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Everything posted by dumelow

  1. [quote name='stinson' post='744746' date='Feb 14 2010, 01:16 PM'][url="http://www.youtube.com/user/fretlessfrizz#p/u/3/A1XaVcj_4k0""]http://www.youtube.com/user/fretlessfrizz#...XaVcj_4k0"[/url]][/quote] Very Jaun Alderate! I Like!
  2. I just had quite a bad experience with dv247.com.... i wont be using them again. Ordered two pedals, my compressor was delivered and it was broke and the other pedal was out of stock (but not advertised as out of stock) Theyre sending a courier to pick up my compressor tomorrow and were quite happy to give me a full refund though.
  3. [quote name='Doddy' post='743267' date='Feb 12 2010, 04:32 PM']I had one for a bit,but didn't overly like it. It didn't have enough of a sweep range for me.[/quote] yeah i found that. it was sort of either full volume or mute. you couldnt do swells with it or anything
  4. the guys got talent. last three minutes of that video are awesome, but it sounds familiar
  5. i play in flat with my band - Eb Ab C Gb....but we tune the Eb down a tone for some songs so Db Ab C Gb nothin special tho
  6. Just to clarify - i received an e-mail from trevbass stating that he hadnt heard from me in a few days and ripped up my cheque when it arrived because he'd already sold the pedal. I have no idea why this happened as he knew I was sending a cheque throught the post and I messaged him sunday evening telling him that the cheque had been posted. He was obviously too impatient to wait for the payment. Im going to cancel the cheque just in case...but I know I wont be dealing with this guy again in the future and I recommend that nobody else bothers dealing with him either.
  7. pm'd regarding q-tron
  8. [quote name='Wil' post='741930' date='Feb 11 2010, 12:18 PM']He looks genuine enough, but hard to say really, especially if he's been banned for some reason. Might be worth trying to get in touch via his myspace?[/quote] i checked and he hasnt logged into his myspace since december, plus i dont think i can remember my login details for myspace [quote name='wateroftyne' post='741931' date='Feb 11 2010, 12:18 PM']Here ye go: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=76765"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=76765[/url][/quote] Hmmm...i think im going to give this guy a day or two to reply to his e-mail and if not cancel the cheque. Cheers for the advice guys
  9. [quote name='cheddatom' post='741898' date='Feb 11 2010, 11:58 AM']As opposed to...? There's nothing heavy on that album.[/quote] The grooves are heavy. I think the album would lose a lot of its darkness. After listening to macca's recent work with the firemen, i doubt he would pull anything as interesting as JPJ out of his old bag these days. I think JPJ is what gave TCM that extra firepower, i doubt theyd be as good as they are with a different bass player in place.
  10. i didnt want to mention names in case of any bad feelings but its a guy called trevthebass. im not just assuming that its a scam or anything but im a bit wary about the whole situation. hopefully ill recieve an e-mail back sharpish
  11. hey, this is one for the moderaters really. I had just sent a cheque earlier this week to one of the basschatters here to buy one of the pedals he'd advertised in the for sale forum. I tried to message him today to see if he had recieved it and it says he has been banned?! he had his e-mail address on his profile so ive e-mailed him hopefully to recieve a reply, but why would he have been banned? is it a temporary thing? is it a scam? should i cancel my cheque? Any advice would be great cheers dumelow
  12. [quote name='spinynorman' post='741850' date='Feb 11 2010, 11:26 AM']What would TCV have turned out like with McCartney on bass ????[/quote] soft as sh*t
  13. +1 fantastic bassline [quote name='Mykesbass' post='741380' date='Feb 10 2010, 07:46 PM']I still can't get my head around Dusty Springfield - Son of a Preacher Man (well, it diversifies the musical content of the thread if nothing else)![/quote]
  14. gave me a headache after a few minutes, not sure if it was the tune or the attire
  15. So ive always thort there is a certain quality about bassists that make them good lyricists too. just wondering how many other people are bass obsessed lyrics writers/singers round these parts. and maybe we'll kiss the arse of some of the greats? or and... of course
  16. i like the look of that it reminds me of a "son of dave" kind of thing. i think hes just mic'd up his foot though
  17. [attachment=42010:BassCollege.jpg] pic is old now but thats me recording with an old band in about summer 08'
  18. i could afford to spend a bit more i just want to spend as little as i can get away with. im literally going to use it for less than five minutes in a set and dont see any reason to spend a lot. I think ill give the marshall reflector a try theyre pretty well built and go for cheap secondhand. [quote name='cm261' post='736640' date='Feb 5 2010, 08:38 PM']Unfortunately, I don't think you're going to be even nearly satisfied with pedals at that budget. I'd advise you not to waste your money, and go for something of better quality that's going to make you happier, even if it means waiting/saving for a while.[/quote]
  19. Im after a reverb pedal for live use for a few solo parts I do. I dont want to much more than about £30 so obviously theres a limited amount of pedals out theyre i could look at trying has anyone gigged a behringer, danelectro or belcat reverb and got a good sound? theyre the only ones i have found that are cheap
  20. so much cooler when you do that sort of thing with a cat or a baby
  21. acoustic ladyland!
  22. some of my favourite jam bands include praxis kyuss (lot of their stuff sounds like their just jamming) clutch the mars volta most of les claypools stuff funkadelic
  23. your probably all right, it just seemed like a real dramatic change in tone. i suppose thats what happens when you have versatile gear right?
  24. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdDQ9HrIGLw"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdDQ9HrIGLw[/url] juan alderate turns on a pedal im guessing about 16 seconds in, i cant figure out what it is. It sounds like a gain boost from the feedback but it just makes his tone sound awesome. or did he simply flick something on his bass or amp??? makes his bass sound really punchy and fat is it just a tone box or something
  25. do it. if it isnt making you happy then whats the point? i bet youll get 2 weeks down the line and buy new gear anyway [quote name='4-string-thing' post='716062' date='Jan 17 2010, 10:05 PM']I quit the band I was in about 8 weeks ago, coz I didn't like the guitarist and was fed up with him abusing everyone (his idea of humour) Now, I'm depressed because there are no suitable bands out there and I'm sick of playing at home alone. So depressed in fact, that I'm thinking of selling all my gear and giving up music altogether! Anyone else ever felt like this? If so, how did you get yourself out of it?[/quote]
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