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Posts posted by Beedster

  1. [quote name='OldGit' post='127798' date='Jan 25 2008, 03:19 PM']Wait til you are old and your arms, shoulders and back are shagged, not from playing wearing a 12 lb Stingray but from carrying your rig. or worse, the drummer's gadget box or a PA cab ...
    Then you'll wish you listened to us young man :)

    [b]Old[/b] Git[/quote]

    LOL :huh:
    Long time since anyone called me 'young man'!

  2. Real men carry their gear and don't wheel it around like a bloody air stewardess :huh:
    Is it just me or has there been a recent 'trollyisation' of everyday life? You get off a train these days and get held up behind a queue of otherwise fit and healthy men wheeling what are clearly small and lightweight bags on an inherently unstable trolly as if they were in fact moving a grand piano up a 20% hill. The bloody things invariably require their puny-limbed owners to make numerous adjustments before/during/after stairs, corners, kerbs, cracks in the pavement etc and the resultant slowing of everything else whilst 20 or 30 wimps make said adjustments at the same time renders me utterly speechless.
    I have however found that the odd word of encouragment such as "do you need a hand carrying your bag love" to a bloke in his mid 20's struggling to get his 10kg trolly bag down the stairs does the trick.
    Well, it makes me feel better anyway ;)
    Take home message: If you can't carry it, buy a smaller one!
    Rant over :)

  3. I've owned four Fender Custom Shop basses and none of them were much better as instruments than their USA and often MIJ counterparts (I should however add that three of these were Jazzes and I have now realised that I just don't like Jazzes very much, so that might be a factor :)) . You can't blame Fender for recognising that their basic product is quite cheap for a top-end musical instrument, and for wanting to market higher priced basses. The problem is that, unlike buying two models of the same car, a 50% increase in Fender Bass price doesn't seem to equate to a 50% increase in quality or performance. I really do think that you pay £500-£1000 for the Custom Shop stamp on the back of the headstock and the neckplate, or in this case, for the fact that a guy with a reputation built the whole thing.
    It must really bug the marketing guys at Fender when they look at ebay and see stuff they sold for $200 in the '60's being far more highly prized than anything they can sell for $4000 today :huh:

  4. [quote name='artisan' post='125327' date='Jan 22 2008, 10:44 AM']hi chaps,just ordered a set of Thomastik jazz flats for my jazz bass & i just wondered should i use through the body stringing or good old bridge tail stylee.
    will it make any difference which way i do it ?
    thanks guys. :)[/quote]

    Hello mate
    Depends what you're after - greater sustain or attack perhaps - but I'd generally go from the bridge as opposed to through-body with flats as some flats tend to unwind a little if the angle is too steep at the saddle. I doubt you'd really notice a huge amount of difference sound-wise anyway, TI's have sounded pretty much the same from a Badass or from a Fender bridge in my experience (bloody lovely either way). You might get a slightly stiffer string strung through but then you'd be off-setting one of the great characteristics of TIs, their flexibility.

  5. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='114752' date='Jan 6 2008, 04:03 PM']Nice basses...

    This made me chuckle though: [i]"Beedster Sig. P Mk. I"[/i] but then again, the Beedster does have a way of working his basses..... :huh:[/quote]

    On reflection, I suspect that selling that bass, a bass I spent about 3 months putting together (about a month of which involved the fine sanding of the neck pocket to get a pretty bloody close fit with the heel), will go down as one of my great bass management errors. However, that fact that I sold it to Sparky, who is not only one of the nicest guys I've met on here, but is a guy who I suspect will own the bass until his grandson gets his first record deal in about 50 years time, makes it feel like it was the right move.

    Sparky, content yourself that you've got probably the second best Precision I've ever played :) , with almost certainly the best neck ;) . I think the SPB2 was the right PUP for the music you play, but I think that had I had put an old 70's Fender PUP in there, or even an SPB1, it might have ranked number 1 overall.....

    Look after it mate, and remember that if you ever sell, I have first refusal ;)


  6. Should add to this that Mighty Mite are very good, Warmoth are probably even better, however Warmoth are far more expensive. The Mighty Mite neck on Sparky's Precision is however WITHOUT DOUBT the sweetest Precision neck I've ever played.
    Why did I seell that bass? :)

  7. [quote name='Gray' post='114986' date='Jan 6 2008, 09:21 PM']Hi,

    For Sale

    6 way rackmount mains supply. Great for tidying up your rack. 6 x 13 amp mains sockets out (not kettle lead outputs) Standard 19'' rack. Have 4 of these units for sale at £20 + postage each.

    1 x 4U ABS Flightcase (SKB Copy) bit battered and doors a bit loose. Offers

    1 x 6U ABS Flightcase (SKB Copy) gigged but in good tidy conditon. Offers

    Any questions please email [email protected]



    Think I probably need one of these mains supplies but can't quite picture what I'd be getting :) Any pics/links?

  8. Hi all
    Got a new set of La Bella Deep Talkin' flates a couple of weeks back and the g-string is very zingy compared to the rest. I can't remember if this was the case with the last set I bought but they're so old now it's hard to tell. Is this zinngyness usual for LBDT strings or should I send them back?

