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Everything posted by nilorius

  1. How much tuner pedals do You own and which is ''Your chosen one''? 20 years ago i bought Korg PB-01. It has proven itself, i keep using it till it or me dies.
  2. As aways - welcom to hell/heaven, Siggi !!! Cheers! Nils
  3. Doesn't matter any more - we all live in virtual insanity !
  4. Thanks a lot, i will try to start it today, after work. That should be exactly what i was crawing for.
  5. Dahh......You know that unicorn urin is the best way.
  6. Your thought - the best online book for learning slap teq ?! What would You recommend ?
  7. Hmm....maybe, but if we go so nuanced, there should be 3 - associated as bass player, "vintage" bass player and "road worn" bass player.
  8. Ohh. We were scared. Welcome back ! 🤩
  9. Plastic/aluminium or steel - weight bigger, price higher, tone the same. Fender wins as always.
  10. Well, let's hope he's allright and not bad to the bone !
  11. You mean re-animate in psyhological, pshycical or matrix way ?
  12. Hi Waddo, so...any news about snorkie ?
  13. Don't worry, not wrong only they who doesn't do anything at all !!!
  14. Sounds like deserved handcuff for them.
  15. About 10 years ago, i had no job at all and have to earn some money for living. I knew a lot of popular songs and had no problem to learn any needed. Lead mussicians knew me as a bassist, but here in Latvia You try to earn as much money as possible and gig in as few people band (drummer, bassist not needed). It was pretty hard and i had to react on every call from band leaders who needed a biger band for party. Also the whole musical style was not my type so as soon i found a normal job i abandoned that mussicial type of life. Now i have a project of good potencials building up, full freedom for me and no stress at all, perfect for job/band life. The last way You can earn a good money as mussian, when You concentrate on one band who gets lucky to become popular and can make a big concerts and take good deals of business world, too.
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