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Everything posted by risingson

  1. I got told once that I played like John Deacon, which I was particularly happy about, but in fairness we were playing a Queen tune at the time I was told the other night that I was a great bass player and that the bass tone from me was the best tone he'd ever heard by three people including the sound guy no less... which was just great! Anyway, my head is now several sizes too big
  2. I like her music a lot, always have... I'd be keen to listen to her new album when it comes out, it's rammed full of amazing guest appearances.
  3. BSSM is one of the best albums of all time, I love it.
  4. [quote name='peteb' post='1197566' date='Apr 12 2011, 11:04 PM']+1 There is a lot of interest in this on here as a lot of people have dealt with Mark and he is well liked and respected. I’ve never met the OP but I have dealt with Mark and have no doubt that he wouldn’t try to con anyone. As I see it he checked the serial number to date the bass and had got some confirmation from someone who has some knowledge of Fender. This is pretty much what I would have done given that it’s an 83 p-bass that sold for £700 and not a pre CBS worth £5k.[/quote] The seller still has an obligation to disclose accurate information about a bass no matter what the price tag. I wouldn't care if I was buying a Squier or a Sadowsky, I'd want to be safe in knowing that the bass I was buying was indeed what the store says it is, it really is the least you can ask from a store specialising in bass guitars. I'm sure the guy is lovely to deal with, but it doesn't change the fact that a glaring mistake has been made here. What's more if he'd had the bass screened by someone who knew what they were talking about then this problem may not have arisen in the first place.
  5. [quote name='Beedster' post='1197416' date='Apr 12 2011, 10:03 PM']Furthermore, many retailers provide no evidence other than "trust us, if we say it is, it is, we're experts". I won't mention names, but when I pushed a certain well-known vintage retailer to take the necks off two '64 Precisions, neither was a '64 (and no, it wasn't V&R, they were actually very cooperative and accurate in this respect).[/quote] ...which further goes to show that maybe it's time that whoever is assessing vintage Fenders for Bassdirect should probably be replaced by someone who actually knows what they're doing!
  6. [quote name='poptart' post='1196830' date='Apr 12 2011, 02:13 PM']The bass in question was brought in to my shop by a very good customer who was looking to px the bass, I was unsure of its date so we checked the serial number on the headstock on the Fender website and got 1983, to confirm this I took the bass over to my guitar tech who has over 20 years experience with Fenders and as soon as he saw the instrument he immediately declared it an '83 as it has a very specific neck radius and fingerboard edge.[/quote] The serial is stamped on the headstock of the neck, which by the sounds of things is '83/'84 (I'm fairly certain there's a slight overlap with Fender serials claiming to be one year and actually being the next one, but I could be wrong and I'm no expert). I could have assessed this to be the case myself, it's not hard to check on the Fender site! It doesn't sound to me like the Fender bloke with the 20 years of experience has looked closely enough at the body. Unless the part about the body being 1997 is an outright lie then with the greatest of respect, I would strongly recommend you find yourself a more competent guitar tech to assess vintage gear because with the greatest of respect to the guy, if he was any good at what he did then he would have picked up on the body being a mismatch. Any old person could have typed in a serial number on the website and found out that the [b]neck[/b] was from 1983/4. I wouldn't like to assess the legality of the sale as I don't know anything about consumer rights but I would never consider purchasing a vintage Fender (something I'd like to do in the future) from a store that doesn't screen their stock properly. Like someone said... it's a bit of a no-brainer, I think you'd be wise to speak to Truckstop personally to see how the situation can be amended. I for one would certainly like to see the outcome of this to be a positive one for Alex.
  7. The first time I ever played my Eden rig in the store I was kind of like 'so what'? It didn't sound particularly different to a lot of other amps and cab combos I'd tried that had underwhelmed me. An hour or so into trying it I was convinced it was the right setup for me and I love it now. I find it hard to demo an amp you intend to buy in a shop or anywhere else because the sound will vary so drastically from venue to venue anyway that it's incredibly hard to get a feel for what you like about the product in store. I personally am not too keen on Markbass stuff, but if I was playing live and it was provided as a backline rig for me on a date we weren't using our own stuff, I'd still be pretty happy. The biggest problem with Markbass stuff for me is the fact that they have way too much of a product line, and after a certain point most bass amps start sounding the same anyway . They really should condense their line.
  8. 6 grand for that? Warwick are out of their minds. Steve Bailey isn't even a particularly notable player, I think he's technically gifted but he's just being fired back and forth from endorsement to endorsement.
  9. Wow, fairly insulting considering how long John Taylor has been using these particular basses, you think Peavey would at least have the decency to get his name right.
