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Everything posted by Munurmunuh

  1. When YouTube was first a thing, I took the opportunity to listen to a song that I had liked when I was about 11 for the first time since then. The song was as good as I remembered, but with it came an intense and undiluted insight into 11 yr old Ricky's soul. I was absolutely floored.
  2. I think it would be helpful to thinking of this not to do with jealousy, but inhibition. Having someone from a better outfit on stage occasionally is different from having them there all the time, no matter how nicely behaved they are. No amount of quality bass playing or personal loyalty is worth permanently inhibiting a band's singer.
  3. You know you're playing an Unpopular Opinion thread right when you get personal insults in response
  4. (a) the only good song on Sgt Pepper is For The Benefit Of Mr Kite (b) Paul McCartney making John Lennon play a hundred takes of Ob La Di Ob La Da was a piece of performance art far greater than anything Yoko Ono ever produced (c) no one has sung Helter Skelter better than Noel Gallagher, whose voice circa 2000 was in fantastic nick
  5. Lars Ulrich was under the impression that they had stolen 'Battery' from Dave Mustaine, not realising that he had in fact been playing a 'I've Got A Little List' from The Mikado in order to mock Ulrich's lack of musical knowledge.
  6. Good demonstration of just how much of a gap a good rhythm section can fill
  7. Ah, I knew that well, too, back in the day 😒 Back to the thread's central question: Master Of Puppets is Gilbert & Sullivan carefully dressed up for insecure blowhards
  8. The line "there's such an urgency in everything I need from you" coming with the unprepared key change: this is artistry of the highest level
  9. I wonder what you would make of La Bellas Low Tension Flats!
  10. The tension figures for the 45-65-85-105 set are pretty frightening themselves, the 50-75-95-110 is beyond my comprehension. If your expectations have been set by 45-105 Rotos.... Heavier than the 45-105, LaBella do a 49-109, and then there's the "Original" 52-73-95-110, which I think I read are significantly stiffer as well as heavier. My fingers found a set of 45-60-80-105 Chromes quite enough of a challenge, and are wincing at the thought of any of these sets 😅
  11. New Order did only one good song, which is one fewer than Kim Wilde
  12. I just put a fresh set of the 50-65-85-110 Pro Steels on my P, and thought not to cut up the outgoing set, since they're still a fair way from being dead, just thoroughly mellowed. Would you like them so you can see what you think of a 110 downtuned to D Standard?
  13. Never understood this obsession with bumping old threads of mine just to disagree with them
  14. Having just listening to this video... ....I now know that Big Splits would have been the pickups I felt my TRBX was in desperate need of. Ah well
  15. Seeing one of these for sale with Bass Direct, I idly clicked on the demo video.... ....not really expecting to hear much I liked, as neither bass humbuckers, nor pickups in combination usually do much for me. But I really like the sound of these, nicely full and warm, well balanced for my taste. Fano call them Fanobird pickups. (I found an opinion somewhere that they aren't as bass-centric as Thunderbird pickups, does that sound right?) Demoing starts at 3'00", with both on full at first. I especially enjoyed the neck full / bridge half at 3'25". (The moment just before that, when he slowly turns down the bridge volume with the strings still ringing, and the scoop gets filled in.... lovely 😁 )
  16. Personally I can't get enough of this groundbreaking trend of tired old men explaining what it is they don't like
  17. Best euphemism for having the painters in, ever 👌
  18. Would the useful word here be "polarisation"? I found watching a demo of the Big Al a bit like watching one of the L-2000: almost uncountable options, and only actually interested in a couple of the sounds. I'm very impressed by / envious of people who have instruments as versatile as this and then enjoy the full breadth of that versatility.
  19. Shaking my head at this argument. The one of you who is really wrong, either stop now, or take a photo of the whole bass, draw a vertical line across the strings, and calculate the proportions of the lengths either side of that point for each string. And then have a good think about making assertions about your assumptions.
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