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Everything posted by risingson

  1. Paul Jackson's one of my favourite players, great playing!
  2. I used to own quite a few pedals, I went through a stage of loving Stuart Zender and Timmy C, both of whom relied heavily on effects. I sold most of them off though, they detracted from my playing. I use a Boss OC-2 octave which I love, that's pretty much the only pedal I use live aside from my TC tuner, although I've got a EHX English Muff'n lying round that needs some new 12AY7's in it and it's the best overdrive pedal I've ever used it sounds great. I probably will either invest in a Bass Microsynth soon as there's a few bits of synth bass that I need to play, but to be honest I'd sooner play a Moog if I had the money!
  3. [quote]which brings me to my point : the bass player in the band was Winston Blissett (Kylie, Lionel Richie, Robbie Williams, Massive Attack etc) and he was playing a nice custom 5 string....... but through what I'm sure was a Behringer bass combo, and it sounded great.[/quote] Was it his Ken Smith? I saw him with Massive Attack and he was swapping between that and a Stingray 5. The guy is a bit of a monster, when they played this tune live [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6OKZ7NQhq8"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6OKZ7NQhq8[/url] it felt like the bass was literally punching me in the stomach... something I consider to be a great thing at a gig like Massive Attack!
  4. Someone buy this bass. It's a complete steal and Mark is a total gent, bought a P-Bass off of him last year and he was kind enough to let me try out his brilliant bass collection... very easy to deal with, very easy to buy from and at this price you cannot go wrong. In short if you've got the cash you would be mental not to!!!
  5. This guy is really inspiring me to start playing a bit more jazz like I used to play! Killer player.
  6. That's an incredible amount of guitars to be stolen. Which shop was it from? I would hesitate to say that's got to be a haul over over £1/2 million
  7. [quote name='Sibob' post='1165209' date='Mar 17 2011, 12:22 AM']So not for the Fender haters this.....but i've only just seen the '11 offerings from the Custom Shop Time Machine range: [url="http://www.fendercustomshop.com/index.php/time-machine/view-product/1960_Relic_Jazz_Bass/"]http://www.fendercustomshop.com/index.php/...elic_Jazz_Bass/[/url] Yes I know it's only one model......but what a model!! Si[/quote] I want it, would love a custom shop Jazz in the near future.
  8. [quote name='Jobo Pooks' post='1165452' date='Mar 17 2011, 09:51 AM']It seems that everyone wants to be up front and shredding on a six string and nobody wants to be at the back thumping on what someone here calls, a coffee table. I'm having a great time with my new hobby, but, is bass becoming cooler....what's the word out there amongst the veterans?[/quote] Bass was, is, and always will be cool. Personally I don't think there's anything cool about shredding like Billy Sheehan on an 6 string bass whilst the crowd and your entire band look on in complete disbelief (or disgust depending on how you look at it). Leave that kind of stuff to the guitarist and then watch and laugh wryly when he head bangs too hard and falls off the stage. But if you've got a P-Bass strung with flatwounds and are stood at the back thumping away, then that's cool for so many reasons.
  9. Really am considering another trip down to Birmingham, Mark! If this bass is still around in a week or so I'll PM you.
  10. I think if you 'hate' slap bass then ultimately you're not going to be good at it, not because you can't do it but because it stands to reason you probably don't practice it as much as someone who does like to play slap. It's not sour grapes or anything, probably just the reality of it.
  11. [quote]If i wanted to buy some shoes, would he have tried them on first and danced for me?[/quote] It's ridiculous isn't it! Conversely, I walked into a shop a few years ago and asked to try a late 80's Stingray (2 Band EQ, it would have been a steal if I'd bought it for the price and to this day I still kick myself for not buying it, hands down the best Ray I've ever played). Anyway, the shop assistant picked it up and did the same thing you described, and threw me a load of slap/tap licks no doubt in an effort to impress me. Once I finally got to play the bass, he had half an ear on what I was doing and after a while he started to pick different basses off the wall to see if I liked them, including on fretless bass with a brass fretless board which was one of the weirdest basses I've ever played. Well we sat and talked for ages until the store closed, he was really a lovely guy and obviously just very enthusiastic about my playing as well. Those are the kind of people I like, he literally had me play every bass in the store!
  12. [quote name='chuck_stones' post='1164006' date='Mar 16 2011, 07:42 AM']It's still available - I've a number of trade offers but nothing that really tempts me to part ways with the 'berg as yet [/quote] I'll definitely keep my eyes peeled.
