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Everything posted by jacko

  1. Just remembered the Weird Sisters from harry potter and the goblet of fire. lead vocalist Myron Wagtail was portrayed by jarvis cocker.
  2. toured extensively and even had jimi hendrix as a support act.
  3. For me it has to Strange Fruit for the simple reason that Bill Nighy is in it which automatically makes it better than anything else. In addition I'll throw in his solo performance as Billy Mack in Love Actually.
  4. I'd keep the PA you have - sounds just like ours except we don't use a sub although we do each have our own monitor. A pair of mackie SRM 450s is more than adequate to fill a village hall or function room.
  5. That description probably accounts for 75% of the basschat collective
  6. Really? You got that from the interview? To me she came across as someone who had worked hard to get from pretty humble beginnings to where she is today.
  7. Better than you could have hoped for a couple of weeks ago . Hope it goes trouble free.
  8. get a dehumidifier. I had mine in the garage and after the first winter the covers were showing some signs of mould. Bought a cheap dehumidifier and haven't had a problem since.
  9. How many songs has susan written? Incidentally we keep bumping into her in bathgate tesco. Would rather bump into cheryl tho.
  10. That's just Keef richards on a good day.
  11. First Bassist I ever saw using an Alembic
  12. It's quite easy to find non-squirealike bassists in prog if you just listen to whatever bands Mike Portnoy has (or is) drummed for. Currently spinning Flying colors - Dave la rue. Very musical and sounds nothing like squire. then there's Dream Theater - Myung is in a class of his own regards tone. The Neil Morse band has Randy George on bass - again, not a squire clone. Then you have his heavier bands like Sons of Apollo with Billy Sheehan and so on.... Unsurprisingly there's no sign of any rickenbackers
  13. As if by magic an immaculate radial JDi turned up on here last week about half the new price. paid for it on thursday and had it hand delivered to my soundcheck on saturday. worked a treat and made the sound guy very happy.
  14. Can you not play the 16th fret on the next string up?
  15. I've found the paragraph on the Threshold control to be a bit confusing with what seem to be conflicting instructions..... THRESHOLD:This control determines the attack threshold at which the compression effect will be triggered. Basically, it is a sensitivity control with 0db being the least sensitive and -40db being the most sensitive. The more you turn the control clockwise, toward -40db (maximum sensitivity), the lower you are setting the threshold - and the softer (lower) the signal strength has to be before the compression effect is triggered. Think of it as a ceiling you are setting that the dynamic events in your playing cannot pass above. The setting of the THRESHOLD will likely want to be set differently for different types of playing styles and techniques. For example the THRESHOLD setting might want to be set lower (toward -40db) for finger-style playing than it would for thumbing or plucking where the attack transients and output from the strings is higher (assuming you want to trigger the compression on just the dynamic peaks). If you want the compression on all the time, set the THRESHOLD lower still and you will trigger it so that any input from your instrument will activate the compression. FWIW I have both at around 9pm and the light doesn't flicker much when I'm playing
  16. messaged
  17. You'll end up with something like this...
  18. Quite liking that. I was thinking of going for the radial pro di but the JDI gives me the option of summing the two jacks so I could use it to combine the piezo (via the fishman) and magnetic p'up outputs of my DB fr gigs where I don't have 2 amps. There's a balanced input on the markbass lm800. Just have to shop around for the best price now.
  19. Hmmm. all active basses plus the signal is getting modified by the pedals so maybe a passive box would suit my needs.
  20. Thanks Dodge but I'm not looking for a preamp-di, more a traditional DI. I already have a fishman platpro for double bass duties that I can use with my bass guitar if I want to color my sound if going straight into the PA but it doesn't have a 'thru' facility to bypass the preamp if I'm plugging it into my stage rig. I should have kept the sansamp BDDI I had as that had a parallel output but it sound crap with double bass .
  21. I'm wanting to add an active D.I. to my pedalboard to send my 'effected' signal to the desk before the amp. However, I've been looking around and it seems they all come with a 9v battery and/or take u to 48v from phantom power. I'm wondering why they don't add a 9v (or12v even) ac socket so I can power it from the t-rex fuel tank? Seems a bit disingenuous when nearly every pedal on the planet comes with both battery and ac adaptor. On the other hand would it just be simpler to use a passive D.I. ?
  22. They sent the correct one with a stereo lead for the M9.
  23. I was in a very similar situation in 2014. I'd been with the band about a year, the original bassplayer having had a nervous breakdown and quit playing altogether. Fast forward to march 2014, we're playing Behind the Wall in Falkirk and the singer says quite innocently 'would you mind if the old bassplayer gets up for a tune'? A month later I'm out of the band on the pretext of 'musical differences'. The old guy was only back with them about 6 months before he packed up again and they were advertising for his replacement. Think they've gone through 3 other bassists since then. I was lucky enough to audition for a bunch of guys who are both superb musicians AND more importantly have become great mates.
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