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Everything posted by nilorius

  1. Cool video and sound. Watched from start till the end. A bit sad he didn't used a frettless bass.
  2. These are crystal drums, very rare !
  3. I care how my instrument looks, not that it is much or less road worn, but how it is built visually. I don't play on something i don't like at design.
  4. I think You have played a game a bit much with TH gain level, it reacts very fast and gives drive if pushed too much. Doesn't have a drive problems with TH500 otherwise.
  5. This were you chooose yourself. Pickups, body, frettboard.......all on yourone. You can be dissapointd or next day gig, without problems. Feel my body, touch my body.
  6. Hey Waddo - chill out. Near future and Waddoshock will rule the earth. Just add some gotoh, washburn and keep yourself nornal!!!
  7. Hmmmm, i would ask why putin insert a tactical nuclear weapons in belarusss?
  8. Don't waste your time and alwayes remember to think twice !
  9. Everybody, ask Waddo on all thems, he knows everything. Do it, just ask !!!!
  10. Mucho, macho, acoustic, neulon stringed, ukulele bass !
  11. Dahhhh....i'm out.....comments...ask...Waddo !!!
  12. Ohhhh....are You sure ???
  13. Ohhh...then it's ok. I started to worrie if is it like Tai Hu.
  14. I think more jazz and metal players would think to play 4/4 or 3/4
  15. Jimmy Hendrix would like, too !
  16. hardcore, no comments.
  17. Does your logo name is like kung fu, kara te, kick boxing ???
  18. Just a spleandor measur, but what about Your logo name - is it a Chineas ansient sport art or else ?
  19. Just a spleandor measur, but what about Your logo name - is it a Chineas ansient sport art or else ?
  20. Ohhhh...4x12 cab...........that's real hardcorn! Have a nice weekend !
  21. Hmmm...just saw what i have seen !
  22. Good words, that's it !!!!!!!!!!! Share to Waddo.
  23. Lots of mucho info, don't understand, bad to the uk english......😜
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