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Everything posted by nilorius

  1. If the band members are ok, tell them the situation and get back only when You are good.
  2. I think the mistake i made was playing donna lee, without asking them - what exactly do you want me to play, a bass solo or just a funky groove. Maybe drums can joine me ? That would be right, i think!
  3. Looks like You have found Your goal, greetings !
  4. Well maybe they didn't knew the song, but at least guitarist should saw that there is everything ok with my technique and ask for some jam or quickly told me the chords from one of their own songs to see the otherside.
  5. Sorry,I don't know what ''satire'' means, but if it means - joke, then, no. This boogy happened for real. So every one who playes bass and have the situation where i was - don't play "Donna Lee, Teen town, Mr.Pastorius or something like that". It can end up bad.
  6. I think it can be said like "overplaying", seems that they thought i will always play only solo in all their songs everytime. They even didn't want to jam with me on 4 chords to see what will happen !
  7. Few years ago, i was bandless for a wile, then i got an inivitation in face book if i am interested to join the band (pop rock). I went to rehearsal and was told that they where allready searching for me and heard me playing also. Then they said, "ok, let's see what can You do, play something alone, we will listen". I said "ok", thought some seconds and played to them "Donna Lee", in a good speed. When i ended, the leader - vocalist automaticaly said - "sorry, we don't need You". It all just took about 5 minutes. Nothing for me to do, i just packed my bag and went home. Nice story, isn't it ?
  8. If You bought it recently and want to know about the strings, why don't You contact the seller and ask him ?
  9. Then - if You got the money, You buy it - what and when You have time.
  10. There is no A or Z. You choose what and when !
  11. Strange things happen before and afternoon. 100km per hour and everything will be fine.
  12. What's Your point on - playing fretless another way ? He plays it well, like others would - lower notes without vibrato, solo and higher with lot's of it. That is the way I play my fretless and i think others do.
  13. I also hate that word ''hobby'', but sadly when someone asks me - ''what's Your hobby?'' - there is nothing else i can quickly answer "bass guitar"! I hate that situation. Bass guitar is always in my head. I know that i play it and feel it with much, much love and when i do it - I feel my heartbeats real ! So, everybody who knows what instrument is Yours, feel it, keep it, know it and don't waste Your time on video games or whatever......
  14. I think slapping on You is more painfull than picking, so let's stay on standart fingerstyle, ok?
  15. You can always improvise by rhythm section, it's easy. Try out, if You can, of course.
  16. I don't think it's bad if You play those covers different - less or more. The main thing is that the band sounds ok. Otherwise there is no much point covering songs exactly the same way they sound original. And what You say that You play from what You feel - wonderfull. The only thing is that Your band plays the covers in absolutely different genres, like (original - funk, Your band - metal), then You must calm down a little and think more of your notes.
  17. Too low - volume goes down, and sometimes some looses some frequencies. Too high - overtones and little distortion.
  18. For me the reaggea is fine. Very relaxing music. The only thing is that i can't listen to it more than 2,5 hours. It starts to sound too the same to me, but as i said, reggea is cool.
  19. Don't remember if i had tried them, but tried a lot and found that the best for my 5 string fretless is EXL165-5.
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