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Everything posted by Munurmunuh

  1. I did have a good think about the SB-2, but decided that the direction a tone control takes the basic neck pickup sound in is more me than the direction mixing in some bridge pickup goes. I know there's the unofficial option of having a tone control added to an SB-2 but since everyone says that the volume controls also have an effect on the tone of MFDs, I decided three knobs would be one too many for me! I'm easily distracted..... 🙄
  2. To get your arm around this particular body, you might be slightly raising your shoulder to get your hand to where it's used to being. Sitting down, your options for tweaking your posture are a bit limited, but perhaps have a go at rethinking your posture when sitting down, getting your shoulder and neck comfortable and relaxed first, and then working down the arm. (Maybe at the end of all that your hand will be unhappy instead....😬)
  3. A perfect colour for a 50s reissue! I like that SB-1 has a modern-sounding MFD pickups, but is unashamed of its p-bass roots, so I picked a colour which emphasises that.
  4. The factory failed to notice that the specs asked for a quartersawn neck, so it's going back from the dealer in Virginia to California to get the right one! Since the neck is quite slim and the climate here soggy (the tech who set up my TRBX back in the autumn was complaining about the weather changing all the instruments overnight) a more rigid neck seemed like something worth waiting a little longer for 🤷‍♂️ Also in that picture, a set of Daddario Chromes 😀 They'll be replacing the stock Nickels before the bass gets shipped in my direction
  5. I've been sent a photo of the SB-1 that is very slowly making its way to me. 1½" nut, just under 7 lbs weight. Hopefully will have it early February.
  6. I thought that rather than start a new thread, this one from a couple of years ago was worth reviving. I bought a 604 in the summer - it had been a very long time since a bass was in my life, and so I wanted something with a very comfortable easy neck. So I was choosing between the TRBXs and Ibanez SRs. I prefered the TRBX, just. I think because the radius isn't quite so flat - 10" rather than 12". I've been practising multiple hours every day, and the neck has been just as comfortable as I hoped. How I've got on with the sound hasn't been so smooth - generally, I found it lightweight, tonally. Firstly, the bass came fitted with Daddario Nickels 45-65-80-100 and I found that there was too much variation in character from string to string. I changed to 45-65-85-105. That helped, but I still had a sense that the character of the bass was best on the E, and got weaker as I went up the strings. I didn't find anything in the active eq for me, so I took out the battery and felt pleased that I had picked a bass with an active/passive switch. I also found that the neck pickup on its own had masses more character than blended with the bridge pickup, and that even then, I was having to use the passive tone control a lot. And then I swapped from Nickels to Daddario Chromes (45-60-80-105), and suddenly the bass finally felt like a bass - the A and D strings feel like they're at the core of the sound, with the E wonderfully deep beneath, and the G only a little brighter. The tone control is now not so important, and the sound of the pickups blended has a lot more character. With hindsight, my mistake was to buy a bass designed to be easy-going and versatile, when all I want is to make a deep, dark, rich tone. I really like the TRBX, physically its very reassuring in its quality, but I think a BB434 might have suited me better, despite being 2mm wider at the nut and 1.5mm thicker at 1st and 12th frets. Something I'm definitely not complaining about is the looks - always having that dark redburst finish to look at is very nice!
  7. Hi, I've the same username on TalkBass and BassesbyLeo. A long long time ago, in my early teens, I was a guitarist (bridge humbucker, distortion etc) I wanted to play bass, and occasionally did, but physically they were usually a bit too much for me (I doubt I ever encountered one back then which had been properly set up....) This year being this year, I finally did what I've been wanting to do all this time, and bought myself a bass, a TRBX, chosen for a combination of the very easy neck, my experience of Yamaha's reliability, and the beautiful dark redburst finish. A few months later, I'm very happy with my playing, and with what I've learnt about what I actually want in a bass, and will be getting a G&L in the new year.
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