Yeah,nah. Tax law does get tested from time to time but in the main it is very clear, not at all blurry. If you need accounts staff they should be right on top of it.
If you tell them to send funds not to the taxnan but to your other entity then you risk being found to be a criminal. It's very rare for the taxman to lose patience with a criminal and go to court and far rarer still that he loses.
Mostly they get theirs without a whole lot of fuss. If there is jail time on the table most criminals make accommodations before it gets to court. Not even bankruptcy court.
Big time tax criminals occasionally get away too long and spent too much of it, take them on in court vainly hoping to reduce the bill, and mostly lose big time. Not many get jailed but the mansions are no more.
Property developers who mess up a deal wind up unable to pay taxes. The clients going them from the other side tips them over. If they misrepresented something they can wind up in jail owing both. Not pretty.