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Everything posted by Munurmunuh

  1. A nice, broad range of short demos of it in this video, from 1'55 to 5'35" (and it's good to hear someone talking naturally on YouTube for once)
  2. The Steinway reference was intended to be connected to the supercar analogy: I was once (and once only) given a lift to a performance in a supercar. It was uncomfortable just to sit in, and an even more uncomfortable ride.
  3. Each time you pick one out, it reminds you of that lovely feeling of opening the box on a new bass, thus stoking your GAS?
  4. I'll be dead before I want them out of sight
  5. If I play a knackered old piano, I sound awful. If I play a nice Yamaha U3 piano, both the basic tone is better, and I'm able to play with much more control, and it's not too awful to listen to. But if I play a Steinway, then its power and clarity show up the non-existence of my technique, and it's embarrassing. Is a Fodera like the Steinway, rewarding quality and exposing deficiencies? (If these boutique basses are indeed harder to play, requiring superior control, then people aren't talking about it much)
  6. That poor "🙂" is having to work very hard in this post.
  7. Alan Wilder, what a genius (and a desperately underrewarded one)
  8. Or are some just for a set duration, just a suspension? Asking on behalf of the Committee For The Appreciation Of Quality Offerings On BassChat Marketplace.
  9. Q. How much do people care about sales feedback around here? A. It takes 10 months for them to notice you left some..... 😘
  10. My ears seem to find the extra treble and bass that Pro Steels have added to my P quite a different thing from the hollowing out of the tone that comes from having two pickups on in parallel. I've seen both described as scooped.
  11. If the theory is that tone is in the fingers, then your fingers, guided by your ears, tried to the produce the same noise with both set ups. What we need is an in depth interview with your fingers asking them which set up made it easier for them to make the tone your ears were calling for 😬
  12. Using just the opening 30 seconds, Bass 2 seems to articulate the note more cleanly, has a slightly more crisp attack, than A. But maybe your fingers were just in a different mood once you had done the modding.
  13. Buy five vintage basses at 3k each, pick the best one, put together another nice one from the best parts, keep those two, sell the remaining three with a "owned by legendary bassist X" tag at 5k each. Two good basses for free (and perhaps one frankenlemon released into the wild)
  14. After being sacked as Megadeth lead guitarist, Chris Poland toured with punk band The Circle Jerks, playing bass.
  15. For what it's worth, the Lo Rider Nickels were recommended to me (repeatedly!) on TB when I was wanting to find some mids-rich nickel-plated hexcore rounds. The only way of differentiating that I would trust myself with is asking myself, are these rounds shiny enough to be nickel-plated?
  16. Nickel-plated or pure steel? I've been thinking about the Nickel version. But £30 before postage....
  17. I've gone in the other direction, 38m to 40mm to 42mm - I like that the extra width forces me to play more deliberately: instead of skipping through the notes, I have to work for the articulation and that makes it all sound better. BUT YES just a couple of days ago I tried to play on my P a long-forgotten exercise that I used to play on my TRBX and literally failed to reach the notes on the E string once down in the dust 😳
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