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Everything posted by nilorius

  1. Maybe go to nearest store and start playing a russian roulet !!!
  2. Do You believe loosing Your Karma points would help ?
  3. On one side, yes - You could leave now with a simple msg. On the other side - think, do You really like to play with them, had they listened to Your opinion for some times. Finally - we can not give You a complete answer for 100%. You must decide Yourself !
  4. Not 100% Your opinion whitch bass sounds the best for Your band. They can tell You that the bass You think is better - not better. They can tell You that You sounded much better on the bass You think is better. That hapened whis me. I am playing in my band 80. rock covers and own songs. I started with my 5 string fretless Ibanez GWB1005 which is my #1 bass, but tried out also my Fender fretted jazz bass witch i thought would sound better in what we where doing. Everybody disagreed and asked me to return to Ibanez fretless 5 string GWB1005, because they heard it sound better and more suitable for me. I agreed with smile.
  5. ok, then i agree, i was wrong. Anyway i don't have such a list.
  6. OK, i agree - i missed the "favourites", but anyway the 100 lists could be different and anyway and doesn't prove anything, exept each opinion.
  7. For cd i see no problem to get them in pc as mp3 and phone. Vinyl You should have sound interface like focusrite to get it in Your pc then got in pc and to the phone. No problemo!
  8. Stinky poo happens...........never know when. Just live with it.
  9. I hope You will understand that there are NO best bass guitar players and good players. Each of them has their ego and teqnique, so the answer is zero. Each of us has their own list which is wrong, the best and the good - doesn't sound right to me.
  10. Nothing to do with this, they are, they was, they will be, just like dinosaurs. We just have to live with this, it's ok !!!
  11. Please listen to jazz guitarist instrumental songs, they can play rock easiely, it's a question of drive on/off. Jazz guitarists start to learn guitar playing from 7 years living. The only thing is that they didn't play rock before and 2 hours to listen what they must do. That's it. Rock guitarists mainly create their experience starting allready from easy rock song covers and then, try to create something like that on their own. Yes, a lot of them have musical theory experience, but if the interest was born in rock, they never be able to play jazz in future.
  12. Never had those 23 years that chance, but would absolutely love to !!!
  13. The difference is that a good jazz guitarist can always be a good rock guitar, too, but good rock guitarist - can't
  14. Does anybody here owns, seen somewhere, heard about bass with a nut made from dinosour bone ?
  15. I had 19. Iwas ok because i knew what exactly must i play. It happened at local club, not much listeners, as i remember they where changing all the time, some went for new drinks or toilet but everything was fine. It went for 1 hour.
  16. The band where i play now, was made by a woman - vocalist. She posted her voice samples on facebook and told exactly what musicians she would like in future band and what music she would like to create. I liked all and responded. In a short time (1 mounth) all band was completed. Vocal, 2 backvocals, piano, solo guitar, rythm guitar, me bass and drums. We are all satisfied with each other and working. At 2.june is planned the first gig for 1500 listeners.
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