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Posts posted by Beedster

  1. I've recently rotated all three SDs on a few Precisions. I LOVE the SPB3 on a maple neck with rounds, it provides a very lively tone which is great for funk, rock and slap, but perhaps in line with the posts above, is not really what I would call Precisiony. I think the SPB3 is also a great PUP to have on a fretless Precision, as it really does accentuate the harmonics. However, the two fretless Precisions I've tried it on also have J-PUPs at the bridge so it's possible that were it on it's own on a fretless, it might lack mids. The SPB2 to my ear sounded like an original Fender PUP on steroids, certainly not muddy at all, just less bright than the SBP3; sounded like a Precision and was good with rounds and flats on maple and rosewood alike. I A-B'd the 2 and 3 on the Precision I recently put together and sold to Sparky, and there's no doubt that the SPB2 sounded more authentic Fender; in fact the 3 made it sound almost active. The SPB1 sounds just like a 70s Fender PUP to me, simple as that.

  2. As I understand it, relicing a neck by taking off some or all of the finish can cause problems with intonation and action. When a neck is played for years and the finish is worn as a consequence of this, that finish is effectively replaced by the oils and grease (and dirt) from the hands, and these bestow a degree of protection against the potentially negative effects of changes in humidity and other sources of moisture (e.g., sweat). However, simply removing finish from a neck without refinishing the wood with a moisture-proof agent could leave you with a neck that will require frequent adjustment to maintain correct intonation and action.
    Just in case you were tempted to get the sandpaper out :)

  3. [quote name='steve-norris' post='119198' date='Jan 12 2008, 05:23 PM']Where are you moving to then chris? nice place you were living, my trip down brought back a few memories. I may be up for the zoom at the end of the month if it's still around, depending on my ongoing Dolphin restoration.


    Hi Steve
    Yes, the old Beedster Towers was my fave place to date, shame to be moving on really. Heading to Bucks for 6 months then London in the Summer and for the foreseable future. Exciting times, although moving house does make you realise how many cabs and combos (and basses) one has acquired!

  4. [quote name='gafbass02' post='119111' date='Jan 12 2008, 01:14 PM']Im also considering a 70s fender at the mo, although it would really have to be a jazz, or possibly also a p with j pup, but i dont know where to look online for dealers tbh, anyone know good places?, i d love a jazz from 75-77 ish[/quote]

    If Water of Tyne's still got his I'd contact him (I don't like Jazzes but even I was tempted to buy it). If not, ebay, unless you are prepared to part with a lot of cash for one at a dealer's. All the usual rules appliy: don't buy without seeing/playing first, if you don't know enought about vintage stuff to be sure that what you're buying is kosher, take with you someone who does etc etc.
    Good luck

  5. I had the same experience Homer, I ordered a Thumper and a great overwound J-PUP for my 73P which arrived the same day as I sent Andy the cheque! It really renews my faith in the more commercial side of life when you deal with a guy who is both an expert and a really decent bloke. When I contrast him with some of the complete idiots I've come across whose idea of customer service is - to use a real example - telling me in front of other customers that he wouldn't do any work on my bass because I bought it from ebay and that ebay is destroying the music business therefopre my using ebay is literally putting him out of business (despite the fact that the bass in question was an early 70's Precision and despite the fact I didn't see any early 70's Precisions amongst the Staggs and OLPs in his shop and despite the fact I was actually bringing him business), I have to admit I'd probably use Andy even if his PUPs weren't the best I've had (which they are) :)
    I hope some of the above made some sense to someone :huh:

  6. [quote name='Bassassin' post='118522' date='Jan 11 2008, 01:48 PM']Right or wrong saddles, the bridge alignment looks way out, anyway.


    Agreed, if you look at the bridge, the holes for the bridge cover, and the bridge PUP, they certainly don't seem to be well aligned with each other. It's sometimes hard to tell with a Jazz due to the nasymmetrical body, but it does'nt look right either way

  7. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='118493' date='Jan 11 2008, 01:19 PM']...it appears to have the wrong saddles on the bridge.

