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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. You should get that seen to with a nerve conduction study to confirm and most likely an MRI so see if there is anything to be done about helping the nerve to regrow.
  2. The cops need calling to get the CCTV of you dropping it off.
  3. On the other side of the pond they liked to say it's impossible to gig with one. Not that they ever tried. Actual gig reports were scorned!
  4. You can raise hell with a big cab too.
  5. Lots more bang for buck with the 12" set.
  6. See Tim Wilson YouTube of ubass in gigging action and it may change your mind. I have played mine plenty on stage. With just the right touch sensitive drive pedal and a generally light touch you can get it to overdrive on demand so well you forget you have rubber strings instead of round wounds and a full scale. I kid you not.
  7. Worth mentioning the Genzler 'tweeter' array is doing a lot more than tweeting.
  8. I should learn to bow. Too many obstacles at present. My bow is a piece of junk that needs rehairing as it won't hold any rosin or consequently make hardly a sound. I tried a cello bow. My brain is wired lefty a la violin the other way around. Mind blown, did not see that coming. I am flat broke. I could sell an excess bass and buy a nice enough bow, but will my brain properly untangle from backwards violin playing? I would miss my bass.
  9. A cab with no damping may reflect some mids out the port but not usually enough to be BOTHERSOME. The ports are there to tune the low end. The distance from the back to the front is short enough that the frequencies of interest have time to catch up around the front and still be in phase with the speaker.
  10. Depending how not deep you need you can port sideways to get the length in. Damping at least the back panel will be a good idea.
  11. Therefore you have solved a problem by hanging onto it all. Think of all the time saved in not shopping for more stuff to not play. Think of all the time you have saved your bass playing brothers by not listing it for sale for them to obsess over not buying until one caves in. You are doing everyone a favour.
  12. I remember the hook or the chorus, which is usually the same thing but not always, then fast forward back to the verse.
  13. What exactly is the aim here? It's not exactly hard to find a picture of a bass you don't own and chop in a postcard under strings and over headstock.
  14. Ever heard of photoshop?
  15. Be aware that side by side rigs will damp the low end from the working one.
  16. Myth that will never die. If the PA sound out front is EQ'd to the room the cab sound will only require minimal tweakage. Requires the band to have a good stage mix of their own sounds. That is what pro bands do. It is far easier to EQ the PA to the room than EQ every channel to the room. I get really tired of being told my E string is boomy when we play the town hall. The bloody hall is boomy. It rings like a bell at 80hz.
  17. Any idea how some radio stations get away with so much more loudness than others?
  18. Define pro gig. One would hope that any gig that required a mic on bass cab would have paid sound crew doing it. Never mind the band of wannabe pro musicians.1 I guess it shows you don't need to get paid very much to call yourself professional sound crew and not all pro gigs are equal. In case of OP I am not too sure but I think he is used to being paid? Perhaps the folks that comment on his FB feed are mere wannabes who only get volunteers for sound crew.
  19. It is music intended for the AM radio of old, and old playback systems that sub frequencies only gave problems. Modern stuff on FM seems to get my sub going.
  20. Maybe you could switch mode the input supply but sfa to be done about the output transformer. It would take a big lump of transformer out of the equation that says it's too heavy to bother with but it would still be blimmin' heavy.
  21. To watt end?
  22. That's fair. But what do you call a backup to the backup? Asking for a friend.
  23. The DBS stuff was new when I was shopping for my for my first real amp. My mentor had a Jubilee which was an absolute monster, when it was working, which it wasn't far too often so I got the Trace Elliot.
  24. I don't know what you are doing with such a big cab when getting PA support. You may as well DI it as the cab reproduces flat enough that the DI would likely be closer to the cab sound than best mic job you could do.
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