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Everything posted by dumelow

  1. not exactly a live album but pink floyd's live in pompeii dvd is simply their best work IMO
  2. [quote name='Bloodaxe' post='799025' date='Apr 7 2010, 06:18 PM']Or even WHY? Lasers are the Future: More here: [url="http://hacknmod.com/hack/create-techno-with-a-laser-harp/"]http://hacknmod.com/hack/create-techno-with-a-laser-harp/[/url][/quote] Thats got to be the geekiest looking instrument ever played, he aint gona pull some groupies at any kind of gig
  3. any chance of some soundclips? ive seen demo's on youtube but i still think there are more sounds in this box than theyare letting on. can it give a real light overdriven sound or is it more full on distortion and synthy fuzz?
  4. [quote name='chardbass' post='796172' date='Apr 5 2010, 01:15 AM']Wow, you play those 2 in the same set? I bet there are a few songs between 'em [/quote] Were an originals band but we like to throw few random covers into the set, we try to go for stuff people wouldnt expect, we also do time by floyd and wynonas big brown beaver by primus among others
  5. I dont know why people are reacting so badly to this thread. The guy is obviously just telling us about his experience in hope that it might help someone. I dont think the idea behind this book as too absurd anyway.
  6. killing in the name - RATM and im getting pretty sick of playing riders on the storm too, love the song, love that we cover the song but the keyboard bass part is repetitive
  7. I am so stuck between this and a VT pedal right now... Retro overdrive or Fat Synthy distortion...good lord i wish i could afford both
  8. [quote name='theosd' post='790625' date='Mar 30 2010, 02:28 PM']Fair point... ...a sledge/rope combo?[/quote] In a perfect world Id buy a bodybuilder dwarf...strong and spacious
  9. [quote name='theosd' post='790045' date='Mar 29 2010, 10:22 PM'][url="http://www.google.co.uk/product_url?q=http://www.farmhomesupplycenter.com/Shepherd-Hardware-9275-General-Duty-Rigid/M/B000N6BR2Q.htm%3Ftraffic_src%3DGB%26utm_medium%3DCSE%26utm_source%3DGB%26id%3Duk&fr=APrNhxl_gIlQQwa9XRy7OKqjFnmIeTtVspp9kXoUdbgLrSX3dTdb7o8ZDqNlJKVawkXxgUi8AVBQ7-fG-3BSMApmQK-lUDHqc8lbz1klh1Fdeyok5VkkCPn4FrsysHht3XP3Otgav4i3BWHi3x177nMzQBMYxPdfJvY4l1NMBOmjLbUzsw2ewM27A28InHUXCu0ATCRrtiPllw3ajCLEGU6gTY1ef2O6Yryrs78jwlG4oi1UuVPiD8IAAAAAAAAAAA&gl=uk&hl=en&sa=title"]The Answer =][/url][/quote] those things climb stairs emselves eh? Right after doing a bit of research, and being given advice by you friendly people and the friendly people over on talkbass, Ive decided Im going to rackmount the head and buy a new cab. Only problem is...the head is 200w at minimum 4 ohm. I want to buy a 4ohm cab to get the full power out of the head, but what wattage should I look at? This head is 200w with a 2000w peak power whatever that means. Does that mean I have to get a 2000w cab? do they even exist?
