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Everything posted by nilorius

  1. Just in case, if You reflect, start living and gigging in Latvia and 3 hour giggs for 300e for a band will be a normal situationπŸ˜‰
  2. Yeahh....he just won a new silver Ferrari Purosangue !!! πŸ˜„
  3. Sounds like You are your band leader, also vocalist and txt writer ?πŸ€™
  4. Used Aguilar tone hammer 350 is also a very good micro amp, but is rare and twice the price.
  5. I think that much rhythm guitarists peffer to switch to a baritone guitar. Wise switch.
  6. You explained exactly what i meant !!! Applause!
  7. But truss rod will scream - no !!!
  8. These guys love a lot "Extazy" for sure.
  9. McDonalds is a dangerous thing for KG - up.
  10. In BC we all make mistakes. 😁
  11. It seems like all is wrong in this song - drums, bass, keyboards, vocals, fx used, txt and the song is too long. I don't want to listen it anymore.πŸ‘Ž
  12. I think they just wanted to say - living in London is very good (an extazy tabled messed it all up) !!! πŸ˜†
  13. Ok - You won the node. Though, I never said my english grammar and punctuation is very good and stable.😝 I am just a poor boy from a poor family! 🀘
  14. You know....."it's beautifull".
  15. 10 years ago i had a 3 year peariod where i had no job and the only way to get the money was to play with musicians, who played old, simple, cheesy songs all their life, for 3 hour programs at one night. Those 3 years i fealt like a chicken $hit, but had no other way. Never ever will get back to kind of a job/stage life. I preffer really good covers or original music with artists.
  16. Well, i preffer (before or after packing) to have 1 or 2 - 0,5 good, dark beer or tasty whiskey, except the gigs where nothing like that is available. I don't have to drive home couse my health doesn't allow me to drive a car, so a bit of alc is not a problem for me. If You think it's all bad and not right....keep thinking, i'm doing.
  17. Hmm....looks like most of You pretty much like to get lost as soon as possible πŸ€ͺ
  18. what "did you did"? That's what I want to know!
  19. I could play a lot of covers in different versions, no problem for me, but at the bands i played covers, mainly the one who choosed the exact song, gave a link or sent mp3 to how he likes it. When i choose the song, i preffer the original version to make cover of it the same way, with my own bass lines.
  20. What exactly did You did after Your last gig, before or after packing Your instruments and gear ?
  21. 🀣I don't want any more phasers !!!
  22. Maybe i'l be brave enough 😜
  23. What is the name of the brand ?
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