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Everything posted by nekomatic

  1. Child 2 is having his piano exam and there are various instruments lying around the practice room. My heart goes out to the kid who has to play this!
  2. You could have a look at CPU heatsinks which tend to use thin copper fins rather than thick extruded aluminium ones? Might have to do a bit of bodging, but they’re not expensive on eBay
  3. Not my sale, just popped up in one of my searches. Of course there is likely to be a reason that each one is no longer in its original cabinet… https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/314067272560?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=pjnapugors6&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=O0J6pgZgSC6&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  4. That sounds wrong, what are the add-ons you aren’t getting refunded for?
  5. See, this is why music is so great, because you and I can watch and hear exactly the same thing and have such utterly different opinions on it. I mean, obviously mine is right and yours is comprehensively and irredeemably wrong, but it’s great that you have it.
  6. mrs nekomatic once got the kids a pBone for a bit of fun (as they already both played piano and violin) and for a further bit of fun got someone she knows to give them a couple of lessons. Somehow a couple of lessons turned into a full on third instrument, kid 1 let it drop after a while but kid 2 recently got his grade 7, on a King we inherited from my late uncle who used to play in an amateur orchestra in Belgium. Kid 2’s teacher is now trying him out on some jazz, much to his initial reluctance but last lesson while I was working upstairs I could overhear him taking solos on Watermelon Man to a Jamey Aebersold backing track, and I may coincidentally have got something in my eye.
  7. Since last time I’ve watched Blossoms (good effort from my homeboys, I’d be happy to see them live one day), Khruangbin (not at all bad) and Billie Eilish (didn’t blow me away, but clearly gave the crowd what they wanted). What more is there to say about this? It is what it is: clearly not the same thing it used to be once upon a time, clearly a massive commercial machine now, but equally clearly not just mainstream pop, or just dad rock, or just anything else it’s accused of being. And, thankfully, not the only festival there is to choose from, so people who want a festival but not like that can surely find one.
  8. I thought even drug dealers were fully contactless now.
  9. I'm sure Bluetooth is always 2.4 GHz. I think you're getting mixed up with Wifi.
  10. When I was in London in the early '90s I did a bit of volunteer bar work for the Workers' Beer Company at events like the Fleadh and so on. They did the bars (or some of them) at Glastonbury too and the opportunity came up to sign up for that. Would have had camping in a staff area with hot showers. But I was a bit of a wallflower and was nervous about not knowing anyone so I let it pass. I still kick myself.
  11. Cor blimey there's some grumpy gits on here isn't there. I've just watched Róisín Murphy's set and it was brilliant from start to finish, a great show from a proper bang up rock star with plenty of bass action to boot. If this sort of thing is typical for Glastonbury then I'm thinking I ought to go one of these years.
  12. I'm pretty sure it does. You don't notice it on your own posts because you can't bump a post without reading it, which makes it no longer bold.
  13. Well I’ve just started catching up with it all and am looking forward to watching a bunch of the sets mentioned upthread. We saw a bit of Macca last night but didn’t have the stamina for the full two and a half hours. Right now I’ve got Burna Boy on, I didn’t know him before and it looks like a lot of fun to be honest.
  14. On Saturday night Stockport Symphony Orchestra (in which mrs nekomatic plays violin) are doing Tchaikovsky’s 4th symphony and the Brahms piano concerto… with Joanna MacGregor as soloist, quite a coup for them as she’s a big name and mrs nekomatic has just come back from the rehearsal with her and reports she is amazing. It’s in the Town Hall, if you’re in the area do come down.
  15. Marshall MB15s show up secondhand fairly often, and sound good.
  16. Honeyfeet at Band on the Wall on Friday night, who were every bit as good as expected.
  17. Nope, playing and drinking don't mix for me - you'd have to ask the audience whether my playing suffers but I really notice the loss of focus and it's no fun. Which is a shame because otherwise I'd quite enjoy a beer or two (not much more, I'm cheap to run) in the atmosphere of a gig or jam session. Maybe I just need to practice more, or practice drinking more, or practice more, drinking. It has to be said that there are alcohol-free or very low alcohol beers now that are actually not bad, which is a revolution compared to a few years back.
  18. That’s what’s on our floorboards!
  19. One set of strings posted promptly and received just as described, thank you very much!
  20. Hello, my name is nekomatic and I also have a collection of microcontroller boards that I bought because they sounded cool but have never done anything with 😄 Fortunately I don’t have anything MIDI controllable so this thread hasn’t had me ordering any new ones - yet. Nice project tho!
  21. Yeah but… as noted upthread, the amp probably can’t drive another cab in parallel and it probably won’t work well to connect two different cabs in series.
  22. That’s a signature model I wasn’t previously aware of…
  23. Jacob Collier on Thursday - feels like a year ago that we booked it, just realised it's this week!
  24. Don't let me stop you trying out the fabric options if you're brave enough (I would be terrified of messing it up), but I used Tuff Cab on my recent cabinet refurb project and was very happy with the results. I used the Black Brown colour rather than plain black and although it's a very dark brown, I really think it helps the cab look a bit less like a big ugly black box in the house. Blue Aran will send you small samples of Tuff Cab painted board for a nominal price, although if you're outside the UK then the postage might knock the price up a bit. If you do go with Tuff Cab then do read the Blue Aran blog post and the advice from various people on my cab thread, as both were helpful to me.
  25. Having listened to a bit of that, it is my opinion that Youth should never have wasted his time being in Killing Joke, and should have just got on with producing.
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