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Everything posted by NewUser

  1. Desired tuning, starting with the lowest, E A D G B E
  2. I have a six string electric guitar, (not a bass) B.C. Rich S.O.B. and came across these strings and wondered if I put them on my guitar, if I would be able to tune the whole guitar down an octave? Don't know if it matters but guitar has an emg 81 Thanks in advance!
  3. I've been thinking about getting one of these. https://reverb.com/item/4875605-chicago-stompworks-octave-up-green-ringer-boutique-clone-pedal
  4. Fast forward to 2:10 there you can hear it pretty good, like an orchestra, it's scattered throughout the song but there it's pretty rich. Hoping one of these will get me there, but which one? I think I've narrowed it down to either a STRING9 STRING ENSEMBLE https://www.ehx.com/products/string9/ Or a MEL9 TAPE REPLAY MACHINE https://www.ehx.com/products/mel9/ These things are kind of expensive so I only afford one, please help me decide.
  5. Yesterday I tuned the C string to a B and played for a few hours and liked the results. I'm just playing E minor backwards. Here in a few days I'll get the courage to flip the strings and bridge around backwards and try that out.
  6. The instrument is a 16 inch electric Viola meant to be bowed, I have a bow but am more interested in playing it pizzicato. I've read your message several times, thank you for writing all that out!
  7. I just got this and have no training so forgive the sloppiness. Plucking each string then bowing each string. Clean Clean.m4a Big Muff Big muff.m4a Tel Ray in cocked position combined with Big Muff Tel ray.m4a Ratt wide open combined with Tel Ray in cocked position and Big Muff Ratt.m4a The Ratt is connected to a Morley FX treadle so in this clip, no bowing or plucking, just jiggling the strings with fingertips, I'm pumping both the FX Ratt and the Tel Ray Tread.m4a
  8. So I've been playing bass for about, I don't know maybe around two years seriously when suddenly a 5 string viola got my attention. I just got it. What a challenge this is. I'm stubborn and must figure this thing out. I have the will power, I hope, to master both instruments. I only know one scale on bass, E Minor. My bass is a 4 string tuned standard E A D G the 5 string Viola is tuned C G D A E and the viola has 12 frets. So far I only know E minor on bass and I'm ready to move on to something else; but wish to learn this scale also on Viola. I'm really hoping for advice on where to go from here, finish mastering E minor - learn a scale that goes with E minor that has a old world ancient allure, Egyptian Latin Persian - Conan the Witcher - Romantic and Gothic - Seductive and Suspense - and fun with a blast of distortion and speed. I want to master E minor on both bass and viola but can't find a tab for 5 string viola, only 4. Please (someone) fill in the e string. I do not have all the letters memorized on the fingerboards yet, I'm determined and working on it. Searches have turned up these scales, that could be what I'm aiming for? I've not tried them yet. (1) E Double Harmonic Major (2) E Suspended Pentatonic It would be nice if there were a way to mash it all together and have a super scale. Or maybe there is a different scale to be recommended. I really need tabs for 5 string viola. Rather curious idea, might flip the strings on the viola around backwards and have the low C tuned to low B so it would become High to low E A D G B on viola and save me a headache and might create some interesting sounds. Thanks in advance and please go easy on the novice here.
  9. It's here! I love it and will never part with it. Now I need to learn how to use it. No promise but will do my best to get sound clips tomorrow.
  10. Would someone please give me e minor viola 5 string tab? Some type of Persian Egyptian scale that goes well with e minor would be well appreciated too. E minor is so far the only scale I know how to play on bass. Thank you in advance!
  11. Thank you, this is good news then because this was pretty much what I was hoping to get out of it.
  12. I've been searching for a cable and found. Hosa MHE-100.5 1/4" TRS to Right Angle 3.5 mm TRS Headphone Adaptor Cable, 6 Inch Is that going to work for me? Thanks in advance!
  13. It has shipped, going to be a long wait. Cargo boat from China to U.S.A. estimate delivery day is November 28th I would be interested in sharing the sounds I get from the instrument.
