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Everything posted by dumelow

  1. hey ill just quickly mention that im planning on getting a zoom b2.1u next week but im still a bit of a slag for ye ol' stompboxes so the zoom wont be the only thing on my board. only thing is i wont find out which effects i specifically need a seperate stompbox for till ive heard the zoom perform so i thought id start this thread just wondered who uses multifx AND stompboxes on their board and why? just down to personal taste? or are there certain individual effects on multifx's letting them down?
  2. ill trade you for a happy meal?
  3. which QOTSA and vultures tracks are you referring to??
  4. this is great help silent fly. Ive just looked at your website and realised your probably one of the best to talk to about this sort of thing. Would i need to wire up red and black power wires up to one of these for it to work?? [url="http://www.rapidonline.com/Cables-Connectors/Connectors-Mains-Power/DC-Power-Connectors/PCB-Mount-DC-power-sockets/80891"]http://www.rapidonline.com/Cables-Connecto...r-sockets/80891[/url] would that work or am I hoping its too simple?
  5. cheers for the info. i worked as an electrician for a year or two a while ago but it was in motorhomes. So I have dealt with electrics before but obviously a different kettle of fish. I noticed on the EHX website that it says russian muff already have true bypass?? anyways after looking round the true bypass idea looks pretty complicated, so Its just replacing the pots, 1/4" jacks and hopefully swapping for a 9v power input but If thats a more advanced procedure I can live with giving that a miss too. Ill just be putting it in a new box with new pots and new inputs. [url="http://www.rapidonline.com/Cables-Connectors/Connectors-Audio-Video/Jack/6.35mm-PCB-Mounting-jack-socket/63502"]http://www.rapidonline.com/Cables-Connecto...ck-socket/63502[/url] are these the correct inputs?? and would i need mono or stereo? im guessing its mono
  6. okay so ive been looking at the pedal and i found this www.singlecoil.com/docs/russian_muff.pdf which basicly talks about what I want to do but doesnt go into in great detail so i was wondering if someone could confirm that im right in thinking this... [attachment=40047:P1120018.JPG] okay so thats the pedal im rehousing [attachment=40048:P1120029.JPG] ...these pots on the back read "M10M" with a load of symbols and numbers... im not sure where i can find a better quality version of these could someone point me in the right direction? but all three pots read the same on the back so im guessing theyre all the same? and I can just buy three better ones, and wire them up to replace them? [attachment=40049:P1120028.JPG] ...the red and black power cables coming out the back of the circuitboard... to wire it up to a 9v input do i just buy a 9v input block or something? and just wire that up red and black -> 9v input? or is it more complicated. and after scowling maplin.co.uk i still cant find what i might be looking for and finally... [attachment=40050:P1120030.JPG] could i solder the back(left side on that photo) the small blobs you can see, and then when hot enough ill be able to remove the 1/4" jack inputs and drop in two of these... [url="http://www.maplin.co.uk/Module.aspx?ModuleNo=982"]http://www.maplin.co.uk/Module.aspx?ModuleNo=982[/url] ....and then put all the guts in the appropriate diecast eddystone enclosures you can get from maplin am i way off and this isnt as simple as i think or is this basicly what I need to do. I just gathered from EHX.com that the pedal is already true bypass. any help would be appreciated
  7. hey, i found a few threads on this but not really with enough info. I have a black russian big muff and I want to rehouse it. Not because size is an issue but because the pots are really noisy when I turn them, the input is a little loose as I lost one of the plastic nuts that go on the outside, meaning that if the cable moves slightly out of place I just get no sound out of it, and because a 9v input that doesnt add any kind of hiss when in use would be awesome. True bypass would be a good idea too if its a simple thing to do. Im pretty sure its common for people to do this but I was wondering if someone could point me in the right place for what parts I would need to purchase and maybe a step by step dummys guide to doing this sort of thing. Ive never modded a pedal in my life. But I refuse to let this pedal retire ive noticed theyre worth quite a bit and Ive always loved the sound it gives me. Any info or advice from someone who has done this sort of thing would be great help
  8. pm sent about the multiplexer
  9. is the octave multiplexer nano too??
  10. [quote name='bottomfeed' post='694658' date='Dec 28 2009, 03:59 AM']Anyway I hope that when you do finally recieve a pedal you like it and will comeback to sixties in the future[/quote] haha ace
  11. it is a damn fine amp, id love a head and cab seperates version of this just for ease of mobility purposes
  12. cheers mate
  13. [url="http://www.marshallamps.com/heritage/dbs/dbs_05.asp"]http://www.marshallamps.com/heritage/dbs/dbs_05.asp[/url] [attachment=39483:72410.jpg] Ive got one of these and im looking to get rid mainly due the the fact that i struggle to get it anywhere because i dont drive. Its a Marshall DBS 72410. I was going to put it up for sale on the forums here but I cant find any on ebay to compare to and im not sure how much its worth. The plasticy coating stuff on the side is a bit tatty but the amp works perfect I had an amp technician look at it a few months back.. anybody know what the average going rate for these are????
  14. dumelow


    i didnt realise i was selling it at such a bargain. sold to platypus anyways. cheers guys
  15. dumelow


    Got a mint condition original black with red stripes guv'nor im wanting to shift. Its a distortion pedal for those who dont know with a decent 3 band EQ on it. 'Parantly the guy from rage against the machine used it on evil empire if im not mistaken. Havent been using it lately and it pains me to see my guitarist using it. Got the original box and instructions too. havent got a photo but will put one up soon. [url="http://www.blamepro.com/marguvnr.htm"]http://www.blamepro.com/marguvnr.htm[/url] theres a bit of info and a pic on that site anyways and ill try get a photo on soon as poss lookin for £45 ono including p&p.
  16. im buying one of the warwick rockbag deluxe's at the end of this week. £25? bargain
  17. buy a plectrum save your cash
  18. nice chops
  19. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='692796' date='Dec 24 2009, 09:22 AM']Its a small world you live in, Danny - I can pretty much say, unequivocally, that the percetnage of the musicians I regularly play with that will have owned or heard BSSM is tiny.[/quote] the percentage of musicians that you regularly play with are probably a minority compared to people who purchase popular music albums
  20. beefheart for president
  21. Ive got a big marshall dbs amp, its a 4x10" version of this [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Marshall-200-Watts-Bass-Amp-15-Inch_W0QQitemZ250536674796QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_MusicalInstr_Amplifiers_RL?hash=item3a552645ec"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Marshall-200-Watts-B...=item3a552645ec[/url] its been broken for quite a while, and it hasnt been clear whats wrong with it. it powers up but no sound comes out of the speakers. definately the amp and not a cable or bass or anything. anyways i opened it up and to my surprise i found a valve in it. now this amp was sold to me about 5 years ago, the guy before had it for 3 or 4 years and never mentioned to me there was a valve in it, so im assuming that the valve needs replacing. im wondering if i have to get a specific type of valve to replace, and how i go about doing it. is it simple? should i get a professional to look at it. im hoping to get it fixed soon as I want to sell it on as my gigging days are pretty much over for now.
  22. ive got a best of, i really love their sound but i cant listen to them for too long, im not sure why
  23. i cant find a website for this event anywhere?? sounds really good but all i can find is forum posts talking about last years event
  24. i believe theyre writing a new album at the moment
  25. a scooter ^_^ nah not really im not that brave
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