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Everything posted by Beedster

  1. That’s real wear though, not deliberate aging from new
  2. Not just basses, also clothes, furniture, decor, even buildings. Crazy world πŸ€”
  3. Ah, thanks mate πŸ‘
  4. Thanks, if that was for me I try not to use tabs unless I'm really stuck, I much prefer to work it out by ear πŸ‘
  5. We do an album gig (rehearse an album for 3-months, gig it once and once only, and move on). I have floated Rattus Norvegicus for three reasons 1. It's a f***ing awesome album 2. We have a sublimely talented keys player 3. I'm a bass player Fingers crossed on that album, but otherwise yes, @Si600 you are a lucky man πŸ‘
  6. Lovely playing and tone πŸ‘ .....but that's a Precision Bass surely (a compliment BTW)?
  7. I suspect @wateroftyne hit the nail on the head πŸ‘
  8. Late 80s β€˜Rays are vintage in all meanings of the word πŸ‘
  9. Hope you’ve got a string winder πŸ‘ Time to settle varies with strings and playing volume, Spiros not the worst for sure - that prize goes to guts - but give it a few days before you gig
  10. You lucky b******d πŸ‘
  11. Margate, mmmm, wonder who that was πŸ€”
  12. Nice one. Re Apple ignoring your ticket, workarounds are more fun and often more useful πŸ‘
  13. People either hope for an impulsive buyer or expect to be haggled down, either way for a seller it always make sense to start high πŸ‘
  14. Ha ha, fair point, explaining why 70's Carlsbro' and H&H are rarely described as vintage, but 70's Fenders most certainly are perhaps
  15. I think that while generalisable quantitative parameters such as 30 years can be used to define 'vintage', among musicians it more often describes a golden age, perhaps more like a wine. For example, I might be wrong but I see the word used a lot to describe 1070's Fenders/MMs/Rics - at least one of which had a golden decade in the 70's (I'll leave that up to you reader) - but less to describe, for example Carlsbro' or H&H amps from the same period, neither of which IME had a golden 70's. Probably a very subjective view
  16. You're right Steve, none at all, likewise PayPal friends and family. If in doubt always use the standard PayPal with fees which allows you to secure a refund. This of course - ironically - means that as a seller you have to also be. a little careful who you sell to if using standard PayPal
  17. ...and amusingly I've had at least a couple of sellers say "I don't do PayPal because I don't like their morals.....". Yet they're still prepared to use the banks
  18. I think it looks fine, for me it's the edges as much as the flat surface that bring the sense of authenticity, and those edges look good to me Brian. Some pickguards really do look rubbish and are to be avoided by all conscientious bassists, but given the majority that aren't, it's best not to overthink them or we find ourselves in a situation in which no pickguard is ever good enough
  19. There are people on here I know and trust with whom a bank transfer is no problem at all. There are other people I don't know so I check their feedback thread, and given the place that Basschat is, there's a fairly good chance that several members have dealt with them successfully, which is reassuring. In other cases, if I'm buying blind so to speak, I'd need an extra layer of security provided by PayPal, in which case I pay the small % transaction fee so the buyer gets the total amount. When a seller I don't know or doesn't have feedback says "I don't accept PayPal, it's bank transfer or nothing", it tends to be the latter
  20. I was gutted when my band Led Zeppelin discover a namesake 😑 Move on, new name, it is only a word πŸ‘
  21. I suspect Elon's school reports often alluded to his short attention span
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