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Everything posted by nilorius

  1. Well, velociraptors were good in it.
  2. For bass players - who preffer to sing back vocals ? Do You feel that it relly helps the band ? Do You like it or just do it for a must ?
  3. This guy loves to play with his right hand on the neck.
  4. I just wrote on picture i saw, there where Rickenbacker hanging under his knees. Now he deleted it.
  5. I think this TRIO would look great and would sound great too, singing Lenons - Imagine !
  6. No place of AI for bass players in future.
  7. Long, long, long, long time ago. Before the wind, before the snow.............
  8. Mine is 175,5 cm long. Any one satisfied ?
  9. https://maraoliveira.pixieset.com/unsaid/?pid=8969909123&id=7&h=MTUwMTc3OTEwNA
  10. What about east Lithuanian millouner ?
  11. Who knows, maybe a millioner of south Estonia.
  12. Good years.
  13. I think a good way is to start a band where, let's say, good vocal has a vision to make up a band for exact project. 7 people - we came together at 2 mounth and after that had a normal gig - 80th rock covers. Now we continue with our own songs. I think this quite a good way to gain.
  14. That could be called "poo business". Someone constantly thought - no, they are not so good as these are, let's change them with these. Bad end.
  15. Well, anyone can got this situation, so really don't care !
  16. I remember Arnold said how body building was very cool.
  17. This is a bit freaky !!!
  18. Brains controls every muscle, nerve, eyes, etc in humans body. Brains are difficult and not explained what, how and when. From his side, i would try to attend a neurologist as soon as possible.
  19. Jamiroquai - Canned Heat (Live in Verona)
  20. You absolutely know what is "plan B"!
  21. What about You? What's Your favourite drink when You, know for shure, You will play with, let's say, j-bass ? Tell us, don't be scared !
  22. As i like gin + tonic, it gives my j bass a nice alder sound and punchy pao ferro fingerboard feel.
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