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Everything posted by jacko

  1. it comes with a 'free' copy of the standard book (which at $75 is still too expensive for what it is)
  2. Yes manage to keep going as Yes despite there being no original members in the band. (they should have given it up when jon anderson left IMO)
  3. Alembic do. Just as well as they don't have a quick release battery compartment - you have to go into the control cavity every time you need to change the battery
  4. I've got a line6 g55 set up you're welcome to have the use of.
  5. Assuming the insurance company didn't play silly buggers, bass would have to be another Alembic. I've not played any other instrument that I've bonded with as much. I can't replace my rig as Mesa have now stopped making the powerhouse cabs and the titan was discontinued a few years ago so I'd probably end up with a d800+ and a couple of 210 subway cabs. Pedals would stay the same - it's taken years of experimenting to find what works best for me so an MXR envelope filter, a pair of bass soul foods and a tech21 bass boost chorus.
  6. Nice. Love the colour.
  7. Sons of Apollo in glasgow last night. Such a joy to watch Mike Portnoy. He should be in every band. Same volume as Motherwell but the Garage is a smaller venue so it was loud as flip!. Once again Billy Sheehan bored me rigid with his tuneless solo and crap overdriven tone. He's so much less distorted on the album. Jeff Scott Soto's voice just gets better and I think Ron 'bumblefoot' thal must be this years big discovery for me - so much humour in his playing. incidentally, Billy didn't look well all night and he seemed to be vocalising his basslines. The support band were appalling - Schiermann. Seemed to be a vehicle for the guitarist's petrucci styled nonsense with a couple of pick up musicians (bass and drums). Couldn't make out anything the bassist was playing.
  8. Let us know where and when you're playing next . There's plenty of Scottish based players on here that could come and give your sound guy a good duffing up some sound advice. 😃
  9. Very pretty. If you want to keep them that way, I'd unplug the lead when the bass is in it's stand otherwise you can guarantee a guitarist will trip over it and bring the whole thing crashing down.
  10. LPs and CDs here. The only time I listen to music digitally is either in the car on planet rock or on youtube if I'm learning a song.
  11. I once had a bass player ask me if my alembics were Warwicks and he seemed most disappointed when i told him what they were.
  12. Yes. Since 1996 I've only taken Alembic basses to gigs. Hasn't made any difference to me or the band what kind of music is being played from folk thru country to out and out metal. (never played any jazz fusion but I do like to listen to it.)
  13. HMMM. Alembic developed the first graphite neck-thru instruments alongside Geoff Gould of Modulus five years before Vigier came into being. They also developed the first active electronics, built the first low 'B' five string (for Jimmy Johnson) and pioneered the use of exotic hardwoods for aesthetic and functional purposes. They're a wonderful company to deal with, involving the customer in every aspect of design / choice of materials / electronics package and even shape (if you pay them enough). If you take the time to visit them in california they are the nicest family you could hope to meet. And they have cake 😃. Not everyone likes Alembic instruments - I do (after trying Wal, warwick tobias etc).
  14. I have a wharvedale EVP 12 pm up for sale at the minute. can't recommend it enough.
  15. our front guy uses 'lyric pad' on his tablet. Works well and slowly scrolls the lyrics once they've been opened.
  16. here you go. Nothing too fancy. The band like a bit of grind so I either have the overdrive on the titan or if we're rehearsing or playing somewhere using provided backline I can flick on the first soul food. The second soul food has a bit more treble and drive for really snarly stuff. Rarely use the envelope filter (maybe 3 or 4 songs for emphasis) but the chorus gets a good workout. Missing from the board shot is the sansamp di I bought recently from Delberthot. Still trying to decide whereabouts in the chain to put it but there'll be some shuffling about. The Mesa footswitch is great, Allows me to switch between a dirty channel and a 'phat' one, o/d off or on and kick as much extra volume with the solo buttun as I think I can get away with. I could also have a second bass in hot standby but I've never used it like that. edit. don't know why the photo has turned. it wasn't like that when I downloaded it. Graeme
  17. My Main gigging rig. Mesa Titan and powerhouse 210 + 410 cabs. the markbass on top is for emergencies.
  18. You go to all that trouble to care for your cable then run the risk of breaking the jack throwing it across the room? Weird!
  19. High time you moved your shop (and masterclasses) to Glasgow
  20. can't get much better than Jim Rodford's line on 'Hold your head up'. really drives the song along the way the Bass is supposed to.
  21. I recently fitted a j-tone black to my bridge because it was cheap and I was just wanting to try out amplification for the first time. My question is 'should the pickup be microphonic'? Seems if I so much as brush the pickups by accident I get a massive crack/thump. My acoustic bass guitar is nowhere near as percussive. any thoughts anyone? Any recommendations for similar pickups that aren't so microphonic?
  22. have you tried contacting KEF? http://uk.kef.com/support
  23. I lived in Roundhay (north leeds) for 8 years and never once felt i was living in a big city. Plenty of buses to get to the centre if that's your thing.
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