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Everything posted by GH63

  1. I have a new one. Serial number 200700117. Build 706.
  2. https://nl.aliexpress.com/item/32969295963.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.18a44c4dJGGMuB
  3. I compared it to the Sansamp effect (BassDrive) in my Zoom MS 60B, and it is pretty much the same.
  4. It doesn't have the mid-scoop of the BDI 21, it's much more transparent, I don't know the Sansamp.
  5. Found this for 23 bucks on AliExpress, ordered it and forgot about it. Today it arrived, oh, yeah, huh??? Long story short, plugged it in, utterly amazed, awesome. 23? Don't think, just buy it.
  6. Have to agree withe Stewblack on the B1 four, excellent piece of equipment for live, recording, and practice use, even has a drummer and a looper on board. The B1 x Four has a wah/ Volume pedal, but is a bit more expensive, however, the wah is bloody good.
  7. GH63

    NAPD Zoom MS60 B

    Ah! The LineSel. Yeah, been playing with it, effects you put in front of it are always on, effects after the LineSel can be switched off. I use it with Phaser and Vibe.
  8. GH63

    NPD - Zoom B1

    Cool! Congrats, zoom has some nice stuff.
  9. GH63

    NAPD Zoom MS60 B

    New Awesome Pedal Day! I already had the B1x4 and the G14, but I had to add this one because it fits on my board and it's awesome!
  10. GH63


  11. New compressor thing added to the family! Only used my amps build in comp. until now, so Ir's like having a brand new amp. Love the toneprints! (Tone Booster loaded)


    1. Dood


      One of my favourites! - I love how you can use the tonePrint application to reconfigure what the knob does. - I found a setting I really liked then disabled the knob altogether so I wouldn't knock it ha ha!


  12. Yeah, I'm kinda a cheap stuff junk...
  13. The combo's are nice, I have both. They are both the same size. I removed the tweeter trom the 300 to make an extra port, the 300 is used as a slave for the 150 (fx out 150, in high 300). A bit of overkill for the living room, but whatever, it looks nice. Oh and they EAT effects!!
  14. This is REAL plastic, and used for 30 years:
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