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Everything posted by jacko

  1. "Non-Binary" - is that like Hexorosexual ?
  2. I've still got my 70's precision. Believe me, Kids are way more fun
  3. Big Tuna? I left them in 2013 and I believe Delberthot of this parish joined for a year. Don't know who they have now but I guess he's maybe not too bothered about having any creative input.
  4. Bump for last price drop.
  5. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1483067115' post='3204539'] Use a cheat sheet for the first couple of gigs then get rid of it. Blue [/quote] Hmm. Paul McCartney has had oodles of time to learn his parts yet he still has a big PC monitor onstage scrolling his lyrics as can be seen quite clearly in the attached photo... http://blog.eventim.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/paul-mccartney-tickets-2016.jpg
  6. Last bump of 2016.
  7. [quote name='jazzyvee' timestamp='1482110156' post='3197761'] I did think of buying it regardless because I don't have any of their music at all and it would be good to hear more of it and get a better grasp of what they are about. May still do that after Christmas. [/quote] Vince - you'd be better off getting a copy of 40 licks. A 2 cd career retrospective up to 1997. all you'll ever need (and probably more than you really want)
  8. [quote name='T-Bay' timestamp='1482321496' post='3199505'] I love flicking through a magazine and online versions just don't do it for me. [/quote] My Mrs would kill me if I tried moving the PC into the downstairs loo.
  9. went to see the Quo last night in the Glasgow hydro. Support was REO Speedwagon but they might just as well have been a bunch of buskers dragged in from the street. The sound for the support ranged from very boomy to tinny ringing with very little room for any music. I was watching the bass player the whole show and even though his fingers were moving on the fretboard I couldn't tell if he was even playing. Drums and keys were most prominent with a bit of guitar. Bassist might as well not have been on the stage. The Quo's sound was superb.
  10. I have Daddario chrome flats on my fretless alembic and love the feel and tone. Also have la bella deep talking flats on my Kelly acoustic bass which almost give it an upright tone.
  11. Rock City music on the cloth market used to be one of the best. Always had something interesting to play - ricks, Wals, Gibson RD! We'd spend most of a Saturday afternoon in there. Then they moved to Moseley street and went downhill. There was also Chris and Andy's on High bridge. They had a good selection of early Overwater basses. Wonder whatever became of them? Incidentally does anyone remember the Spectro Arts workshop on the other side of Pilgrim street. Used to hang out there making interesting music.
  12. Up she goes.
  13. bump
  14. bump
  15. bump for price drop.
  16. Hey Vee. I'd assumed George meant one of only two that had been fitted with a Piezo bridge by a third party aswell as the Alembic pickup. It was discussed in Malcolm's original classico thread here.. http://club.alembic.com/index.php?topic=8996.0 As you say, there a more than a few standard classicos and I'm pretty sure there are 4 in the UK but the owners don't advertise themselves.
  17. bump
  18. up again. Still open to offers.
  19. Another vote for QSC. I've had my PLX 2402 for years and it's never let me down. More power than you could ever use.
  20. up
  21. Heartbreaking. I first heard him on the Concert for Bangladesh LPs and have loved his playing ever since.
  22. Yes. I've had a fretless 5 string Alembic Rogue since 2005. Strung with D'addario Chromes. Feels like butter
  23. open to reasonable offers
  24. you've said you're playing country because you're audience want to hear it. Why not pander to them even more by playing the original bass line. That's what worked for the song back in the day - no reason at all why it shouldn't work for the song now.
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