  10. i really dont mind lugging the thing about, between two people its not that bad, its just what it does to band members cars when i put it in the boot, and how much it makes us sweat when we encounter large steep sets of stairs. at the room we have band practice, i use a friends Ashdown Mag 2x10 it was 35 kg or so, i can carry that myself no problem, id love to be able to take something like that to a gig, the ashdown doesnt sound half as good as the marshall though
  11. I would love to rackmount the head and just buy a lightweight cab. I measured the head unit quickly and its 17" width...arent all racks 19" standard? I found on the internet a piece that says that the 7200 head is 3U though
  12. I have an old Marshall DBS 72410 combo... it sounds fantastic but it weighs 65 kg or something like that, its rediculous. Im trying to think about how to battle the weight problem. I came up with these possibilities and wondered if anyone could tell me which would be the best thing to do. A - Rackmount the head and buy a lightweight cab to go with it. Im not 100% sure whether this can be done but the head of the combo is just a DBS 7200 head i think, which are actually rackmountable, but I dont know anything about racks and wouldnt know which to buy, and then would it sound totally different through a lightweight cab?? B - Replace the speakers in the combo with lightweight ones Would this make much of a difference to the weight of the thing? And can I put any 10" speakers into the combo? or C - Sell it and buy a lighter rig which is all well and good but the DBS sounds fantastic and id probably only be looking at putting around £400 with whatever I make selling the marshall, so probably cant afford something as good as the DBS What are your thoughts? People who gig regularly with heavy amps, how do you make light work of lugging your gear around?
  13. Anybody going to this? Ive had my tickets for months im well excited. I saw the drummer Seb Rochford playing with Polar Bear in Manchester some time last year and they were fantastic, been a big fan of Acoustic Ladyland since hearing the first album, well excited about this gig. Should be a doozy
  14. poor girl, shes got a 40 year old bass player trapped inside her
  15. Im getting one of these next month i reckon [url="http://www.soundslive.co.uk/product~name~Gallien-Krueger-MB115-Combo~ID~13155.asp"]http://www.soundslive.co.uk/product~name~G...bo~ID~13155.asp[/url]
  16. [url="http://www.kramerguitars.com/DiscipleBass.aspx"]http://www.kramerguitars.com/DiscipleBass.aspx[/url] They look real nice, and theyre pretty darn cheap too at about £300. Just wondering if anybody has had a bash on one?
  17. they are very particular though, not long back I tried to order a mandolin, and a few pedals that came to about £210, they told me I couldnt do it because the mandolin was acoustic and i wouldnt be using the pedals with it...So I said okay then ill have this fretless bass and the same pedals, came to about £250...for some reason they couldnt do it because they would actually be making a profit on it.... By that point I was too annoyed to carry on the phone call to ask why this was with digital village by the way I end up just buying the pedals and paying cash for them, two of them out of stock which was fine, but the one they sent me was broke. I sent it back and cancelled the whole order
  18. Just recieved my BDI and DOD through the post from billphreets. Came quick, only paid for it on sunday, great price too! Great bloke to deal with Upon further playing with the BDI21 pedal, Ive noticed that there is a fault with the drive knob on the pedal. I dont know whether billphreets was aware of this or not, or if the fault has occured in the delivery process but little disappointed. Suppose Ive heard about the quality of behringer gear before so maybe I should have been prepared.
  19. [quote name='pandathe3' post='776810' date='Mar 16 2010, 11:36 PM']I've heard that the DOD fx-25 has no volume drop and can handle lowend well. Does the Micro Q-tron have a noticable drop in volume/bass?[/quote] No drop in bass on the q-tron, at least on LP mode anyways. I can still hear my bass in a band situation, its just the enveloped sound that has trouble cutting through, but im not sure if its just the settings im using as Ive only used it briefly at band practice. I think at one point I want to get an LS-2, and blend my clean signal with the q-tron on a really wet BP mode setting. It is an awesome pedal.
  20. just wanted to revive this one as I recieved my Black russian muff back from Martin Owen this morning. Hes kindly replaced the inputs, pots and installed a 9v input on my pedal when it was nigh on being dead. For a great price too! Highly recommend this guy www.owenelectronics.co.uk/
  21. Just recieved my pedal powersupply. Very happy, so long batteries! Excellent guy to deal with, cheers Stuart.
  22. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='774988' date='Mar 15 2010, 10:15 AM']Raw, crisp and no mush.[/quote] Mmmm, salad-like distortion
  23. put distortion in the search tool on this forum youll find bags of info.
  24. maybe he passed out at the computer as he was about to reply and by chance struck that key _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  25. haha i dont mind letting people believe that that is me playing and that is my bass; as long as the guy aint a member on here and doesnt see it! ^_^
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