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Everything posted by Munurmunuh

  1. Has anyone got one of these? BB-X, late 80s, MIJ.
  2. The Bass Gallery have 94 used listings on Reverb atm, Bass Direct have none.
  3. The correct taxonomy for the three kinds of bass playing goes thus: (1) stuff you don't really notice until it's gone (2) stuff that makes you feel excited to the depths of your soul (3) stuff that makes you want to cut your ears off
  4. "The BB235 was much better than expected. It had really good setup, and with Rotosound Monel Flats is a joy to play. The cheap ceramic PU’s are loud, clear and well balanced. Just one thing: the neck has too much of a D profile, I never liked those that much. "On the other hand, the BB735A is not any better than I expected. In fact I had great expectations for it, maybe even too much. The setup was not good: some sharpish fret ends, nut so high I took it to a luthier friend for filing it down (even he made comments on the setup). The pickups are nothing special, and compared to both my BB1200S’s, the preamp sounds, well, quite generic. But: the neck has a lovely C profile, just slightly thicker with less shoulders than the BB235, exactly how I like it. "Only played one band rehearsal with each yet. For now, I prefer the cheap BB235 - well, I’ve played it a few months already, the BB735A is brand new. Guess it takes a couple months to reach a verdict here"
  5. Well, kind of, you've indicated that in some ways there are things you prefer about the 235 😊
  6. When the lockdowns started I didn't even own a bass and had doubled in age since I last performed on one, so....yeah they been good for me and my playing 😁 To keep me entertained I've been writing myself basslines far longer and involved than anything that's in the music I like to listen to, stuff that would probably sound far too fiddly* if combined with other instruments. *without getting north of the 12th fret, mind
  7. Ignoring the difference in commission, which of Bass Direct and The Bass Gallery would be better for selling a sub-£500 bass? The Bass Gallery's listings seem mostly to be serious instruments at serious prices, so I'm wondering if a cheap-ish bass would be outside their clientele's interest.
  8. Sire, the night is darker now... 🎶
  9. Does the 235 have any qualities of its own compared to the 735A, or is it simply 5-string backup?
  10. Somehow, this comment has put this song in my head: Def not complaining!
  11. My autocorrect apologies for "yorkie". I'm not aware of my ever having used that word this millennium 🤷‍♂️
  12. After I posted that I thought, in your shoes I would write to them with yorkie serial number, asking for whatever info they've got. The hard case isn't standard either. Is the pickguard mint? As always, I'm loving the combo of bright finish, light pg and maple fingerboard
  13. Edit: on the adverts the pickups are covered, whereas yours has visible pole pieces.
  14. I bought a bass guitar and so had one bass guitar. A bit later I dropped it off with the tech for a set up and found that I was back to having no bass guitar and thought, I'm not letting this happen again.
  15. One thing a lifetime in music has taught me is to walk in the opposite direction from anyone who wants to talk about technique.
  16. I've been thinking about this all morning and finally I noticed something. I've the TRBX604 and a BB424. They are very different, in plugged in sound, in unplugged sound, in weight, in neck. I love the sound of the BB, but am appreciative of the very easy neck of the TRBX. So much for the 4 strings. You've pointed out that the TRBX605 has the same neck specs as your BB735, so you would get no additional benefit there. So you would get a lighter body and 3 extra frets, but against that would be: no through body bridge, no 6 bolt join, and two very dull pickups. Does that sound tempting?
  17. Are you looking at the link to the advert it was bought from a year ago?
  18. Since I received my 424 I've been especially taken by the sound of the two pickups together. The neck on its own seems a tiny bit indistinct, the bridge alone a bit too harsh, but combined: perfect. I've just realised that the bass has been deliberately set up to make the most of the two pickups combined: the bridge pickup is noticeably closer to the strings. Someone has gone to the effort of getting the blend just right 🥰 And the strings fitted (I believe they're RS66s) seem chosen to complement that sound.
  19. Thank goodness it's a pound too heavy for me, that colour, that condition, that price.... 😛
  20. The Detroit is 43mm nut, the Power 40mm. Same 1st / 12th fret thicknesses though, 20mm / 22mm.
  21. The aural equivalent of waxing your bikini line, the more objective your perspective, the more welcome a bit of a tidy up is
  22. £250-300 to refinish a bass whose market value is only £250-300 sounds madness, but on the other hand, just £500-600 for an instrument that sounds and looks magnificent.... As far as I can see, there are plenty of ways of spending more on instruments that are neither.
  23. After a thorough google search I've decided I would like to buy a beaten up 424 and have it lovingly refinished in Pharaoh Gold I got the idea after coming across a really bad photo of a natural finish 2024 that made it look like dullish gold. I'm now trying to picture the BB's pickup surrounds against that textured gold (initially I wanted to write "metallic gold" but that seemed tautologous....🙄)
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