  10. There's got to be a point where you can say that you're happy with what you've achieved, if you're forever pitting yourself against monster players then you'll develop some very sore fingers, a complex and probably carpel tunnel. No one makes me want to give up, only want to learn more and play more
  11. [quote name='Gust0o' post='1192898' date='Apr 8 2011, 02:30 PM']Was this the natural one Badger had in the FS section? If so, good on you; I was gutted I couldn't raise any cash in time! Love the DJ: [/quote] That's really stunning Gust0o. I'm not usually a fan of the tort/black combo but it definitely works well with the maple/pearl block inlays, kind of rare to see it! And yes, it is the very same bass that Badger was selling. Top guy and a really nice bass... a bloody steal in fact!
  12. [quote name='blamelouis' post='1192642' date='Apr 8 2011, 10:06 AM']Sounds great . I would love to have that finger sound , plenty of depth. Very under rated is DJ.[/quote] Cheers man. It's got great tone!
  13. [quote name='steve-soar' post='1192409' date='Apr 7 2011, 11:18 PM']In a word, nice. I'll make her nicer for you.[/quote] Yeh mate I can't wait!
  14. [quote name='dlloyd' post='1192332' date='Apr 7 2011, 10:01 PM']The cantina band from Star Wars.[/quote]
  15. As far as I'm aware, the body shape of the Darryl Jones wasn't Lakland's own design, it was A Basses [url="http://www.abasses.com/"]http://www.abasses.com/[/url]. I don't know the ins and outs of it all but there must have been a dispute along the way as Darryl has now returned to A Basses endorsement roster.
  16. [quote name='thumbo' post='1192150' date='Apr 7 2011, 07:32 PM']Sounds great! Nice playing too [/quote] Thanks man
  17. [quote name='JTUK' post='1192137' date='Apr 7 2011, 07:16 PM']Sounds great. I thought it was a very good model..shame they had to discontinue.[/quote] Cheers mate, it is a shame but one of those things I suppose. I think Lakland are renaming it a different name and changing the body shape slightly, so I don't think it will be gone for too long.
  18. [quote name='TKenrick' post='1192077' date='Apr 7 2011, 06:13 PM']Aside from that, the first time I heard Sonny Rollins on 'St Thomas' was a big turning point[/quote] That's one of the first tunes that got me into Jazz when I was very young, there used to be a clip of it on Microsoft Encarta, I remember playing it over and over again when I was really young. Sonny Rollins still remains my favourite tenor player I think!
  19. [quote name='kevin_lindsay' post='1192073' date='Apr 7 2011, 06:11 PM']Liam? Is that you matey?[/quote] That it is Kev
  20. Allparts perhaps [url="http://www.allparts.uk.com/online-shop/amp-parts/amplifier-parts-accessories/corners-c-277_297_318_334.html"]http://www.allparts.uk.com/online-shop/amp...97_318_334.html[/url]
  21. [quote name='derrenleepoole' post='1191964' date='Apr 7 2011, 05:00 PM']Thriller? Smooth Criminal? [/quote] You Rock My World edit Actually, the first jazz album I bought was 'The Birth of Cool', I still love that album to this day and Budo is one of my favourite Miles tunes. But Jaco Pastorius was the guy that opened my up to it because having read the personnel inside the sleeve it lead me to Herbie Hancock, Don Alias, Wayne Shorter, and a plethora of other great players.
  22. By the way Clarky I've flown with quite a few airlines to Scandinavia with my bass, including SAS, City (a subsidiary of SAS), KLM. SAS handle the baggage well, City don't IME (I saw them toss my bass in, followed by our guitarist's Strat, followed by our keyboard player's Nord stage), it's a similar story with KLM. Might be worth booking an extra seat.
  23. I've done it with my Fender in a hardcase but I'd hate to do it again, the bass comes out icy cold and if you haven't slackened the strings I can only imagine that might just cause the neck to snap like a twig.
  24. I was lucky enough to get a really clean, decent Lakland Darryl Jones Skyline model this weekend just gone and I'm really pleased with it... it's got that really cool 70's ash bodied jazz vibe that I really love, and the thing is so well built as well. I know these basses have been discontinued now, but anyway, I thought I might put some quick samples up if anyone is indeed interested to hear what it sounds like! Fingerstyle - [url="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/21614589/fingerstyle%20Lakland%20DJ.mp3"]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/21614589/fingersty...akland%20DJ.mp3[/url] and a bit of the much loved (and equally hated ) slap - [url="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/21614589/Slap%20Lakland%20DJ.mp3"]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/21614589/Slap%20Lakland%20DJ.mp3[/url] Enjoy, I'll try and get a few more sound samples up to show the variations between pickups etc. a bit later on if I'm not too busy!
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