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Beedster last won the day on January 24

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About Beedster

  • Birthday 22/06/1964

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  1. Lovely bass 👍
  2. That was my first thought also
  3. That’s a proper Jazz 👍
  4. A credit to the forum 👍
  5. 100% this, the other two are way too showy 👍
  6. IMO the simple answer to this comes in two parts.... 1. Depends on the drug 2. Depends on the player Just like everything else in life really 🤔
  7. Dude you really don't have much luck, frankly Id just get your cash refunded and not worry too much about not having a bass that wasn't your first choice anyway 👍 A few of us were in the pub a few years ago and one of the gang described at length the catalogue of disasters that had been his last 10 years of buying new cars, finding them faulty, getting them repaired and/or then replaced. It was pretty amusing albeit not for him (he has more cash than sense being a big part of it). He finished his tale of woe with 'What the f***'s a bloke supposed to do...?", to which came the almost unanimous reply 'Stop buying new cars" That probably wasn't much help 🤔
  8. Good stuff, important to have a bass that calls to you 👍
  9. Agreed, it’s the ‘we don’t give a f***’ attitude of the whole process that can be quite draining. Glad it was sorted Russ 👍
  10. It would be a pleasure @neepheid 👍
  11. I'm going to target future gear sales on the basis of BCers I'd like to meet and who reside in nice destinations on that basis
  12. ...I'm trying to find the link, but IIRC the irony was that the tube was about the only bit of the head that had survived the drop 👍
  13. I'll see your £800 TE and play my £4000 '73 Precision left on a neighbour's doorstep by DHL. In the rain. This is why two weeks ago when I sold a couple of basses I jumped on a train and had a lovely couple of pints with the buyer and handed them over in person. Possibly worse for my wallet, but way better for my mental health 👍 I
  14. In principle I don't think paying for insurance is the problem, that's a simple business device to give customers choice, take the risk or don't. What is criminal is that so many people find that when they make a claim the firm simply draws their attention to the small print and don't pay. I'd hazard a guess that in the case of 80% of the gear sold on basschat and then insured, the courier would be able to refuse to pay (IIRC there was an issue a while back when a driver dropped an amp head and pretty much smashed it. The customer sent photographs to the courier who replied after a pretty long saying that there was clear evidence of glass in the photos - a single pre-amp tube - and that given items containing glass were not covered in their policy, they would not be paying out) 😡.
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