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Everything posted by dumelow

  1. pm'd bout the power supply
  2. oops i should have specified. this video isnt me. i just wanted to share it with you all, the guy nailed it long before I did.
  3. ive just about nailed it, its an awesome bassline though
  4. gorillaz are cool. i was reading about the new album and totally misread the names on one of the track. I thought Paul Simon was guest appearing on a track, i thought huh thats weird. turns out its paul simonon from the clash
  5. millionaires waltz - queen and phantom of the opera - maiden
  6. my friend won a competition a few years ago on the scuzz music channel on telly. he won a gibson sg signed by someone from evanescence, daft bastard actually wiped the signature off and kept the guitar haha
  7. i bought a micro q-tron a while ago, awesome little box, very tweakable. you should look at getting a q-tron
  8. Our keys player suggested we covered journey.... he recieved a very professional and unbiased reply from the rest of the band but I can tel you that we are not covering journey and do not plan to.
  9. my first bass was about £90 it was an encore 3/4 from the local shop. no idea what amp i had i know it was small cheap and crud. i thought all of it was awesome though, i was 13 and i was making a loud noise id say an ibanez starter pack is probably half decent
  10. id be interested to hear how the bass big muff would sound with the mole booster running into it
  11. my guitarist has the maplin brick. i used to have one and lost it, id probably buy it again if i was on a budget but after looking at that other on in the link above i think i might be going for that when i buy finally stop wasting my money on batteries and get a power supply
  12. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='753648' date='Feb 22 2010, 12:02 PM']Roland Cube RX bass.[/quote] thats what i use! awesome practice amp
  13. Which do you guys prefer? Im very tempted to sell my russian big muff so I can buy a bass big muff. Has anyone had experience with both these pedals and if so which did you prefer??
  14. [url="http://www.nme.com/news/paul-mccartney/49799"]http://www.nme.com/news/paul-mccartney/49799[/url] Apart from the abuse im gonna recieve for insinuating that macca isnt good for much else these days, thought people might like to know that abbey road studios is being sold by EMI to pay for a few hefty debts. If I won the lottery.....
  15. theres loads of cool films coming out lately. still dyin to watch the ian dury film
  16. bum note = brown
  17. dumelow

    Muffy Favour

    Sorted! thanks for the advice guys, wont be making that mistake again!
  18. dumelow

    Muffy Favour

    Hey, after fiddling with my russian black big muff, a cable has fell off. Its white with a ring at the end...Im pretty sure its just for grounding the pedal because im getting quite a severe hum now.... I cant figure out where it needs to be soldered back to. Would somebody please be so kind as to post a picture of the insides of their big muff? Cheers! (awaits rude puns)
  19. sweet im so determined to nail this now its unreal
  20. just got my micro q-tron in the post this morning! great guy to deal with didnt mess about in the slightest.
  21. [quote name='pandathe3' post='745423' date='Feb 15 2010, 12:10 AM']Your getting/got a BOSS TU-2?? Daisy chain your power from that!!!! No need for spending any money, at all......[/quote] can you do that? think i might have to look at getting a tu-2
  22. why isnt flea on the video for this?
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