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Everything posted by risingson

  1. [quote name='endorka' post='1097224' date='Jan 21 2011, 10:53 AM']I don't understand the criticism of Flea either, I think he is a fantastic musician.[/quote] Flea brought bass playing to the forefront of a band like no one else ever has (apart from maybe Paul McCartney purely by default). That made him very popular with younger players keen on replicating his technique, aesthetic and sound, and it spawned a generation of new bass players (I include myself in that). Unfortunately, some people feel compelled to go out their way to disprove him as a musician; something which usually reflects their lack of ability to digest other kind of music that doesn't fit their idea of what constitutes good musicianship. It's something that's always baffled me, but I now understand that some people need to quantify other musician's abilities in order for them to assess whether they're worth listening to or not, which is completely ridiculous!
  2. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1097015' date='Jan 21 2011, 12:10 AM']I agree and it's a shame that you get the flea fanboi crap if you like the chilis or play a stingray as the rest of the band aren't bad either! The only thing is I think soul to squeeze is the best song they have ever done and shows how good flea can be at bass playing in a conventional way. Could you put a you tube link for it I'm only on my iPod? Great song.[/quote] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwlogyj7nFE"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwlogyj7nFE[/url] I love Soul to Squeeze too, it's another superb song
  3. I listened to a lot of music as I grew up. I remember when I first took up bass I was told to listen to The Red Hot Chili Peppers because they had a great bass player. So when I finally did get round to listening to them I got completely hooked. It wasn't just the bass playing, but a lot of the way Hillel Slovak and later John Frusciante voiced themselves on guitar, as well as Anthony Keidis's lyrics which at times could be incredibly poignant, even if his vocal ability did at times lack somewhat... in fact over time the bass playing became inconsequential in comparison to their ability to write brilliant music. To me, they remain one of the most important bands to emerge from the past 30 years. I remember buying 'Blood Sugar Sex Magik', and I would still describe it as a musical turning point in my life. As time went on though, I stopped listening to them as much as I once did, and other music began to edge them out of my walkman, a lot of jazz, rock, R&B and Motown, as my taste 'matured' for lack of a better term. Whilst I still loved Flea's playing, I was keener to explore other bass players that had a more 'conventional' approach to bass playing. So tonight, I found myself sitting and listening to Under the Bridge. I think every band has a song that defines them. I would argue that the Rolling Stones's 'Gimme Shelter' epitomes their excellence in one song, conversely I could probably say that 'Day In the Life' sums up nicely John Lennon and Paul McCartney's ability to write some of the most timeless music and lyrics ever heard. For me the song that best summarises what the Chili Peppers did was Under the Bridge. It remains a nostalgic and important song to me still, so I thought I'd share it with you all [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwlogyj7nFE&ob=av3el"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwlogyj7nFE&ob=av3el[/url]
  4. [quote name='silddx' post='1096831' date='Jan 20 2011, 09:18 PM']Versatile OR Dogmatic[/quote] Controversial.
  5. Both. Fingers 90% of the time, and a pick when a pick style quality to the track in question is required.
  6. [quote name='lowdown' post='1096466' date='Jan 20 2011, 03:30 PM']Money - or not enough of it.... It was him or Darryl Jones back in the 90's. Garry[/quote] Ah! I never thought Darryl Jones would go on record and say something like that, but I suppose it's frustrating as a sideman with as much input as he or Branford had in Sting's music to not get back what you [b]think[/b] you deserve. You never know what goes on behind closed doors though, and I'm sure Sting could be a nightmare to work with.
  7. [quote name='lowdown' post='1096455' date='Jan 20 2011, 03:23 PM']Did he not have a rant on a Sting Video some time back? Garry[/quote] Not that I know of. What was it about?
  8. [quote name='lowdown' post='1096435' date='Jan 20 2011, 03:09 PM']Yer....that one done me. The TB thread has some corking stuff from last night. This.... Garry[/quote] He's never been known to mince words.
