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Total Watts

  1. How about one bullshit turf war relevant sidetrack per thread before this one gets shut down.
  2. That is good advice for wanting to learn to read before you can learn to read and play walking bass parts. On the other hand I had the rhythm and chart conventions down fine enough from sightreading pretty advanced treble cleft in my school days. It didn't stop me from "reading" bass clef 90% by ear live at rehearsal. I couldn't read the actual notes. I didn't even know the tunes intimately or at all but I could follow the chart. Can't beat that for getting up to speed. So I think using material you know to get playing along isn't such a bad idea for making progress more enjoyable and probably not slower overall. If you find yourself earing it too much it is time to play it solo. A lot of written bass charts for pop tunes are pretty basic arrangements so you can be a bit hardarse about playing what is written to slow your ear down a bit too.
  3. One one guy on the supposed hoax chat stands there saying it is a hoax. It has to be a hoax unless the rest of the media are too weak to call him out on it by asking others to confirm or deny. What's he going to say at the next interview?
  4. I wasn't pay proper attention but our news had one of the not so secret chat participants on canera claiming the whole thing was a hoax. So is that guy going to work at MacDonalds now, or is it a hoax?
  5. A very large chunk of many companies' shares have been issued after they bloomed as 'splits'. The original shareholders can maintain their share or sell down. Another group of shares are the ones issued to employees in liieu of wages. That's a big piece of Elon's wealth. Lots to consider in a wack a coat tail investor scheme.
  6. Yeah,nah. Tax law does get tested from time to time but in the main it is very clear, not at all blurry. If you need accounts staff they should be right on top of it. If you tell them to send funds not to the taxnan but to your other entity then you risk being found to be a criminal. It's very rare for the taxman to lose patience with a criminal and go to court and far rarer still that he loses. Mostly they get theirs without a whole lot of fuss. If there is jail time on the table most criminals make accommodations before it gets to court. Not even bankruptcy court. Big time tax criminals occasionally get away too long and spent too much of it, take them on in court vainly hoping to reduce the bill, and mostly lose big time. Not many get jailed but the mansions are no more. Property developers who mess up a deal wind up unable to pay taxes. The clients going them from the other side tips them over. If they misrepresented something they can wind up in jail owing both. Not pretty.
  7. By an accident of geography NZ is in the 5 eyes! I don't think we know a hell of a lot but we help out in lots of ways.
  8. How much is possible is where the wrong lies. There are plenty of examples of big corporations getting away with blue murder legally.
  9. The European Space Agency might not have the cheap launching that SpaceX can provide but they have a big rocket and can build satellites. Might be sticky for a little while but they would be silly not to have already started planning for their own spy satellites hanging out over Putin and his minions.
  10. I'd like to know how much sales tax let alone taxes on profit Netfix et al paid last year anywhere. Trump wants to talk about ripoffs, start with your own companies. The Canadians already did. SOP for a US multinational is to have the overseas company making no profit. Then little counties wise up and make themselves into tax havens so multinationals can decamp there. Up yours. NZ had to start enforcement on sales tax by rewriting law. The whining, the legal pushnack, the whining and final acceptance. But no profit made in NZ. Whatever. I could quite happily increase GST on foreign supplied goods and services. It's only cheaper for you to distribute your stuff using the postal system out of your offshore base because we let you.
  11. You are no help at all and should have a lot less to say then.
  12. Nah. Eb is most of the repertoire, you mean pedal E open on occasion.
  13. What is YOUR solution.
  14. What is your time saving solution please? Mine is cut off the cash flow to Russia by not buying anything from Russia and supplying armament to Ukraine. Russia can either fold or actually go nuclear. Only Putin can decide at that point and he should take an asylum deal in a hot minute as no dictator is happy being burned to a crisp. Simple.
  15. That is the crock of stuff that Russia is selling. They would have been quite happy absorbing the entire Ukraine as Russian, exterminating Ukrainian culture, and living next door to Nato in Poland. Total bullshit for the ignorant.
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