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Everything posted by dumelow

  1. Im seriously interested in acquiring a similar rig over the next few months, first purchase being a floor based preamp. after reading a few topics on this forum im definitely interested in the DHA pedals
  2. nobody?
  3. Wondering how many people forget about using an amp or a heavy rack and just have a pedalboard, with a preamp pedal on it, into a dinky poweramp and lightweight cab post some pics of your setup please!
  4. ive been looking into a similar setup as youve described, one thing I dont understand though, if you run the kidney shaped pod 2 or x3 as the preamp, where do you put it? I know its probably down to preference but do most people leave them on their board or on top of the poweramp? the live floor based version looks too massive to have with a pedalboard aswell, and the rackmount pro version is a stupid price. id prefer just the x3 model but it doesnt look like its designed to be used live
  5. either a vt bass deluxe or a BDDI deluxe in january to take care of me recording needs up until april, when i will be buying a lightweight cab and poweramp. tasty
  6. behringer's arent that bad, if you ignore all the "amps from hell" stories. I just meant with the price tag of the WCA Neodymium 1x15" cab being around £170 is it made in a some chinese factory like a behringer but with a warwick label wacked on the front on the front? or is these real warwick quality gear for stupidly cheap prices?
  7. ive been wondering about these cabs also, not the pro cabs but the 115 ND very very low price tag but lovely warwick symbol printed on the front. is it similar quality to behringer or something?
  8. Depending on the situation I think one of two things "Wow I could do that and it would sound a hell of a lot better, why am I not in a band?" or "Wow that guy pisses all over my playing, there's no way I want to embarrass myself in a band until I get to that standard of playing"
  9. try the talkbass forums, i think HB is a bit more popular in the states
  10. hopin this will be around still after the NY
  11. [url="http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/captain-beefheart-dead-at-age-69-20101217"]http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/cap...age-69-20101217[/url]
  12. quite obviously a rival for the zoom b2.1u, wonder how it compares?
  13. I can actually! its a bit late now like but ill get some clips recorded in the morning and let you have a listen. [quote name='Gunsfreddy2003' post='1059814' date='Dec 15 2010, 06:10 PM']I wonder if the Q-Tron + sounds any different to the regular Q-Tron? It's great that you are getting some good sounds out of it - can you post any clips? I am hoping to get a USB interface for Xmas and if so I will put some Mu-Tron III clips up for those that like this kind of thing!![/quote]
  14. I got it in the post a couple of days ago, really loving it. I used to have a mini qtron, which is a poor version of this pedal IMO. Still getting to grips with it, and havent played about with the FX loop yet, but it gets a pretty good Bootsy sound. No idea what its like in comparison to a proper mutron.
  15. dumelow

    Q-Tron fix

    @ nick Did you do these mods just from your own knowledge or did you follow a guide? Ive just purchased a q-tron plus, and a true bypass and on/off LED would compliment it nicely. its an awesome pedal
  16. Hi, Im currently running ProTools LE on a fairly decent windows computer. I recently recorded a composition which had around 15 tracks on it and my computer handled this fine. I had about 6 tracks of guitar and bass, and with me only having limited gear, I use amplitube LE as an amp modeller and for the effects at hand, with excellent results. Apart from my computer gets loads of low memory errors when there is more than 5 tracks loaded with amplitube. I mainly use the amp modelling by the way and then some distortion or chorus My idea was that, If i have some hardware that can do what amplitube does for me with sound recording quality, then my computer wont ever have to struggle. Im aware of POD's, and ive used a zoom b2.1u (which was fantastic live but some patches were quite noisy when recording DI) What would you recommend I look into buying for a zero noise amp modeller/multifx for use with guitar AND bass? Cheers
  17. I thought the Q-tron was just a mutron ripoff but came pretty close to its sound. Ive just bought a q-tron plus off ebay im hoping I can get a bootsy-ish sound out of it =D
  18. go for it, majority of your slap tone comes from your technique though not your gear a compressor will help though, and the line6 floor pod has a pretty good one so ive read.
  19. cheers guys, only just noticed theres a thread like this on the general bass section asking about S/H instruments, what a coincidence!
  20. As title suggests, wondered if anybody uses any other place to buy/sell or trade effects pedals other than on this beautiful website or on ebay?? Cheers
  21. Received my amp this mornin, everything was prompt. Risky packaging but item is in great condition, Cheers
  22. haha proper no messing about [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1038184' date='Nov 26 2010, 07:35 PM']Is the Behringer any good?[/quote]
  23. dumelow


    price drop!
  24. dumelow


    [size=4]Zoom B2.1U[/size] - Includes footswitch, usb lead, power supply, Cubase LE4 and original manual. Not sure if i still have the box but ill have a look Fantastic bit of kit but dont use it half as much as I should so Im wanting to sell for [size=5]£70[/size] including P&P [url="http://www.zoom.co.jp/english/products/b21u/"]Details here[/url] [size=4]Ibanez PD7 Distortion/Overdrive Pedal[/size] Bought this off basschat last week some time. Nice sounding pedal with plenty of tones but not really my cup of tea. I want what I paid for this which was [size=5]£28[/size] delivered [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nR_6oM3ijFg"]Youtube Demo![/url] Pics to come soon! Open to any trades but havent got anything particular in mind
  25. Anybody know where I can find an accurate tab for this song please??
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