    He was challenged about this previously, and posted his (incredibly arrogant) responses on the listing.

    Then, it magically disappeared and was relisted without the questions.

    Nice one, Tune-o-matic...[/quote]

    You gotta laugh haven't you. I don't know who's worse, the bloke no doubt making well over £10,000 on a bass, or the idiot who buys it, especially if as WoT suggests (and has been the case previously) the gnome in the attic isn't playing straight about his listing :)

  8. [quote name='bremen' post='118397' date='Jan 11 2008, 10:56 AM']I know I'm incapable of posting without using the word 'warmoth', but you've played my Warmoth P, why not get one of their P necks? As baseballbatty as they come, and you can always put the slim neck back on if you decide to sell the bass. I'll buy the Warmoth neck from you should that be the case.[/quote]

    Hi mate
    Yes, Warmoth neck are stunning, as I remarked when I played yours. It's certainly an option, the only potential problem being one of aesthetics: new maple on old sunbust would look somewhat odd (I know 'cos I've tried). I have certainly considered buying a vintage Fender baseball bat neck from the US, but they can come in very expensive and there is the ever present risk that they are not quite as good as the seller suggests.

  9. OK, this is a long shot and probably not going to happen.

    I bought about three months ago the beautiful '75 Precision below (maple board).

    It's the one on the right.


    It is an absolute stunner and has mojo dripping from it by the ton (or litre? Anyway, whatever unit mojo comes in, it's got plenty). Of my four 70's Precisions, this is the one that makes people go "wow", and sound wise it's everything you'd expect from a classic 70's Precision. It's all original apart from pots and pickguard, which is a not unusual state of affairs.

    PROBLEM: it has a Jazz profile neck. I bought it because I fell in love with how it looked and how it sounded, but much as I have tried and tried, I am not getting on with the skinny neck.

    I am looking for a direct trade - or a trade with a small bit of cash either way - for a similar 70's Precision, certainly with a maple board and ideally sunburst, but it MUST have the classic wide Precision neck, in fact, the more like a baseball bat it is, the better! I would consider a neck trade although I feel that this might present problems of reselling either bass if the necks were non-original.

    Anyone out there got a fat-necked Precision they don't like, this could be your chance to get a slimmer and faster neck :)

    Thanks for looking folks


  10. It's amazing how many crap ebay members have a dodgy appendix or similar when push comes to shove :) I requested a seller's details from ebay a while back, having not received an item I'd paid for after 4 weeks or waiting. When I called the seller, he was furious, became really abusive, wanted to know how I had obtained his phone number, and then said he was going to sue me, sue ebay, pretty much sue everyone, for breach of privacy. Twat ;) However, having pointed out that I also had his address and was planning a visit with my mate Big Dave the coming Saturday to 'retrieve my legal property', I received a refund the same day :huh:
    Good luck with your seller, I'm sure it will work out, but be vigilant and keep the pressure on

  11. A couple of his pieces of work look good I'll admit, but I think that more of them look phoney than don't, and on that basis, I would't want him doing a bass for me. I think he is especially bad at getting the aged appearance where the elbox/forearm rest on the top of the body correct. I've got four vintage basses - and have owned several more - and they all wore very differently to the patterns he's used.
    Still, whatever floats your boat I guess :)

  12. Just a thought, but how did you refund the buyer? If it was via Paypal, get in touch with Paypal ASAP and say that the claim for damage is unsubstatiated and that, as the buyer has yet to provide evidence, and as the courier state that the item has not yet been delivered, you think you might have been conned.
    If you refunded the buyer by cheque, cancel it, if by credit card, see if you can stop the payment.
    Good luck

  13. I knoiw this is of little help, so apologies for posting it, but I suspect you've been a little quick to reimburse the guy. I think ebay suggest reimbursement should only be made if the goods are returned to you as they were delivered, which with such an item, is a system that is easily abused (no one is going to want to pay an expensive international courier fee for a broken and useless amp). That is, it is a loophole that is easily exploited by a dodgy buyer - the amp might be undamaged and the buyer now has an amp and the cash? You have acted in good faith so I hope the above is not the case

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