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Everything posted by nilorius

  1. Let's ask Mccartney what he thinks about this !
  2. Cheers, for your root=0 !!!
  3. I think that midi is MIDI. I think a lot of players would be disapointed that their teqnique master class would not count so much anymore.
  4. I just looked at it, but that is not what i really thought about. I think more a bass that is still played with real or somehow digitalized strings (to not loose a feel of playing it) and digital pickup witch is controlled with a chip witch can create any bass guitar sound You like. Only for different brands left is design, color and the control type of the whole instrument together. Finally - You must learn to play the bass as You do it in these days to play it better and better.....
  5. If in near future a digital bass would be made, how it should work, from Your point of view ?
  6. James Bond would sell and if something would go wrong - kill !
  7. Hey !!!! You know the rules !!!
  8. It was hard for me too, i could not believe that at first !
  9. Did Fender bought a new brand ?
  10. If You think that Your band is allready quite popular in your country and other countries, too - the website is a good thing if it shows lots of pictures, gives a lot info about band, contains music to listen and videous, to watch and can be easily found through google. If not - facebook is a good way for everyone, for free.
  11. It looks like Ibanez SR series past years model. I can't find the model in website with these pickups.
  12. Maybe You should try out this option?!
  13. I see 3 options for You, man: 1.play only fretted 2.play fretted and fretless(if You feel that fretless is a different instrument) 3.play only fretless(if you REALLY feel that fretless is a different instrument and is the only one for You. I preffer the 3.rd, but i keep in mind that i have that fretted Fender jazz in my room and situations in life can change everytime. So i play it sometimes, have fun and never forget about it. Nothing more to add.
  14. I don't trust wireless systems for bass and guitars. I prefer long, good quality cables. No offence there, choose & use what You like.
  15. I don't trust them, never wanted to use.
  16. So, was Your dad a musician, too or a businessman ?
  17. He knew only how to play 4 string fret bass.
  18. I started a music theory at about 7 and had to learn piano and singing, about 5 years at music school. Kept on with choir, till i was 19. Then i asked my dad to teach me a bit of bass playing. After a mounth i kept on myself. Till now i only look for some good and interesting bass movie from witch i can get something new.
  19. Is it smarter than playing upright and horn on a stative together ?
  20. Hmmm, never tried, but it seems like bass condoms.
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