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Everything posted by Owno

  1. I fully agree! The LaBella’s are my favourite as well. I just had my 78’ setup with a fresh set of said strings last week after trying rounds for a while. It felt at home immediately and it plays and sound so much better.
  2. Great move, indeed. I can highly recommend the LaBella Mustang flats (for a vintage vibe) or Dunlop steel flats (for a tad more zing the first couple of months).
  3. …and they sound even more even across the fretboard strung with flatwound strings! Try it if you haven’t already.
  4. I agree! Great comparison @greghagger!
  5. The JMJ I had some couple of years ago was also on the heavier side and considerably heavier than my p-bass. My current Mustang, made in 78’ with a beautiful single piece ash body and chunky neck, weighs 4,4kg despite having contours. Shortscales - and perhaps Mustangs in particular - does not necessarily have to be lighter than 34” basses. ☺️ I can highly recommend trying a 70’s Mustang in alder. They weigh around 3 to 3,5kg and the pickups are second to none if you’re looking for a p-bass vibe.
  6. I use a Mono Sleeve guitar case for my Mustang and it works great. Not the cheapest case, but it is great for most short scale basses. I kind of wish I bought the Mono m80 instead as it is a bit more sturdy so that would be my recommendation.
  7. New bass day! 78’ Mustang in translucent wine-red. The picture does not do the beautiful ash body justice. What a find!
  8. The L’il Fella is one of the best fuzz pedals I have tried and it has not left the pedalboard since I bought it! 🎸
  9. New bass day! Hagström hIIbn from 1975. A thing of beauty and it plays great! Surprisingly resonant and light considering it is made of birch as well. Chords sound beautiful with both pickups engaged and it sounds absolutely massive cranked up.
  10. What’s the general opinion on the Trent Guitars basses? Has anyone tried their mk1 bass?
  11. Owno


    I noticed now that you have the Aguilar Tonehammer 350 as well. I have paired my Barefaced SC with a TH500 amp and it is by far the best combination of amp and cab I have had!
  12. Owno


    Having tried both, I must say that the Barefaced Super Compact is superior to the Aguilar SL. Go for it!
  13. I believe my Serek Midwestern bass has got a 40mm neck. It is amazing! Chunky as a 70's P bass neck, yet more narrow nut width.
  14. I see. Personally, I tend to find the PJB combos to be a bit too transparent, but the Double 4 really is a beautiful piece of equipment for what it is. Good luck with the search for an amp! My advice would be a lightweight cab and class-D amp. It is such a versatile combination. And I haven't tried any better cabinets than the Brighton made Barefaced cabs to be honest.
  15. I use a Barefaced Super Compact (a 12 inch speaker and no tweeter in a neat package) paired with my Aguilar Tonehammer 500. I toss the Tonehammer in the gig bag and carry the cab (about 10 kilo) with one hand. I highly recommend that combination! The Markbass CMD121, AER or EICH amps might be better alternatives for you if you are set on a high-end combo rather than amp and cab. Edit: I just noticed that you use a PJB combo right now. Why don't you get yourself a Bass Cub 120 or a Phil Jones Brief Case combo if you like the sound you get from your current amp? There is always the possibility of adding extension cabinets to those combos, right?
  16. The most I have spent on a bass thus far is about £2300/€2600 (a Serek Midwestern) and I can't see myself buying more pricey boutique or vintage basses any time soon. I don't play enough to justify such a purchase and I tend to gel with cheap passive basses.
  17. If you change your mind regarding (international) shipping - shoot me a PM! Someone in Tyne and Wear please buy this bass and put me out of this misery!
  18. This is a thing of beauty!
  19. The Serek gig bag for 30'' basses is a perfect fit for the Mustang as well!
  20. I see! I used it on my nano for years. I flipped it sideways and put my compressor underneath. Together, they used the same amount of space as a Shiftline/Sansamp preamp. I sold my Zvex to buy another drive pedal and boy, do I regret that. I used the Zvex as a set-and-forget OD and for that purpose it was lovely. My second suggestion would be the Mad Professor Amber Drive (for bass, which is available on their website). It sounds huge and is easy to dial in. The WM Smalls Pork & Pickle would be a great compromise as well since it serves as a drive and/or fuzz.
  21. Aguilar Tonehammer 500 run 500w on 4ohm, is pretty lightweight and sounds amazing!
  22. Another vote for the Z.Vex Basstortion!
  23. Owno

    Diamond pedals

    I just noticed that there is one for sale over at Reverb! It is, as E sharp said, a typical always on affair. A great pedal.
  24. The junior version is, what I'm aware, the exact same pedal in a smaller enclosure. I use my pedal all the time (and much as Boodang, I do love the tilt EQ)! I noticed there was a Jr for sale at Reverb just now if you are looking for one.
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