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Everything posted by jacko

  1. I have a TRV121 that had to have a new driver last year (took a while under warranty so I picked up the 123) which has stood me in good stead for a year or more but it can't really handle everything the LM800 throws at it., Still sounds great at lower volumes though and if you're using an LM111 you won't be overpowering it. In a way it's better than the 123 cos you can turn the tweeter off. I've also used 104 HF and 104HR cabs with my bigger rig. They were great for a function band - very clean and punchy but I preferred my Mesa Powerhouse cabs when I need a lot of heft so they went when I stopped doing functions.
  2. If you can find a TRV123 I highly recommend them for just about any style of music. I use one with an LM800 for my blues band gigs and also smaller gigs with my hard rock band. Keeps up with any amount of volume the 2 guitarists throw at me. edit. It's also brilliant with my upright.
  3. god forbid a rocker should look like they enjoy what they do. our lead guitarist has berated me and our drummer many times for smiling too much.
  4. It's one of those Iconic songs that has to just right otherwise punters will get whizzed off. We talked about putting it into the set a few weeks ago. I'd have been ok with it played as per the original but the guitard wanted to dumb it down, losing all the noodly bits at the end of each vocal line. Luckily the drummer was on my side so the whole idea has been dropped. To be fair it's a bit stinky poo anyway.
  5. Try Markbass. I use a MB lm800 for rehearsals and smaller gigs with my hard rock band and have no complaints.
  6. Just got home from seeing Dream Theater in Glasgow. For once I cold make out some of what Myung was playing. Mike Mangini's kit didn't seem to be mic'd properly (or the sound guy is an idiot) cos we couldn't hear his top end - octobans or smaller toms. James LaBrie's voice isn't getting any better. Still a fantstic gig though.
  7. Dream theater tonight. Glasgow 😀
  8. I thought they were just there to keep the drumster's sweat from splashing around
  9. I'll just say Bass Soul Food then get back to work
  10. They usually come free with Planet Waves leads so whatever diameter they are. They will wrap twice round a 30foot PW lead keeping them nice and secure. i love them. They stay on the amp end of the cable and give a useful loop for keeping that end of the lead hanging in the right place till I plug it in.
  11. One of the big issues I have with guitarists is that whilst we are invariably D.I'd, the guitar amps are mic'd up so any change in their stage volume will affect the offstage sound. This is something else they just don't 'get'.
  12. I left my last band after 9 years of constant moaning from the lead guitarist about my volume - like yours, it's set at soundcheck and never touched. Problem is, his hearing was shot and his ability to distinguish his own frequencies diminished after 30 minutes or so. I did explain this to him but he wouldn't accept it and would turn every gig into a battle. In the end I'd had enough and left. 6 years later my current band complain if I'm not loud enough to overpower our 'double kick drum' maestro.
  13. these sum up my teen listening quite well... Elected, Alice cooper devilgate drive, Suzi quattro gates of Delerium, Yes
  14. that would make a superb home hi-fi set up. Just needs a decent turntable.
  15. I contacted Armstrong pickups a year or so ago when I wanted a magnetic pickup for my 5 string. They came up with a custom design based on measurements I sent them. Works perfectly. the only issue is figuring a way to fasten it to the end of the fingerboard. Cost me £120.
  16. This is really sad news. I've been a fan of his music since my teens although I've never had the chance to see him live. Learning the Hammer and Tongs riff was one of my earliest bass exercises.
  17. Friend of mine was there. Said you put on a superb show.
  18. Nice rig. I have a single ph210 that i use to augment my ph410 when i need to but it doesn't happen that often. I find it a lot easier to move the 410 around than the 210. Probably cos it has wheels 😀
  19. that's my favourite genesis album.
  20. try asking alexa for a blow job
  21. That doesn't surprise me. I've taken the missus to see them nearly every winter since we moved up here in 1998 - her favourites, I prefer the 1970's lineup - and I think it's safe to say that the last 5 or 6 times we saw them they were pretty much phoning it in. A great show if you hadn't seen them before but I'd be hard pushed to single out any year as having a different set list.
  22. There's only 2 songs on that list I'd ever listen to.
  23. The quo at Glasgow - probably 10 winters ago had Roy Wood playing support. He was brilliant. The quo were a bit Meh! in comparison.
  24. First concert - Deep purple. Newcastle city hall. 1973 Last concert - Transatlantic sessions. Glasgow Royal concert hall Jan 31st. Best concert - YES. Edinburgh Playhouse 2003. Took the whole family. Alan White's mum was in the audience Worst concert - Kings of leon. Edinburgh corn exchange 2005. so bored I left after 4 songs. Or .YES 50th anniversary, Glasgow 2018. Didn't want to count this gig as it was really just a tribute band led by steve howe and sounded appalling. Loudest concert - Motorhead supporting Alice Cooper. Glasgow SECC. 2007. Joan jett as first support were so much better than Lemmy's mob Seen the most - YES (but Dream Theater are catching up) Most surprising - Kate Rusby Edinburgh Usher Hall 2010. Voice of an angel but soooooo tiny. Next concert - Dream Theater. Glasgow feb 23rd Wish I would have seen - Grateful dead
  25. The locals should be really good on extended range instruments on account of all the extra fingers (allegedly).
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