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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. Bit of both I think. Long live BassChat prevailing civility.
  2. Shook Swizzle was the pick of 3 goes
  3. Search Trump Russian sleeper agent That Gerry Mander bloke has a lot to answer for. He plays on both sides but Republicans really fed him the ball last time.
  4. Bugera, rhymes with stuff that accumulates in nostrils, at least as far as their marketing numbers are worth.
  5. The NZ UK High Commisioner told it like it is about Trump at a meeting of Euro diplomats yesterday. Got sacked today as diplomats are obligated to be diplomatic. Pity.
  6. Never owned more than one cab from anyone.
  7. No. Listen to yourself giving Russia breathing room to re equip and march on. Too bad. Russia upset the peace all by themselves for no reason other than empire building. They can have their buffer in the form of large military free zones both sides of the old border. Either party breaks protocol and the offending hardware is freely shot at from the other side after being warned off. Ukraine kicking it off would be in breach of their Nato membership and be on their own. Russia could try to kick it off with another false flag exercise so keep an extra buffer on the Ukrainian side and blow it up themselves before it gets to the actual zone.
  8. Give them that chunk of Ukrainian verdant farmland and crack on buying their gas. You really think they won't rebuild their war machine that is currently relying on requisitioned Lada's and donkeys? Russians are natural born megalomaniac followers. Give Ukraine hardware and stop buying Russian stuff altogether. Close borders. The deal will be that they back out of Ukraine. If Purin won't take it someone will put a bullet in Putin and take it on his behalf. Arm up using the frozen Russian funds. That isn't inflationary. Lease the Crimean port back for Russian commerce. Everybody play nice for long enough and Russia can even join the EU. That is the long term fear of both the US think tank and Russian oligarchy. Bugger them.
  9. I think an 8ohm 210 would be a good upgrade. If it's not enough you can add another. There is the possibility your amp is being overdriven or the outdoor power supply is suspect. Best to try out a 210 with your amp before buying.
  10. You mean the same inside out upside down jack socket?
  11. At one point he called Vance a bitch, too bad he didn't take the bait. The first thing Europe needs to do in the way of direct involvement is stop buying the freaking Russian gas. The only stuff going in and out of Ruusia should be via China, if they aren't on board. Putin would have to fold or be rolled. Zelenski has plenty of leverage through Europe. It's not like the Ukrainians can't fight on without US munitions. EU makes plenty and so does Ukraine. They lead the way in UAV. But jezz Louise, just stop buying the gas!!
  12. Inside out and upside down. Or is everyone else's????
  13. He just sold one of the same but 115 version. Serious case of serial GAS?
  14. Generally a used GB cabinet in good condition will be a way better value proposition than any new TC cab. It may not be any lighter than the TC combo you are selling though, so you better check on that.
  15. I don't think what Putin wants will have much bearing on the outcome, if any. He will be lucky not to take a flight from the top floor of the Kremlin. The Russians have just about lost their collective ability to wage war. Trump has offered them a false hope of victory from the jaws of defeat. Ukraine is laying waste to Russian oil and gas infrastructure. The Russian navy hides from Ukrainian reach. The air defences are favouring the Kerch bridge so Ukraine lets it stand while they pick off relatively unprotected ammo dumps and air bases. New German government is right behind Ukraine. Now the big players in Europe are all on the same page they should be able to recall the Putin lapdog. Nice fat arms contracts on offer paid for with Russian seized loot.
  16. It turns inside out in the middle. I imagine the double top E is where you stumble? Whereever the stumble happens you need to note how you tried to play it and assess if it is appropriate. Having worked that out I would count rests into the stumbled note and pick it up with the correct pluck or stroke of the lead in note. Practice just that until blue in the face and then go from the start again being sure to arrive on the correct stroke.
  17. I thi k you meant to say ''how much of a cut was made to Trump's cut to make the deal palatable" ? No doubt far too little. If you ask me Ukraine could happily give away the whole cut of unexploited mineral wealth to become part of Nato and send the Russians running for the border. Thankfully there are two bidders. Europe needs to seal a deal before China weighs in. Not that they need 'rare' earth minerals but a breadbasket comes in handy when your own crops fail.
  18. The news says Zelenski has won over a US proposal for what he needs for a deal to he done. If correct, that leaves Putin legless to prevail. I hope it does not mean Zelenski caved on his bottom line of free Ukraine, law abiding member of Nato. Apparently the EU offered some decent terms for the mineral rights. Donald would have been left out of all the goodies except arms sales to Ukraine and EU. Counter offer fired off. My guess is the news is really Donald offered what he thinks Zelenski should accept. No dice, and the European offer will sweeten some more. Other Donald option aside from back and forth is a complete upheaval of the world order to join the US to the Russian side. Top many right thinking people for that. I don't think "King Donald" has enough time to take over the Judiciary and fully subvert the Constitution before Ukraine has prevailed. Cross fingers. The Europeans need to get a wriggle on. Don will of course claim all the credit for peace from knocking heads. Bonus points for reducing the US bill for Nato by 30%. Maybe only 15% if Don really wants a share of the minerals. Someone better not tell him the US is awash with them if they only dig them up. Maybe he is shrewder than he looks for a broke lying cheat of a narcissistic would be medieval King.
  19. Sure. Just turn it down if the cab complains.
  20. I accidentally blew up most of the gig as small stage and 410 in a small pub is wont to do. I wandered out front with my long lead and shocked how loud I was in the mix.
  21. Yeah, I just about busted my boiler shifting a 410 from the drummer's car when I depped. Saved by a young passer by who saw my struggles.
  22. A kick drum mic delivering the aggro. Wow.
  23. Would have to be a permanent anorak wearer to spot what neck is on your bass from the front row. Don't expect them to number 1 at at your shows. Play your lines by finger memory and rock out soaking it all in. Good times.
  24. The quintessential modern day Hippie. I'll make my own way, ta.
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