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Everything posted by risingson

  1. [quote name='LukeFRC' post='1089545' date='Jan 14 2011, 05:07 PM']anyone tried the MB fusion?[/quote] Tried one in Sweden, it was absolutely excellent!
  2. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='1089532' date='Jan 14 2011, 04:58 PM']One ridicolously dressed up Sterling Ball (yeah he likes dressing up apparently, each to his own I guess) playing with Dave LaRue[/quote] Bizarre. Got to say that whilst I love EBMM products (I really do consider the Stingray to be a timeless and brilliant instrument), Sterling strikes me as an incredibly difficult character to like. Having seen the way he conducts himself on his forums, his unwillingness to answer any critics of his products without taking it as a personal insult, and the fact he seems to revel in surrounding himself with sycophants does sometimes make me think twice about buying into his most recent products. As the head of a company he should probably have a considerably better attitude, maybe take a leaf out of Roger Sadowsky's book.
  3. I want to like Ibanez, I really do, but they have some truly nasty ideas for body shapes! This one isn't a looker IMO.
  4. [quote name='Musicman20' post='1089179' date='Jan 14 2011, 12:05 PM']Dont get me wrong, a 2 band Ray single H can cover a LOT. I agree. I just like to have flexibility on one of two of my instruments.[/quote] I've enjoyed seeing EBMM release some really interesting stuff over the past few years, a lot of it really not to my taste but they are at least propelling themselves along with great new products. I can't help feeling however like they might have taken what I like about the brand away with this concept, it reminds me of what Gibson are trying to do with their guitars at the moment by adding all sorts of gimmickry and I'm not keen on that either. I'll still make sure to try them out when they come out though, no point damning a whole idea when you haven't even tried the product.
  5. Agh too much choice! I'm perhaps in a minority here but what I like about Stingrays is just how usable a single H pickup and 2/3 band EQ preamp can be. I don't care about how a pickup is phased just as long as it sounds good, I think I'd go nuts with electronics like that in one of my basses or guitars.
  6. Speaking of art that represents a paradoxical ideal, here is my favourite, entitled 'The treachery of Images'. [url="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_DbpqRnKDw4s/S8LdYHrv0TI/AAAAAAAAAnE/KfXa5p3dPxI/s1600/pipe.jpg"]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_DbpqRnKDw4s/S8Ld.../s1600/pipe.jpg[/url] The tag in the picture translates as 'This is not a pipe'.
  7. Another recent promo shot I did for our band with my P this time. [attachment=68652:LIAM2.jpg]
  8. I remember when Kevin had this made for him, lovely bass and excellent colour choice as well.
  9. Art to me has to be an extension of a person as an individual, an artificial creation that appeals to the senses of that person or another, so yes in the simplest terms I think music is art as it fits this incredibly basic criteria.
  10. I've seen some horrible attempts to fit a second neck humbucker to a Stingray 4 posted somewhere on the internet (something about Stingrays having a cavity that easily allows this modification, but I'm skeptical). The dual humbucker Stingrays I'm almost positive were not around in the 90's though.
  11. [quote name='thumperbob 2002' post='1084798' date='Jan 10 2011, 08:31 PM']Have a look at our set list! Enjoyable though. Www.soul patrol.org.uk[/quote] Great stuff TB, there's a band near me that share your band name strangely enough that do similar stuff!
  12. [quote name='thumperbob 2002' post='1084395' date='Jan 10 2011, 03:57 PM']Probably more important is that does it fit in with the band and is immediately recognisable? Mind you I have sometimes spent hours on one song simply because it was a pleasure- James`s For Once in My Life anyone? Cheers Bob[/quote] I wouldn't dare go out and play a Jamerson part without knowing most/if not all of of it, I think that would border on sacrilege!
  13. BB5, check out Adam Blackstone's bass playing with Jill Scott from about 3:00 or so in! [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jXfUn6o7Sg&feature=PlayList&p=043EA42B1B685D4C&index=0"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jXfUn6o7Sg...D4C&index=0[/url]
  14. Got some on my P-Bass currently, only because they were the only ones I could find before a gig a month or so back. They're not bad at all, not my first choice in strings but I can't complain.
  15. Bump for probably the best looking bass I have ever seen. Best of luck with the sale, if I had £2000 I'd have this off of you in a flash!
  16. At least he's trying some different stuff and being creative. Also it's nice seeing someone playing along to some more modern music instead of the usual playalong to a Steely Dan track. I don't see the problem or how his playing affects anyone. [quote name='gjones' post='1081961' date='Jan 8 2011, 11:56 AM']Awwww, I think we should stop crucifying the poor kid. He put it up on youtube to look cool and impress his friends at school. And we then proceed to rip him to shreds! We're better than that..............aren't we?[/quote] My thoughts exactly. People can be pretty quick to stifle creativity, no matter what context it comes in! I find that strange as we're all musicians.
  17. [quote name='Conan' post='1083290' date='Jan 9 2011, 04:53 PM']Why spend three hours getting one bass line note perfect if you can do a "good enough" job (so that nobody will notice the difference) in half an hour? Unless you are a perfectionist of course... [/quote] Sometimes I think the lack of enthusiasm and empathy towards certain bass lines where specific parts have simply been approximated translates quite strongly in a live context, it really can drag the energy out of a band. If something is worth doing then a lot of the time it's worth doing right, depending on the context.
  18. [quote name='Chris2112' post='1083172' date='Jan 9 2011, 02:46 PM']As soon as I find a P bass better than something handmade that sounds good I'll let you know, but don't hold your breath! [/quote] Hmm this is an argument that's been had a zillion times but I've played a lot of high end basses (never a ACG admittedly) that has sounded better than the two or three best Fenders I played. But then of course, that's just my opinion. Depends what you want from a bass.
  19. [quote name='Chris2112' post='1083169' date='Jan 9 2011, 02:41 PM']I'd rather just have an ACG and over £6000 change, thanks![b] It's be better instrument[/b] as well as being cheaper too.[/quote] In your opinion
  20. Jazz is a wide and varied genre and in the same way that Def Leopard don't epitomise rock music, not one artist I could recommend necessarily reflects what you might like listening to within the confines of jazz. However, I would strongly recommend a good starting point would be Charlie Parker and Dizzy Gillespie. Get a hold of some real books and get to grips with a few of their standards that you enjoy, have a look at constructing some nice walking bass lines around the chord progressions, and take it from there. Also probably worth listening to in this initial stage are people like Duke Ellington, John Coltrane, Miles Davis's early stuff, Bill Evans, Cannonball Adderley and be listening to upright players like Paul Chambers, Ray Brown, Ron Carter and Scott La Faro to see how, when and what they played like and who with.
  21. I couldn't possibly question the quality of her bass playing, but I would definitely question the quality of her music! The drummer in the first clip is my idea of a nightmare I think!
  22. Classic case of vintage Fenders that polarise opinion. I for one love Fenders, and if I had the money I'd probably buy it, in the same way that if I had the money I'd probably buy a Ferrari GT250 California. I find the prospect of buying a £7-8000 Fender no different than buying a Fodera or Alembic of a similar price, and seeing as though I'd sooner play a Fender product over both of the latter I feel confident that if I did buy a vintage Fender that expensive that I would use it. On top of this, this bass's price has no where to go but up should you ever want to move it. The asking price of a bass is what you make of it really, you could never call anything a ridiculous asking price because whilst you might think that, someone else out there would probably disagree. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!
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