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Posts posted by Beedster

  1. [quote name='rayfw' post='161660' date='Mar 22 2008, 01:34 AM']Never seen one before. Wonder how it sounds?

    Can't help thinking that there was a good reaons for putting the Stingray humbucker closer to the bridge?

  2. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='161920' date='Mar 22 2008, 07:12 PM']In crude terms think P sound rather than Jazz! Fuller, minus the hum that you 'sometimes' get with SC. I think Dimarzio did a lot of Jazz style pups back in the 70/80s that were this style. Many of the big names (EMG Bartolini etc.) offer this config of HBing Jazz style pup. The view by some is that you lose some of the clarity and openness of the classic SC Jazz pup and I'd tend to agree but it depends on what you are after.[/quote]

    Cheers John, thought that might be the case. As the bass I took it from is now a fretless, it'sprobably best that I've replaced it with an SC (i.e., provides greater tonal range than two humbuckers)

  3. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='161881' date='Mar 22 2008, 06:08 PM']Jim rewound the pup in my '72 P ages ago. He did a good job.. it's lovely.

    He actually supported us at a gig last summer - it was the first time he'd done a gig for years. I had a good old chat with him when I found out who he was. Nice fella.

    He was Chris Rea's tech back in the old days, by the way.[/quote]

    Cheers mate, good to know it's got some pedigree. It came out of my '73 P/J and was aparently in there when the previous owner bought it in the 80's. It was really overpowered by the P-PUP - largely because the J-PUP is positioned right up against the bridge - so I got Wizard to overwind me a replacement. I think I'm gonna put this in another bass and see how it goes.
    PS did you buy that maple fretless?

  4. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='161865' date='Mar 22 2008, 05:36 PM']So it's technically not a SC Jazz pup; from the look of it, it's a split coil humbucker in a Jazz casing.

    Not sure who he got to do his pups but if you were desperate to know then take a look at the thread re. 'Howard's Bass Place' in Newcastle. Then possibly contact Howard as he used to do a lot of work with JC so he may be able to help you. Just out of interest have you checked to see if JC is still building guitars/basses?[/quote]

    Cheers John, excuse my ignorance, but what would be the difference between a jazz PUP and a split coil humbucker sound-wise?

  5. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='161846' date='Mar 22 2008, 04:44 PM']Jim Cairns (if it is the same) is a guitar/bass builder from up my neck of the woods, he's been going for ages and he will have no doubt out-sourced his pups etc. How do you know it is a Cairns? I didn't think that he badged his electrics.[/quote]

    Makes sense, I bought the bass from a guy from Newcastle Pic below


  6. Bump for end of auction later today. All currently going at very low prices and given that any decent bass player will be gigging or chatting up a sexy chick at the bar before the gig when the auctions end, there's some bargains here. Note that if you bid after 7.30 we'll all know that you're a sad bloke in alone on a Saturday night :)
    Any of the stuff above can be collected at the Bash

  7. Shops have their place. 4.30pm Saturday when you're setting up and break a string, blow a fuse or realise you've left a strap at home, Thomman ain't no use to you. I lived within a mile of 3 guitar shops until recently and was quite happy to pay over the odds (i.e., internet prices) for strings etc to go in, have a chat, have a laugh and know that if there's any problem, I can take the stuff back and get a refund the same day. All three shops would say "any problem, bring 'em back", and a couple would even be quite happy to give me stiuff on the basis of "take it, if you like it, drop the money in later, if not, bring it back".
    The flip side is that about 50% of what I've ordered online has been either the wrong item, sub-standard, or has simply never arrived. OK, I've usually got a refund, but a refund doesn't help a lot if you've only got three strings!
    I guess that in life you get what you pay for :)

  8. Bob/Nik, looks like the stag do isn't happening next weekend ( ;) ) so I will be at the bash. Bob, I'll bring the Ovation if that's good for you? Nik, if you want the H&K it's on ebay and to be honest, the way it's looking I think you'll probably get it cheaper than the price we originally agreed (my Trace head, Marshall cab and Carlsboro power amp are there too if anyoine's interested - I could bring anything you win to Northants)! Re basses, I'm gonna bring a '70s Precision. Or two. Or three. Or..... :)

    Looking forward to catching up with the bass playing community and to talking my usual level of crap to you all in person as opposed to online :huh:


  9. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='161313' date='Mar 21 2008, 10:48 AM']I really fancy offering you some cash for the Trace Elliot head Chris but I can't see me getting to MK anytime soon to pick it up.


    Hell o mate
    Yes, it's alovely head, I'm not quite syure why no-one bought it first timne around? I can certainly hold it for you (although you'd need to bung me the Paypal as I've got sonme new stuff to pay for...)

  10. Trade wasn't really what I was looking for I'm afraid. I think I've found a good fat-necked Precision for sale, so I'm going to go for a straight sale for this. The bass is currently fitted with an SD SPB-3 quarterpounder and a BADASS II - it having a maple board I've been using it more for slap/funk. The PUP is currently wired straight to the output jack (can't see the point in rolling off the tone on an SPB-3, defeats the whole point in having it, and I never use the volume anyway :huh: ). Bridge, PUP and roundwounds provide a pretty contemporary Precision rock/funk/slap tone, albeit from a vintage instrument. However, I will sell the bass as is but WITH the original '75 Fender PUP AND original '75 Fender bridge for £950 (that's both bridges and both PUPs). That way you have the option of vintage tones with the original Fender parts (and I'll even bung in some flats), or more modern tones with the current setup. Can't say fairer than that :)

    I'm happy to meet buyer on the M1 somewhere. I also have to travel up North quite soon to deliver the Shergold I sold to Darren many moons back, so might be able to travel further if needs be.


  11. [quote name='The Burpster' post='158613' date='Mar 16 2008, 09:36 PM']Sold to the waster previously mentioned.......

    ME....! :huh:[/quote]

    In a strangely karmic way, given that Bob PM'd me pretty much the day I bought the Ovation and said he wanted it, he now has it. Apologies to the several other guys who were interested. If I know BC, it'll be back around agaibn soon :)

  12. [quote name='molan' post='158521' date='Mar 16 2008, 07:27 PM']How deep is the bowl back?

    I fancy an acoustic just for noodling around at home really so would probably play it most often just sitting on a sofa!

    I also know a couple of guitarists who play acoustic so could maybe use it for jamming with them.[/quote]

    Hi molan
    It has a shallow bowl, very playable even on the comfiest of sofas, see pics below



  13. [quote name='queenofthedepths' post='158263' date='Mar 16 2008, 12:21 AM']Of course - it's a historical artifact and although it's no different physically from being played by Jaco, it does have great historical value, just like paintings in art galleries (you wouldn't pay to see a bunch of prints that you could just look at online, would you?)[/quote]

    To use the painting metaphor, Jaco's bass is more like a set of Rembrandt's paintbrushes than one of Rembrandt's paintings. Jaco's legacy is his performances, not his instrument. He would have sounded as good on any other bass, whilst very few players would have sounded/will ever sound as good on tha bass in question. Ergo, it's not the bass that's historically important.

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