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Everything posted by nilorius

  1. Sorry for my stupid impatience - that's what i am. Thanks for the after response.
  2. Best regards, the journey begins !
  3. That is destiny of all BC members. That is normal. Nothing will change in Your life, just a little bit more alcohol ! 😉
  4. You will know soon, You will !!!!
  5. Best regards and be carefull !
  6. Yeah....great response from BC members. Cheers!
  7. It's 2024. heart is beating. Would like an octave pedal. Watching at MXR M288. No way it can be tried out at places in offer. Who can write the opinion on this octave with fretless. Maybe better recommendations. Thanks.
  8. Yeah, who could think of such a smart sujestion.
  9. There could always be an answer - NO !
  10. Tuner, comp and preamp auto on could be ok, but Boss has a lot of other pedals, like chorus or syb-5 which i don't like auto on. Other brands stay calm.
  11. Maybe You could tell her that she can play some song bass lines on a keyboard synth and at that time you take a break at backstage and be a nice friend of Jack Daniels. No one will suffer!
  12. Finally - the Unicorn combo. It must be good for violin and chello, too! Congrats !!!
  13. Yeah, and Michael Jackson ordered to play thriller bass line with acoustic guitar through bass amp with guitar fuzz effect pedal ?
  14. I am thinking about an octave fx at 2024. I think i like DUNLOP MXR M288 BASS OCTAVE DLX most. Saddly - both places where it can be bought at my country - can't be tried out. What i want to know is - how does it cooperates with 5 string fretless bass ? Any opinion would help, thanks.
  15. I think, the only way, we can get the right answer is - everbody, at your next band rehearsal, ask your main vocalist - leader, connect his/her signal through bass tube amp and 4x10'' cab, and after 3 hour jam, listen carefully the opinion. They are never wrong !
  16. Maybe You would enjoy playing your bass through guitar amp, too !!! 😜
  17. Just.....or very, very much ??? 😊
  18. I wonder how good they are and how much would MIB jazz cost now?
  19. The worst - Boss - SYB-5 - don't buy it !!!
  20. Thank Youuuuuu!🤣
  21. RTFM? Strange, but it only happens with Boss pedals. Other brand pedals stay calm.
  22. Well - always left it pulled out before is even more evil than switching it off by leg.
  23. Yes
  24. Hi. Currently i have 4 pedals in my pedal board- 2 Boss pedals - BC-1X compressor and CEB-3 chorus. Both automatically switches on when the pedal board is connected to electricity. For compressor it is ok because use it all the time, but chorus? Why? Is this for all Boss pedals? Is it possible to be changed?
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