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Everything posted by ElBroham

  1. I know this is a 3 year old thread, but I thought I'd post this for people who had the same issue in the future. I purchased a Hartke Model 2000 Transient Attack head and it was kind of beat up and dirty, but everything worked. The only problem was the fan. The noise was unbearable and I couldn't take the racket or my bands ridicule. I called Hartke and they said they don't carry parts for amps from the previous millennium so I was on my own. I opened the case and found that the fan was the exact same size as many PC Case Fans (80mm). The only info on the fan itself was that it was brushless and 24v. I found an old PC Case fan that was 80mm, brushless, low noise, long life, but it was 12v not 24v. Also the connector to the amp motherboard was different than the PC fan power connector. I did a search about voltage differences and on one forum a member said that the fan would would only use the voltage it needed, so in this case the voltage shouldn't be a problem. It was worth a try. I snipped the connector off the old fan leaving 3-4 inches of wire to work with, then did the same with the PC fan connector and wire. I then attached the connector from the old amp fan to PC fan, mounted it and plugged it in. I crossed my fingers and hit the power switch and to my delight there were no flames or massive electrical arcs coming from the amp. Just a very light whirring noise. Success! I used the amp for several hours of practice at home and a three hour rehearsal with the band the next day, noise and ridicule free. Some times you just have to make do and this did just fine.
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