of fun, no one has to listen to another person tell you what you should and shouldn't be doing and vice versa. There will always be those who think they know better but there's nothing more satisfying than being happy with the musician you are, whether you can read or not and whether you think it's important or not. Music is about feeling, I'd much prefer to feel music than think too hard about how it works.
  21. That is a stupidly good price for a great bass. 4 Candles is a top seller as well, you would have to be totally bonkers to miss an opportunity this good.
  22. I've been reading this thread with interest, and once again it's polarising opinions. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1204147' date='Apr 18 2011, 09:05 PM']There is always a stigma with reading (I have been on both sides of this). In most hobbies people want to replicate the pro's in every way that is practical as it's clear these people know what they are doing yet this issue always creates an us and them battle.[/quote] It depends what your definition of 'pro' is. Pino Palladino for example is probably the world's most desirable bass player right now across the broadest of spectrums, and yet his lack or theoretical knowledge is well documented, which leads me on to my main point... if you're a musician with talent, then the basis of that talent is being good at expressing yourself on your instrument, whether you have a piece of music in front of you or not. Whether or not learning to read music is a beneficial thing for you to do is purely down to a musician's present circumstance and/or desire to learn. Theory is being practiced by everyone who is even vaguely competent on their instrument, usually without their knowledge. Even if they are simply playing root notes and basic pentatonic riffs then the foundations of theory are simply being translated by the player onto the instrument without the means of being able to explain what you're playing and why you're playing it. It's like being able to speak a language fluently but having no idea how to write it down.
  23. [quote name='SteveK' post='1201764' date='Apr 16 2011, 12:46 PM']Don't want to come across as the party pooper here, but surely, the biggest compliment is the[i] roar of approval/clapping of hands[/i] between songs and the end of the set. I know this is supposed to be a light-hearted thread and we all like to be complimented, but these compliments usually come from small talk where the punter is perhaps struggling for something to say. Nice to hear nonetheless, just trying to put it in context.[/quote] Absolutely. It doesn't bother me whether anyone cares about how I've played personally, I get the biggest pleasure from having an incredible crowd that are responsive to the music that I love playing. I very rarely get compliments about my bass work, and whilst it's occasionally nice to have a comment about how well I played, I'd much prefer that people had enjoyed our music, it's a great thing to hear.
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