  14. I thought frets would help me transition from bass guitar over to viola. I have no interest in using a bow anyway and intend to play pizzicato. Frets just make sense to me, finger taps, hammer ons - pull offs. I'm plugging it in my bass amp, can't wait to hear it with ratt distortion and a tel ray wah. Really hope this all works out.
  15. They have several headstock/scroll options. Personally I like and choose traditional scroll. Also had frets added, and also got the ebony bridge I wanted. They sent me these photos after completing the build. Now comes the wait, shipping by cargo ship from China to the U.S.A. Probably be a month to get here, hope there's no problem with customs, tariffs, hidden taxes, etc.
  16. Can someone help me find one of those cable things that's on that woods violin? Thanks in advance!
  17. Seems to be the same pickup system used by Mark Woods.
  18. https://www.ebay.com/itm/264353568384 I want one, about to buy one, there are all over eBay. I like the Viola Crazy 1 They're cheap, I'm hoping someone here can advise me on upgrades for it. Better preamp, I'm wondering if the JOYO JE-307 5-Band EQ (guitar) system would work? -or- Something similar if anyone could suggest it would be welcomed. It's hard to find stuff geared specifically for electric silent viola's. Also wondering if I can ditch the wood pegs and replace them with some Graph Tech Ratio Tune-a-lele Ukulele Tuners? I'm not really understanding the pickup on this thing, how it works or what to upgrade it with. I did find an Ebony bridge I thought would look better but want to keep the pickup hidden. Also think I'm getting a harp style ebony bridge. (( I don't know anything about these electric bowed silent instruments, any upgrade advice will be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance. )) P.S. Talking to some people around me, they want to know, Question. Why do you want this? Answer. I don't know. Question. What are you going to do with it? Answer. Play with it. Question. Why not a Violin, nobody plays Viola? Answer. I don't care. Question. Why that one? Answer. It looks cool. Question. Why not a different brand, a better one? Answer. I only like that one. Question. Do you even know how to play a bowed instrument? Answer. No. and so what.
  19. Looks like a fire hazard, but makes me sound better than I am.
  20. I will open it this weekend and show what's inside the case, if that helps?
  21. I got one today, a stellar eq compressor. I like it so far, I'm keeping it. Simple, works, no noisy hiss. Only thing bothering me, I can't figure out what the knob labeled EQ is doing. All the way counter clockwise seems dull, all the way clockwise gets sharp tone. Least that's what it sounds like. I'm keeping it at 12 O'clock for now. I'm wondering if it's boosting and cutting mids. I searched and seen no topics on this pedal yet so here we go. I'll disassemble it if you all want to see what's in the case.
  22. I just got a mosky black rat today. What's the filter knob doing? I think I'm hearing more bass counter clockwise and more treble clockwise. If this is right, would that make 12 O'clock mid boost?
  23. Almost finished. I have a custom plate ordered that will cover the ferrule holes at the back of the guitar. Having a slight possible problem with pickup height. I think my pickups need raising but if so I'll have to get some taller springs and thicker foam, I've got them both raised as far as they will go and think they should come up higher. I reused the springs and foam off of my Traben pickups. Lastly, I put some way lighter strings on it, now the neck has no relief, it's perfectly straight and the notes on the first frets fart out. E string not so bad, A string can kind of hear it, D string yeah, G string >_< farts bad. Second frets E, A, D, G fart slightly but can hardly notice. I don't ever play around there so don't really care. I'm going to let everything settle for about a month then loosen the truss rod a quarter turn and see what happens; might hopefully fix it. String action is lower than any bass I've ever played too, but I really like it this way; don't want to raise them.
  24. Still have a few kinks to work out. Would some of you Traben owners please be so kind to measure the string distance between the strings and pickups? I think my pickups need raising but if so I'll have to get some taller springs and thicker foam, I've got them both raised as far as they will go and think they should come up higher. I reused the springs and foam off of my Traben pickups.
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