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Everything posted by nilorius

  1. Do You mean a Unicorn pocket ? 😍
  2. Sorry, i don't have such a long time in my pocket!😁
  3. He will find You, sooner or later. Believe me.
  4. As a brand i think it's 10 from 10. It has 3 positions to connect at any times. Looks very good, but must be a big money as well.
  5. Sounds like You are absolutely right !
  6. I think the problem is that in his studio carrier he only recorded vocals, synth and combined midi and wave samples, but never recorded guitars, bass, brass, drums etc.
  7. Amplitude was much lower than other tracks at that time, not possible to lower it more because then the bass wouldn't be heard at all.
  8. I understand what You are saying, but the way i recorded the track (from direct out after gain and eq.) doesn't even give me chance to record such sub frequencies! Waveform also shows no clips at low frequencies.
  9. So, our lead vocalist - leader started a new song and said that we should record it as soon as possible and make a video clip, too. Piano man claimed that his home studio is perfect for recording. At first drummer went to piano man and made a short record demo with synth, piano and drum samples. They mixed it at volume when there where a lot small clips in it. Ok, i took the direct(balanced) output signal from my amp (no big regulation in eq and a little gain) and connect with my interface (focusrite) to get a normal signal to my pc. Recorded my track over demo with Audacity soft. Everything sounded ok in my jbl pro monitors. So i sent it to the studio - piano man. He responded with the text that he just tested the mix with bass on a subwoofer and it was clipping all the time. He said it's ok and he will cut some frequencies in bass track and will set a limiter. I was in a small shock and didn't know how to respond. I really don't want to change a tone of my bass in the song by cutting frequencies. The music we play is light, 80' rock type. So what do You think about this subwoofer thing? Had someone the equal situation?
  10. I'l try to invent a time machine and ask a sujestion to my grandmother....ok? Just wait a little bit.
  11. Well, i will think it over, but shurelly will need a time and big practice for it !🤩
  12. Could be a very interesting movie to watch, before sleep !
  13. When i hear about AI, i some how hear the words in my head, with a strange accent - "Asta la vista baby"!
  14. It seems like You don't like Your natural voice or You would preffer to comunicate with others like velociraptor?😄
  15. Just recieved Aguilar SL 112 cab. Different universe, different planet, the sound is marvelous. I thought to run to a shop for 1L best vodka, but stick to a lot of good bear.
  16. Do You need a 3rd bassist in Your band - fretless ?😁
  17. For bass players - who preffer to sing back vocals ? Do You feel that it relly helps the band ? Do You like it or just do it for a must ?
  18. This guy loves to play with his right hand on the neck.
  19. I just wrote on picture i saw, there where Rickenbacker hanging under his knees. Now he deleted it.
  20. I think this TRIO would look great and would sound great too, singing Lenons - Imagine !
  21. No place of AI for bass players in future.
  22. Long, long, long, long time ago. Before the wind, before the snow.............
  23. Mine is 175,5 cm long. Any one satisfied ?
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