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Everything posted by Beedster

  1. Reminds me of a mate from Tyneside who had some ceramics installed to a very high standard in his kitchen by a tradesman who went by the name of The Bonny Tyler πŸ‘
  2. Thoughts are with you mate πŸ‘
  3. That it appears to be held in high regard guarantees I will give it another listen I assure you πŸ‘
  4. I suspect that in the final analysis our children are our harshest critics. It's easy to look at the way a person behaved at a point in time and think "I would never have done that". But of course, we were never that person in that situation, and none of us have the slightest idea what that felt like or more importantly, what the options might have been. Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes, and as is very clear from the film, his shoes were not easy to walk in, metaphorically or otherwise
  5. Absolutely agree, sobering that I was the same age as she is now when RN was released, feels like yesterday, but great that we can enjoy the same music πŸ™
  6. Cheaper version? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/304630232348?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=4SZQblGJQim&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=155UlNbXQGW&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  7. Trust me mate, I was there (part of the problem)! It'll grow I'm sure, just a bit removed from what I've been listening to, thanks for the head's up πŸ‘
  8. Just went back to RN and it just feels better πŸ‘ And playing it to my kids during supper, we got to Hanging Around and my 10 year old daughter said "I love this song Dad" "Wow, have you heard me playing it before? "No Dad, it's on TikTok" Not sure of that's a good thing or a bad thing, but it's a thing
  9. You Sir are in the wrong profession (unless you're a professional mind reader) πŸ‘
  10. With the exception of Duchess, The Raven isn't working for me at present, feels a little too like Stranglers-Light for me, everything a little too precise and, well nice. Couple of tracks a bit too early 80's generic pop, and a couple of moments of real Trevor Horne/Buggles/Propaganda that really pushed back at me. Will give it another listen but feels a long way emotionally from Rattus?
  11. Actually, the J-PUP is why i like it, I'd almost certainly replace the mudbucker with something a little less, well muddy, but there's something deeply mongrel about this bass that makes me smile. I suspect it's going to need a play first however
  12. Hi Celeste, I'll drop you a PM now (private message), click on the envelop icon at the top right of the page to find it Cheers Chris
  13. That is the next album on my list today πŸ‘
  14. I think at the time the front cover was quite shocking and therefore in keeping with the band and the music. But yes, today the back seems so much better
  15. And of course while front cover was good.... The back cover is one of the most iconic in rock history
  16. Fenderbird has often appealed πŸ‘
  17. Funny isn't it, Gibson crap at basses* but great acoustics, Fender....... * Apologies to owner of Gibson basses but I've never found one I liked
  18. I'm also discouraged by the fact that the only time I bought from their website in the past I received a very unapologetic (note the 'un') email the following day indicating that the bass had sold already, despite the fact that their website had been very happy to take my cash anyway!
  19. Bloody dog's done another Motley on the drive.......
  20. I like that. "Careful mate, you're only a guitarist and that's a heavy plectrum, you'll put your Fleetwood out if you're not careful"
  21. BG not exactly expansive in their descriptions are they πŸ€”
  22. Yep I had one, it was very nice but the pre-amp was something of an acquired taste
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