  13. Bump and to the top. Still have slots available for those who would like them. Just PM me and let me know.
  14. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='1162058' date='Mar 14 2011, 05:35 PM']That's the pillock I mentioned in another post. He was sat right behind the GK stand with the same bass and amp for two days straight playing that %$@# at full blast. The only time he stopped was when he went over the other side of the path (about 2 meters away) to do the same thing on another stall. He didn't seem to have any sense of how much he was pissing people off. Sure, he had a few people watching him as they passed by, does that mean the rest of us want him doing that for hours at a time and playing over any potential customers that want to try out gear? Whenever the quiet period ended, he was always one of the first people to crank his amp (before other people had even started) and start churning out that noise at full blast. Grr, the guy really pissed me off haha. He was on an ego trip for 2 days without a care for anyone else.[/quote] He's clearly just a hobbyist. He's unlikely to land any proper work anytime soon if he just plays that crappy speed-slap-Mark-King-gone-wrong stuff all the time. Maybe he can hold down some real bass, who knows, although with the greatest respect to him I think it's highly unlikely. I don't think it's fair to chastise an individual for playing how they want, but demoing gear to the point of obnoxiousness drives me nuts.
  15. Not far away from you mate! Welcome, enjoy the site.
  16. [quote name='Jobo Pooks' post='1160754' date='Mar 13 2011, 05:33 PM']I'm over in Huyton.[/quote] Cool, I'm over the other side of the Mersey. I think if you're using tabs to get a basic footing of a tune then it's hardly a crime, but if you can get using your ear to figure out songs then you'll find that sooner or later the need for tabs will diminish and your musical ear will no doubt improve
  17. [quote name='Jobo Pooks' post='1160741' date='Mar 13 2011, 05:28 PM'] Sorry guys, not my intention to throw coal on the fire you're fighting. Just after some links. I'm more into the Ry Cooder philosophy "If music sounds good then there's nothing more to analyse." Settle down, I don't want to get banned for starting a war..... I like it here.[/quote] Absolutely not your fault, you weren't to know! Where abouts in Liverpool are you based mate?
  18. [quote name='hellothere' post='1160715' date='Mar 13 2011, 05:15 PM']And Doddy what makes tabs so evil?[/quote] Please nooooooooo! Not another thread discussing the merits* of notation and the evils* of tab (*switch as applicable)
  19. [quote name='Jobo Pooks' post='1160215' date='Mar 13 2011, 09:53 AM']Looking for some bass tabs links. I know there's loads of them out there, but as this is a bass forum I guess the best ones will be known by folk here. Particulary looking for "Little help from my friends" Joe Cocker version for starters.[/quote] Welcome mate, there are a few different bass tab sites around that I'm certain you can use, but if I were in you, I'd take some time out to sit down and have a good listen to what the bass part does in the tune and then try and replicate it in your very own way. The biggest problem I have with tabs isn't that is discourages you from reading notation, but that a lot of the time they're wrong; written out by hobbyists without much care for whether or not they are the correct part. Whilst some people I'm sure will encourage you to find notation for it, I say that if the tabs don't work out for you then have a good listen to the song and translate to your own bass that way. It's good for your ear training! Best of luck.
  20. [quote name='Clarky' post='1160068' date='Mar 13 2011, 12:43 AM']I absolutely agree. However this bears next to no relation to the slap pyrotechnics at today's Bass Show![/quote] I can only imagine Clarky! I like the pursuit of new sounds on an instrument, but my favourite bass players are more traditional in their approach to bass, and I think it shows in my own playing. I prefer to keep things grounded, I always felt that whilst slap works on the off occasion, most of the time it detracts from what else is going on. Posted this a while back that more or less outlines what I feel about it all! [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=113490&hl="]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=113490&hl=[/url]
  21. You seem to be into the same sort of groove and playing that I like (late 60's, early 70's playing). I reckon you'll like these! The first tune is Jermaine Jackson with Nathan Watts on bass (Stevie Wonder's bass player). It's got a great feel, totally ballsey but not excessive. This one's 'Get On the Floor' by Jermaine's younger brother Michael! Louis Johnson playing bass. It's another great slapped part, rhythmically interesting and fits the tune very well. In fact as far as I can recall the entire tune was actually built around the bass line which is fairly rare and a testament to Louis Johnson's playing as Quincy Jones wouldn't let just anyone come up with any old part! Prince 'Let's Work' - think it could be Prince playing bass on this one. Cool groove. Freddie Washington on bass with Herbie Hancock, 'Just Around the Corner', such a great part.
  22. [quote name='cd_david' post='1159699' date='Mar 12 2011, 06:40 PM'] The only tasteful and really functional slap i can think of.[/quote] This is just a classic example of slap being used to heighten a tune, it's sat so well with the kit and it's just a great bit of playing from Freddie Washington.
  23. I don't hate it, but I almost never use it and find the mandatory use of it to demo gear incredibly tiresome! I love and respect bass players like Larry Graham and Louis Johnson but it dates records and is very much a thing of the past. I've not been to a bass show before, but I've seen videos of them before and I can only imagine what it must have been like.
  24. If I had any money to spend I would be buying that bass! Beautiful.
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