  9. [quote name='LeoFender' post='1096306' date='Jan 20 2011, 01:38 PM']It doesn't portray this or any other forum in a good light having the sneering bile and derision displayed to some one who post videos, which they are obviously proud of. Does it really offend you that he enjoys his playing and composition of his music.[/quote] Been reading this thread with interest. I would agree that it's not particularly 'becoming' of a site like this or Talkbass to have a number of it's members berating a player but unfortunately once you've posted up a video on the internet, the world's biggest viewing platform, you lose a substantial amount of right to be offended by some of the comments that precede. That's reality.
  10. Just had a quick listen to it... the bear essential root notes of the chords are fine for a busk. An Ab chord (major, minor or other) doesn't appear anywhere in the verse (at least within the the first minute or two of the song, I couldn't listen to it for too long unfortunately). Also you'd be correct in using flats as opposed to sharps as you're in C minor EDIT just listened to the whole thing. Definitely no Ab chord anywhere.
  11. Played one of these things in a music shop in Sweden and considering that Warwicks usually aren't my thing, it sounded completely immense! Best of luck with the sale at a more than reasonable price as well.
  12. [quote name='untune' post='1094692' date='Jan 19 2011, 12:12 AM']I'd say BOC are my single biggest influence, I'm going to Edinburgh tomorrow and I'm going to wear a BOC tshirt just on the off chance that over the next few days they decide to pop into town to do some shopping Haha[/quote] Well that's something we've got in common then. Knew it was only a matter of time till someone pulled me up on my avatar!
  13. [quote name='untune' post='1094686' date='Jan 19 2011, 12:06 AM']and between you and me risingson, ROYGBIV always makes me long for days gone by...[/quote] Sounds like you're talking on my wavelength untune! Big BOC fan much?
  14. I appreciate this might not be everyone's cup of tea, but have a listen if you haven't heard of this guy before. I consider his work to be no less than genius.
  15. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='1094309' date='Jan 18 2011, 07:58 PM']Someone filmed us at a gig a couple of weeks ago and decided to post the clips on Youtube. The quality is awful. It doesn't represent us live whatsoever.[/quote] I've been in the same boat, having had lots of videos posted of our band which I've never been too keen on. The reality is you're probably your own worst critic, and unless it is a diabolical performance which I'm sure it isn't, then it's probably worth not worrying about. Being hypercritical of your work is both good and bad; good in that you'll always strive for perfection and ironically, bad for the same reason. EDIT just watched your link. I've seen a sh*t load worse! The video quality is poor, but the playing far from.
  16. I think Chris Wolstenholme's stamina is the thing that impresses me most. Some of his bass lines require just a considerable amount of strength to actually play for extended periods of time. Not a great fan of Muse but I do happen to think he's a very inventive bass player and a considerable influence on younger musicians. I couldn't quantify how difficult or easy his stuff is though, what's easy for some is difficult for others.
  17. The bassist is brilliant, great player... in fact the whole band are so tight. But that kind of production and performance leaves me cold. Maybe it's just the sharp musicianship that leaves me wondering where the soul can be found in stuff like this. A few years ago I would have enjoyed watching this but my view on music has changed a lot since then, the whole thing seems too sterile for me and too polished. But hey, different stokes I guess!
  18. Teach him 'Hey Joe' by Hendrix. One of the first tunes I learnt.
  19. My younger sister has Reynauds, the condition restricts the flow of blood to certain areas of the body (this isn't just caused by cold weather either, it can also be caused by certain foods you eat I believe). You should see a doctor. The muscles in the hands are just like any other muscles in that when you exercise, you need optimum blood flow to supply oxygen to the blood vessels around your hand etc. Muscles don't work well when they're cold, and unfortunately this will be especially true for you. Never fear, consult your doctor and perhaps after the advice you take away from them you can optimise the flow of blood to your hands with good technique and good warming up!