  9. Hey Groove55
    To repeat what I said above, sorry to hear about your problems. Not wishing to make you feel any worse about things - and I'm not addressing this to you but really to BCers generally - I think that the best way of policing sales on the site is through the buyer. That is, check the seller's feedback AND their posts. If there's none of the former, you get a very good idea about someone from the latter. I've bought basses on here without even seeing them, let alone playing them, because posts by the sellers (e.g., gents such as Mike, Dr Dave, Marcus and many more) demonstrated not only that they knew their stuff and played quality instruments, but had been regular posters and had done deals on the site previsouly without problem. There's alot of goodwill on here and I hope you get your bass sorted. I have a huge pile of spare PBass parts so let me know if there's anything specific you need. The poor PUP aligment you mention for example might simply be the result of a crap/poorly fitted pickguard as much as anything substantial with the bass per se, so a few quality parts might sort things. As for the dents etc, mate, that's what Precision owners call Mojo - leave them :) .

  10. [quote name='phsycoandy' post='124342' date='Jan 21 2008, 08:12 AM']Thanks for the advice, thankfully this is a one off thats been sprung on me......[/quote]

    Stick some foam under the string at the bridge, gives you the muted thump without requiring any technical stuf with the fingers (the old Precisions would have had foam string mutes under the bridge cover). Means you can play the same lines faster also.
    Check out his concert from '68 with the TCB (Taking Care of Business) band. It was the bass playing on this as much as anything that convinced me that the bass was the instrument to play. In 'Suspicious Minds' - which sets off at a pretty frantic pace anyway - the bassist just goes off on one in an almost Entwhistle-esque style, whilst stil holding down a great groove. I think Elvis realised something special was happening 'cos at about the same point in the song he just stops singing and throws a few shapes (either that or a cheeseburger was repeating on him). Either way, pure rock 'n' roll.
    PS if your band aren't doing Suspicious Minds, ask them too. Play it a little up tempo and it's a bass player's dream :)

  11. [quote name='Mike' post='122634' date='Jan 18 2008, 08:25 AM']It would be nice if the differences could be resolved.[/quote]

    Indeed, personal differences - no matter how extreme - should never be a factor in such situations. Antagonism often breeds creativity and pushes things forwards. How many singers/guitarists/bassists/drummers have hated each other but produced great music as a result :)

  12. [quote name='ped' post='122539' date='Jan 17 2008, 11:46 PM']Not really - well I mean we [i]could[/i] but Thumper was banned because of personal issues between him and Kiwi. A shame but I think they have burnt all their bridges now![/quote]

    I'm sure he's here somewhere :huh: , and if he is, good on him, he was one of the most entertaining and knowledgable guys on here and the site, albeit still a great resource, is slightly less so for his absence :)

  13. [quote name='bassbloke' post='122267' date='Jan 17 2008, 04:18 PM']I reckon Groove65 might have some recourse - description says great condition. I would give my local CAB a call and ask if it's possible to initiate county court action in the case of a second hand item either described improperly or improperly packaged for shipping.

    Even better, I do believe that Melfaso would be obliged to attend a county court hearing at the court in which the papers were filed if it went ahead.[/quote]

    I might be wrong, but I used to assume Paypal would only act in the case of an ebay item, but I seem to remeber being told that they act in any transaction in which Paypal is used as the means of payment between two account holders. I might be wrong and if so I'm sure someone will correct me. If however I'm right, I recommend that Groove65 get on the case pretty quick as I believe there might be a limited time in which to make a claim.

  14. Nice idea to help a fellow BCer out, but I would rather that BCer do the right thing and pursue the seller for his money back. He has sufficient details to do so and Paypal are actually quite helpful in such situations. If however the bass was bought unseen and the buyer agreed to buy on those terms, I think a good lesson has been learned.

    As I'm sure a few guys are aware, there are a couple of absolute **** on this site and I suspect that they change their IDs quite regularly despite no doubt every effort by the mods to prevent this. Selling basses on here is like shooting fish; people get ever so excited by a jazz with block inlays or similar and rarely do any of the types of probing questions to be found on ebay listings get asked here ("can I have a pic of the serial or the neck pocket"; "where did you get the bass" etc etc). I think the old Bassworld was better in this respect; the BC mod policy is to my mind a little too hostile towards posts in For Sale threads that are even slightly negative in tone to the seller - no disrespect mods, you do a great job and we're all very appreciative, I just think that part of the fun - and security - of BW was the fact that posting in For Sale was often a bit risky :). I got a load of grief for allegedly over-pricing my first listing (yes, a Precision), but thoroughly enjoyed the banter and made a lot of friends very quickly.

    Anyway, I'm rambling; if the For Sale forum was a little less PC and a little more honest - that is, slightly harder to sell on - I think cases like the one above might be less likely to happen again in future.

    All the best to the buyer in this situation. If it's any consolation, most of us have done the same


  15. [quote name='paul h' post='119991' date='Jan 14 2008, 11:15 AM']I put together a neck-thru from Brandoni which I left completely unfinished.

    I gigged it and abused it quite heavily for about a year and never had a single problem with it. It stayed in tune and the intonation was fine. Allowing for normal atmospheric changes, the action barely moved from the set up I gave it on day one.

    I can't guarantee that another bass would perform as well, but IMHO a bit of relicing should not affect performance in the slightest.


    Precisely not what I was told by an experienced and well-respected luthier recently :)
    Hey, it worked for you Paul, so I certainly can't say he's right and you're wrong. I would certainly advise caution however.

  16. On the bay folks


    Would also consider trade/PX for acoustic bass........?


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