  20. Hi everyone, My name is Liam, I'm offering bass guitar lessons on an hourly basis to all ages on Tuesday and Thursday nights, based on the Wirral. It doesn't matter if you're a complete beginner or a more advanced player, everyone is welcome! [b]BACKGROUND[/b]: I was taught at Paul McCartney's LIPA (Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts) studying music. I am a regular gigging musician around the country and abroad, and have played with a number of outfits over the years, with genres spanning everything from rock, pop, soul, R&B, funk and jazz. [b]MY AIM AS A TEACHER:[/b] I'm keen to get all of my students enjoying themselves playing the bass guitar and simply being comfortable playing the music that YOU as a student are interested in! The focus would be on getting your technique, timing and feel together, as well as a focus on what kind of theory you're going to need to know. It's all about having a lot of fun, as well as building on the strengths of your musical interest! [b]WHAT YOU'LL NEED TO BRING:[/b] Yourself (of course!), your bass guitar, a lead and pen and paper. That's it... and we can get started immediately! Drop me a personal message if you are at all interested and I'll reply right away
  21. Steve got in contact with me after I had posted up that I'd been having a few setup issues with my Jazz bass and said he'd be happy to have a look at it for me... so I popped round to his and after a quick setup and a general chin wag, my Jazz is now playing a lot better than it once was. Not only this but Steve said he'd be more than happy to have a look at my bass in the future should I have any more issues with it! So if you're in the North West area and need a good setup, I can't recommend Steve enough, he clearly knows his stuff and was a cracking guy to boot! Cheers Steve, I really appreciated it! I'll certainly be going back to Steve in the future should I have any more setup issues that I can't handle myself. Best wishes, Liam
  22. My Boss OC-2 is still generally the only pedal I use live and in the studio still!
  23. When I was 15 or so, my teacher at the time asked me on my first lesson what I liked to play. So I played him some fast slap bass and all sorts of technical trickery that teenage players like to play. He then proceeded to open a Beatles chord book on 'I Feel Fine', and asked me if I could play a bit of what was going on. I went to pieces trying to follow it. From then on I prioritised being a musician and getting my playing together in a musical and controlled way instead of focusing on my technique, and it made me a considerably better player.
  24. [quote name='Musicman20' post='1089757' date='Jan 14 2011, 07:44 PM']Definitely dont want to start any kind of 'he does this' type of argument, but im sided with EBMM instruments and theyve changed my perception of how high quality things can be without going totally custom (and paying less). But, what I will say is when Ive emailed Sadowsky, the responses were less than 'satisfactory'/helpful, in fact they were almost rude and arrogant. Every single email to S&T UK or Ernie Ball Musicman USA have been very helpful.[/quote] Roger Sadowsky has always been interesting and level headed during interviews I've seen with him whilst Sterling Ball's attitude has been at times outright alienating. But it is definitely within a company's interest to keep clientele and potential clientele happy with enquiries and such so I'm glad to hear that MM's customer service has been helpful as I'd still consider buying a Ray in the future. They just sound too good
  25. [quote name='Musicman20' post='1089757' date='Jan 14 2011, 07:44 PM']Definitely dont want to start any kind of 'he does this' type of argument, but im sided with EBMM instruments and theyve changed my perception of how high quality things can be without going totally custom (and paying less). But, what I will say is when Ive emailed Sadowsky, the responses were less than 'satisfactory'/helpful, in fact they were almost rude and arrogant. Every single email to S&T UK or Ernie Ball Musicman USA have been very helpful.[/quote] Roger Sadowsky has always been interesting and level headed during interviews I've seen with him whilst Sterling Ball's attitude has been at times outright alienating. But it is definitely within a company's interest to keep clientele and potential clientele happy with enquiries and such so I'm glad to hear that MM's customer service has been helpful as I'd still consider buying a Ray in the future. They just sound too good
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